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考研英语一2023年贵州省遵义市仁怀市模拟预测试卷Section I Use of EnglishDirections:Read the following text. Choose the best word(s) for each numbered blank and mark A, B, C or D on the ANSWER SHEET. (10 points) In a clean, clinical room, ray best friend was dying in my aims. His eyes, dark brown and trusting, would soon 1 forever. Heartbroken, I said, “Flash, you 2 so much happiness to me. I will do something good as a 3 .”Flash came into my 4 when I was nine. From the moment my parents brought this cute dog home, he 5 my family with joy.Then, 6 happened. My mum was diagnosed with breast cancer when I was 11. Then my grandma, who was my 7 , passed away. My sister developed Crohns Disease and while being tested, 8 a heart attack. I was being bullied at school and started to 9 classes and avoid seeing people.Flash soon gave me all the 10 he could offer. There were times when I felt there was no 11 , but a pair of brown eyes and loving face would somehow ease me. I knew he was 12 there for me. I knew he understood.Now after 15 years, Flash was 13 .1 thought doing charity work was the best reward for him. I 14 in a non-profit organization in Southampton and contributed about 3,500 hours to 15 children with special needs, which completely changed my life. I learned to love the 16 I had been on, and even accept the 17 bits.I still miss Flash. It was him that had somehow 18 me to helping others. Flashs death was one of the 19 moments of my life. But it was also an inspiring moment that 20 who I was-in the best possible way-forever.1、AopenBcloseCshineDfade2、AbroughtBtoldCsavedDowed3、AreliefBchanceCbonusDreward4、AmindBroomCworldDpower5、AhelpedBfilledCprotectedDdecorated6、AdisastersBstoriesCwondersDmistakes7、AburdenBtroubleCstrengthDchallenge8、AcausedBnoticedCfoughtDsuffered9、AskipBgiveCtakeDenjoy10、AcommentBcomfortCexpectationDrelaxation11、AhopeBtimeCmoneyDuse12、AfrequentlyBsometimesChardlyDalways13、AagingBgoneCmissingDdeserted14、AsearchedBcompetedCvolunteeredDperformed15、Aattending toBmeeting withCtalking aboutDbringing up16、AearthBjourneyCholidayDstreet17、AfantasticBabsurdChardDpleasant18、AledBforcedCtrainedDpersuaded19、AfullestBcraziestCtiniestDsaddest20、AexplainedBtransformedCadmittedDdescribedSection II Reading ComprehensionPart ADirections:Read the following four texts. Answer the questions below each text by choosing A, B, C or D. Mark your answers on the ANSWER SHEET. (40 points)Text 1 People have different ways of dealing with a common cold. Some take over-the- counter(非处方的) medicines such as aspirin while others try popular home remedies(治疗)like herbal tea or chicken soup. Yet here is the tough truth about the common cold: nothing really cures it.So why do people sometimes believe that their remedies work? According to James Taylor, professor at the University of Washington, colds usually go away on their own in about a week, improving a little each day after symptoms peak, so its easy to believe its medicine rather than time that deserves the credit, USA Today reported.It still seems hard to believe that we can deal with more serious diseases yet are powerless against something so common as a cold. Recently, scientists came closer to figuring out why. To understand it, you first need to know how antiviral(抗病毒的) drugs work. They attack the virus by attaching to and changing the surface structures of the virus. To do that, the drug must fit and lock into the virus like the right piece of a jigsaw(拼图), which means scientists have to identify the virus and build a 3-D model to study its surface before they can design an antiviral drug that is effective enough.The two cold viruses that scientists had long known about were rhinovirus(鼻病毒) A and BBut they didnt find out about the existence of a third virus, rhinovirus C, until 2006. All three of them contribute to the common cold, but drugs that work well against rhinovirus A and B have little effect when used against C“This explains most of the previous failures of drug trials against rhinovirus,” study leader Professor Ann Palmenberg at University of Wisconsin-Madison, US, told Science Daily.Now, more than 10 years after the discovery of rhinovirus C, scientists have finally built a highly-detailed 3-D model of the virus, showing that the surface of the virus is, as expected, different from that of other cold viruses.With the model in hand, hopefully a real cure for a common cold is on its way. Soon, we may no longer have to waste our money on medicines that dont really work.1、What does the author think of popular remedies for a common cold?AThey are quite effective.BThey are slightly helpful.CThey actually have no effec
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