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2023年聊城市考研英语一临考冲刺试卷Section I Use of EnglishDirections:Read the following text. Choose the best word(s) for each numbered blank and mark A, B, C or D on the ANSWER SHEET. (10 points)On a bright Friday afternoon in spring, Sumeja Tulic had every reason to enjoy walking in the streets of New York, a city shed 1 nine months earlier from London to attend a journalism school. “When the weather is good, its very hard to find a reason to be 2 or dissatisfied with the city,” she said.Yet her time in New York has coincided with endless ugliness, As she 3 toward the subway station, she thought, “Please, God, I want to see something 4 today.” She said, “Enough of this craziness”.At the City Hall 5 , she settled onto a bench. It was just after 2 p.m. Only a few people were there. A man 6 against a pillar(柱子), the way anyone might, waiting for the train. The stillness was interrupted by a(n) 7 that the next train was two stations away. Then Tulic 8 the man at the pillar collapsing forward onto the tracks.A man, who was 9 waiting for the train on the platform, ran over, peered over the edge and then jumped onto the 10 .The man who had 11 was not moving. Two more men jumped down to help.I dont know 12 these men got the wit and the quickness, Tulic said. The man who fell was kind of jammed in the tracks. They were very 13 to know that the train was coming. Will it stop? Will they 14 pulling him out?On the tracks, the 15 man was held up to a sitting position by the three men, who then lifted him from below to 16 who dragged him from above and rolled him onto the platform. Then the rescuers were themselves 17 , pulled back to safety by helping hands. As soon as they were all clear, the train pulled in.An ambulance 18 soon and the man was taken to a local hospital with 19 but non-life-threatening injuries, doctors said.That is the greatest thing. Tulic said, The infrastructure(基础设施)in this city of millions is the 20 themselves providing, being there for others.1、Ahung out Bmoved to Cpassed by Dleft behind2、Apleased Bashamed Cdepressed Drelieved3、Awalked Brushed Ctravelled Dtoured4、Aurgent Bstrange Cmysterious Dnice5、Astation Bschool Ctheatre Dstore6、Astruggled Bleaned Clay Dsat7、Anote Breport Cannouncement Dposter8、Aremembered Bforesaw Cignored Dglimpsed9、Aagain Balso Cnever Dseldom10、Atracks Broad Ctrain Dplatform11、Astood Bsettled Cfallen Descaped12、Awhom Bwhether Cwhen Dwhere13、Anervous Bembarrassed Cdangerous Ddisappointed14、Aobject to Bsucceed in Cput off Dgive up15、Aunconscious Bdying Cactive Ddiscouraged16、Athem Bus Cothers Danyone17、Ajammed Brecognized Caffected Drescued18、Astopped Bstarted Carrived Draced19、Acareless Bserious Cslight Dunforgettable20、Apeople Bpassengers Cfriends DstudentsSection II Reading ComprehensionPart ADirections:Read the following four texts. Answer the questions below each text by choosing A, B, C or D. Mark your answers on the ANSWER SHEET. (40 points)Text 1Soaping up your hands may do more than just get rid of germs. It may wash away the inner confusion you feel right after being forced to make a choice between two appealing choices, according to a new study. The study builds on past research into a phenomenon known as “the Macbeth effect”.It turns out that Shakespeare was really onto something when he imagined lady Macbeth trying to clean her conscience(良心)by rubbing invisible bloodstains from her hands. A few years ago, scientists asked people to describe a past wrong act. If people were then given a chance to clean their hands, they later expressed less guilt than people who hadnt cleaned.This finding fascinated W. S. Lee, a researcher. “Anything from the past, any kind of negative emotional experiences, might be washed away,” says Lee.He decided to test hand washings effect on one kind of bad feeling: the tension we feel after being forced to choose between two attractive choices, because picking one choice makes us feel that weve lose the other. People usually try to calm this inner conflict by later exaggerating(夸大)the positive aspects of their choice.He had students rank 10 different music CDs. Then he offered students one CD as a gift. Some students then use liquid soap. Others only looked at the soap or sniffed(嗅)it. “Actually, you do not need water and soap,” says Lee.Later, the students again had to rank all the music. People who didnt wash their hands had the normal response they scored their take-home CD higher, suggesting that they now saw it as even more attractive than before. But this wasnt true for the hand washers. They ranked the m
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