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本溪市桓仁满族自治县2023年考研英语一高分冲刺试题Section I Use of EnglishDirections:Read the following text. Choose the best word(s) for each numbered blank and mark A, B, C or D on the ANSWER SHEET. (10 points)My husband and I both work at home. We have four children, so the times when I am 36 in the house are few. Like many work-at-home moms, when I do get a 37 to be by myself, I fill that time with more 38 , whether its related to my career or taking care of the housework. Most of the time, I dont mind. 39 , I wanted this job as wife and mother, and I knew from the start that it often 40 putting others needs before my own. But, other times, I cant help but feel a little 41 because I seldom had any plans for myself, and everyone knew it. My life 42 on my family, but they seldom appreciated this, which often 43 me a lot.One day, when the kids were at school, I 44 for the movie theater-alone, Id 45 been to the movies alone before, so I was a little nervous. Would I look pitiful going to the theater by myself? Was I being ridiculous(荒唐可笑) by seeing a movie 46 so much work waited for me at home? I 47 myself to swallow these 48 and bought myself a ticket. And then I walked into the theater with my 49 held high and enjoyed every minute of the movie. I laughed and felt my good spirits 50 for a couple of hours, I was 51 wife or mother. I was just myself.From that point on, I 52 that Fridays would be mine, 53 for a couple of hours. Some Fridays, I head to(前往) the beach with a good book. Other Fridays, I go shopping, 54 up a little fast food or some clothes just for myself. I really 55 my Fridays after a long week of caring of my family.1、AbusyBaloneCtenseDbrave2、AchanceBwayCpurposeDfortune3、AfunBfearCworkDlove4、ASo farBFrom then onCAs a resultDAfter all5、ApracticedBadvisedCmeantDconsidered6、AhappyBexcitedCangryDnervous7、AcentredBinsistedCdependedDknocked8、AmovedBbotheredCamusedDscared9、AappliedBwaitedClongedDheaded10、AeverBalsoCneverDinstead11、AifBwhenCunlessDuntil12、AforcedBallowedCorderedDtaught13、AanswersBeffortsCthoughtsDresults14、AhandsBheadClegsDticket15、AleaveBhappenCreturnDweaken16、AeverybodysBsomebodysCanybodysDnobodys17、AexpressedBdeclaredCagreedDdecided18、Aat leastBat lastCin allDin time19、AmakingBpickingCtakingDbringing20、Acome up withBbreak away fromClook forward toDpay attention toSection II Reading ComprehensionPart ADirections:Read the following four texts. Answer the questions below each text by choosing A, B, C or D. Mark your answers on the ANSWER SHEET. (40 points)Text 1When I was ten years old I went to the USA to visit some family friends. I noticed something funny about the way everyone spoke English.One moment! I remember very clearly was at the beginning of the holiday, when my friend asked me if I wanted to order “French fries”. I couldnt imagine what they were. She was amazed that I had never tried them and she ordered a portion for us to share. When the waiter brought us some chips, I asked her where the French fries were. She pointed at the plate of chips! Later that week she said she was going to buy some “chips” from the supermarket. She came out with a packet of crisps(薯片)! How come?During that holiday we were also offered “biscuits” with our lunch. This was a very strange idea to me, because in England biscuits are sweet. I later realized that “biscuits” in America are salty snacks. What we call “biscuits, they call “cookies”.I was also embarrassed when a stranger told me she liked my “pants”. I wondered how she could see them! My mum then told me that they call “pants” what we call “trousers”, the outer clothing that you wear on your legs instead of inside clothing!I was disgusted when I saw an “eggplant” pizza on the menu in a restaurant. But I was puzzled how eggs can grow on plants. My dad ordered this pizza and it was covered in aubergines(茄子). “They call aubergines eggplant in America!” he told me.I think part of the excitement of learning a language is learning about the differences that exist in how it is spoken in different places.1、What is the text mainly about?AA visit to the United States. BDifficulties in speaking English.CWays to speak English correctly. DDifferent English in different places.2、How did the author feel when his friend bought crisps?AExcited. BPuzzled.CEmbarrassed. DDisappointed.3、What does the underlined word “them” in Paragraph 4?ALegs. BJewels.CTrousers. DUnderclothes.Text 2 Growing up, I remember my father as a silent, serious man not the sort of person around whom one could laugh. As a teenager arriving in America, knowing nothing, I wanted a father who could explain the human journey. In college, when friends called home for advice, I would sink into
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