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2023年山东省济南市天桥区考研英语一高分冲刺试题Section I Use of EnglishDirections:Read the following text. Choose the best word(s) for each numbered blank and mark A, B, C or D on the ANSWER SHEET. (10 points) I quit my job to start my own business before my son was born. Luckily, four months later, a big investment company 1 me about the cooperation between us, promising that it could take my company to the next level. Then something 2 happened. I received an email from the investor that read: “Were going to end our cooperation.”I was 3 . The next few days, when I thought of this discouragement, I 4 how helpless I truly was. And I also became aware that I had a fear of 5 . If I was going to keep moving forward with my company, Id have to 6 this fear. So, I turned to Google for an 7 and I found a game called Rejection Therapy. It 8 to help you overcome your fear of rejection by 9 seeking out rejection. I loved it and 10 to have a try.As my rejection journey continued, I began to feel more and more 11 when asking for things. I realized I could 12 what I can do to overcome my fear, and by the end of my 100-day journey it actually became 13 for me to receive “no”. I even made shocking 14 on purpose, such as asking a 15 if I could play soccer in his backyard. The crazy thing? They all said yes. In the end, my 10-day journey 16 with 51 yeses and 49 noes.In the 17 of my rejection journey, I learned that when we shy away from rejection we reject ourselves and our ideas before the world ever has a 18 to pay attention to and reject us. That comes to be the greatest 19 Ive learned no matter what, dont be 20 by the world.1、AemployedBimpressedCrefusedDapproached2、AunfamiliarBunexpectedCunusualDunforgettable3、AdiscouragedBfrightenedCastonishedDexcited4、AconfusedBrealizedCguessedDrevealed5、AconnectionBinvitationCrejectionDcommunication6、Aget overBturn overCget offDturn down7、AexplanationBaccessCinspirationDanswer8、AarrangesBoffersCaimsDprepares9、AdeliberatelyBsincerelyCviolentlyDsecretly10、AmanagedBdecidedCdemandedDhesitated11、AashamedBguiltyCfearlessDembarrassed12、Afocus onBget downCset asideDtake over13、AeasyBdifficultCboringDinteresting14、AsuggestionsBcommentsCrequestsDimprovements15、AacquaintanceBfriendCrelativeDstranger16、AusedBconcludedCmissedDabandoned17、AprocessBwayCmeasureDchallenge18、AstruggleBchoiceCplanDchance19、AsubjectBtruthClessonDnote20、ArespectedBlovedCjudgedDignoredSection II Reading ComprehensionPart ADirections:Read the following four texts. Answer the questions below each text by choosing A, B, C or D. Mark your answers on the ANSWER SHEET. (40 points)Text 1 Humans make mistakes. Even surgeons with years of experience are not infallible. But what if these doctors could pool their knowledge and experience together and create a surgical standard of care, to be carried out by machines?Thats the idea behind surgical robots, which may soon perform most surgeries, from sewing up tiny wounds to performing heart procedures. Many of these operations are, in fact, already completed with the assistance of robots. But a recent test suggests that robots in the operating room may soon go a step further, performing on soft tissue completely on their own, from start to finish.The Smart Tissue Autonomous Robot(STAR), successfully completed surgeries on pigs. Were the first group to develop autonomous robotic surgery with soft-tissue surgery, and when compared to standard operation, its better, says Peter Kim, professor of surgery. The idea is not to replace surgeons;it will make the surgeons better and make the procedures safer. A recent Mayo Clinic study found that major surgical errors-including operating on the wrong site or side of the body, or even leaving tools or objects inside the patient-occur every one out of 22, 000 procedures. Thats rare, but robots like STAR would aim to lower the number even further.In the da Vinci surgical system, surgeons place their arms inside instruments and use their hands to control the movement of robotic tools on the operating table from afar. The robots every major move is controlled by surgeons, and thus its results may vary based on the surgeons training or experience.STAR, on the other hand, is entirely autonomous. Its not only able to work on its own and perform surgeries with a more flexible hand, but its able to react to the unexpected incidents. Cutting into hard tissue like bones is one thing, but operating on moving soft tissue is far more complex. STAR reacts to a changing environment, similar to how self-driving cars are programmed to not only drive on the highway, but also react to another driver making a mistake and getting in
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