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考研英语一2023年色达县临考冲刺试题Section I Use of EnglishDirections:Read the following text. Choose the best word(s) for each numbered blank and mark A, B, C or D on the ANSWER SHEET. (10 points)The inhalation (吸入) of asbestos particles is associated with a number of lung diseases, such as asbestosis and _50_ cancer.Asbestosis is caused by the entry of asbestos particles into the wall of the alveoli, causing scarring which limits the functioning of the lungs. The lung _51_ its elasticity and may change shape. The initial symptoms of asbestosis are a tightness in the chest and breathlessness. In its _52_ stages, sufferers develop the barrel-shaped chests associated with emphysema, cyanosis, (where the skin takes a bluish _53_ ) and club fingers.Lung cancer, the generic _54_ for malignant tumors(肿瘤)of the alveoli and bronchial tubes, has been shown to be directly _55_ to the inhalation of asbestos particles. As in the case of asbestosis, there is generally a period of inactiveness which may _56_ from 25 to 30 years after initial exposure, despite the _57_of further exposure. Research suggests that there is a direct correlation between the degree of exposure to asbestos _58_the incidence of lung cancer. Where exposure occurs, the level of risk is further _59_ by cigarette smoking. Asbestos workers who smoke cigarettes have a 90% greater risk of catching lung cancer than workers who do not _60_. Exposure to blue asbestos has been shown to producemesothelioma, a rare cancer of the outer lining of the lung or pleura. In a normal population the incidence of mesothelioma is extremely _61_. Where epidemiological surveys have revealed a higher incidence of the disease, it is almost always related to _62_ exposure._63_ changes in lung tissue caused by exposure to asbestos are pleural plaques and effusions. The former refer to a thickening of the lining of the chest wall, _64_ the latter consists of a collection of fluid in the chest region outside the lungs. Pleural plaques commonly remain undiagnosed and generally have no detrimental effect on health.1、AskinBbloodCliverDlung2、AlosesBgainsCimprovesDtightens3、AearlyBformalClaterDfinal4、AsizeBcolorCsoundDsmell5、AnounBtermCwayDapproach6、ArelatedBrevealedCcomparedDexposed7、AdisappearBspreadCliveDextend8、ApresenceBactivenessCabsenceDintensity9、AandBalongsideCas well asDplus10、AdecreasedBlostCdoubledDincreased11、AdietBdrinkCsmokeDfare12、AhighBlowCcommonDfrequent13、AleadBasbestosCcarbonDhydrogen14、AThreeBSomeCNoDOther15、Ain caseBnow thatCwhereasDunlessSection II Reading ComprehensionPart ADirections:Read the following four texts. Answer the questions below each text by choosing A, B, C or D. Mark your answers on the ANSWER SHEET. (40 points)Text 1Iv worked part time since taking early retirement ten years ago. I was inspired by an older friend. We worked for the same company, and he retired two years before I was also considered “spare”, as some companies call it.Soon after I left work, we had lunch together. First, he assured me that there was life after work. Then he related his own experience. He didnt want to take another full-time job, so he turned his daughters old bedroom into a home office. He arranged for some consulting work from our old company, and he picked up more projects from other contacts. Soon he was working 20 to 30 hours a week. He wasnt making as much money. His kids were grown-up, so he didnt need as much income. “As soon as I left that job,” he told me, “my back problems went away. I started to eat better and get more exercise, I make half as much money, but I feel twice as good, and Im twice as happy.”I decided to follow a similar track. At the time, my younger child almost finished college, so my parental responsibilities were winding down. We sold our old house and moved into a townhouse. I went to work for myself. And the result? Today I, too, make less money. But we make ends meet. And I feel twice as good and twice as happy.Our experience isnt for everybody. But a lot of people have retired early and lived to tell the tale, which proves it possible. Jack, another friend, was a salesman for a communication firm. He had a long distance to work and did a lot of traveling. He decided to leave the corporate world, in part because he had health problems and he wanted to spend more time with his family. Later, he quit his job with flexible hours and was restored to his health. And now he has found a part-time job, and he, together with his family, is leading a more relaxing life.1、How did the author and his friends feel about their retired life?AIts busy but wealthy. BIts flexible but tiring.CIts healthy and happy DIts relaxing and wasteful.2、What did the writers friend try to tell him at lunch tha
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