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桂平市2023年考研英语一全真模拟试题Section I Use of EnglishDirections:Read the following text. Choose the best word(s) for each numbered blank and mark A, B, C or D on the ANSWER SHEET. (10 points) September 22, 18 will be World Car-Free Day, a day on which people across the globe are encouraged to find 1 methods to meet their transportation needs and re-discover buses, bikes, and their own 2 .On this day, people get together in the streets, intersections, and neighborhood blocks to 3 the world that we dont have to accept our car-controlled society.While 4 along these lines had taken place from time to time starting 5 the 1973 oil crisis, it was only in October, 1994 6 a structured call for such projects was 7 in a keynote speech by Eric Britton at the International Accessible Cities Conference held in Toledo (Spain).The first national campaign was launched in Britain in 1997, and the French followed suit in 1998. In 2000, car Busters issued an open 8 for a “World Car-Free Day” to 9 with Europes Car-Free Day on September 22. 10 then, we have begun to call for citizens to organize 11 on or near this day.However, we do not want 12 one day of celebrations and then return to 13 life. World Car-Free Day is the 14 time to remind city planners and politicians to 15 cycling, walking and public transport. It is up to us, cities and governments to help 16 permanent changes to 17 pedestrians, cyclists and other people who do not drive cars.While 18 accomplishment has been achieved in terms of media coverage, these events 19 to be difficult to achieve real success and even a decade later there is considerable uncertainty about the usefulness of this approach. Broad public support and 20 to change is needed for successful implementation (执行).1、AeffectiveBefficientCusefulDalternative2、AlegsBmotorsCsubwayDfeet3、ArecallBremindCrealizeDrecommend4、AprojectsBeventsCactivitiesDmeetings5、AasBonCwithDbeyond6、AwhenBthatCwhereDhow7、AundertakenBsubmittedCdevelopedDissued8、AanswerBcallCwishDlonging9、AconnectBinvolveCconsistDconcern10、ASinceBBeforeCAfterDRight11、AeventsBaffairsCincidentsDaccidents12、AevenBstillCjustDever13、AusualBpreviousCordinaryDaverage14、AperfectBlimitedCaccurateDcorrect15、Agive way toBgive priority toCgive rise toDgive in to16、AemployBdecreaseCcreateDincrease17、AassistBbenefitCinstructDinfluence18、AconstantBsimilarCenvyingDconsiderable19、Aturn outBwork outCcarry outDfigure out20、AapproachBattitudeCchanceDcommitmentSection II Reading ComprehensionPart ADirections:Read the following four texts. Answer the questions below each text by choosing A, B, C or D. Mark your answers on the ANSWER SHEET. (40 points)Text 1It was Groundhog Day. A winter storm had hit overnight too. I tried to open my backdoor only to find six inches of wet, heavy snow piled up against it. I knew I had quite a job of shoveling out ahead of me, so I reached over to grab my snow shovel. It looked a lot more ready to work than I did. I sighed and pulled on my boots, gloves, and heavy coat.The wind chill was below zero and cut into my face as I slowly shoveled off my deck. After that I stayed my way over to my daughters house shoveling the path as I walked. It took a while to get her driveway clear and I knew I still had a lot to do. Next came the paths down the hill to my own cars covered in snow. I had grabbed the broom to sweep them off as well. I winced when the breeze blew the swept snow back into my face. Then I started to shovel out my driveways. My back was aching as I worked. I wished I could be building a snowman instead of shoveling. Winter sure had seemed a lot more fun when I was a boy.When I was done I examined my work. It didnt look half bad. I smiled and looked at the woods covered in white. They were such a special sight. I leaned on my shovel and took it all in. Then I started up the hill with the snow shovel in one hand and the broom in the other. Suddenly, an urge came over me and I dropped them both. I spread my arms, fed back into the blanket of white and happily moved my arms and legs to make an angel in the snow.As you go through the seasons of this life take joy in your work. Take joy in your life. Remember that the course of your days rests in your own hands.1、Whats the theme of the text?AEnjoy winter work. BTake things seriously.CTake joy in your life. DFight against cold.2、Which is the correct order of what the author shoveled?Ahis deck-his daughters driveway-his cars-his drivewayBhis cars-his deck-his daughters driveway-his drivewayChis daughters driveway-his deck-his driveway-his carsDhis driveway-his daughters driveway-his cars-his deck3、What can we conclude about the author from Paragraph 3?A
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