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2023年汤阴县考研英语一深度自测卷Section I Use of EnglishDirections:Read the following text. Choose the best word(s) for each numbered blank and mark A, B, C or D on the ANSWER SHEET. (10 points) I had no idea she would be there. My apologies for her 1 had been prepared.When my teacher announced we would be having a(n) 2 mother-daughter tea, I felt 3 I would not be serving my mother at this special event. So I will never forget 4 the beautifully decorated gym-and there she was, sitting calmly, and 5 ! As I looked at her, I imagined all the arrangements this 6 woman must have had to make to be able to be with me for that one hour.Who was 7 Granny? She was ill in bed, and Mom had to do everything for her. How did she get here? We didnt own a car, and she couldnt 8 a taxi. It was a long walk to get the bus, plus at least five more blocks to the 9 .And the pretty dress she was 10 , red with tiny white flowers, was just right for the tea. There was no money for extra clothes, and I knew she had gone into 11 again to have it.I was so proud! I served her tea with a 12 , thankful heart, and introduced her to the group when our 13 came. I sat with my mother that day, just like the rest of the 14 , and that was very 15 to me. The look of love in her eyes told me she 16 .I have never forgotten. One of the 17 I made to myself and to my children was that I would always be there for them. That promise is 18 to keep in todays busy world But I have a(n) 19 before me that puts any 20 excuses to rest. I just recall again when mother came to tea.1、AabsenceBerrorClatenessDrudeness2、AurgentBformalCprivateDfrequent3、AproudBangryCcertainDembarrassed4、Astaying atBreturning toCwalking intoDdropping into5、AsobbingBsmilingCsingingDsuffering6、AeducatedBlonelyCstrangeDgreat7、Aattending onBlaughing atCcheering forDchatting with8、AadvanceBaffordCadmitDarrange9、AhomeBstationCschoolDmarket10、AwearingBmakingCdesigningDholding11、AdetailBbusinessCactionDdebt12、AstrongBbraveChappyDbroken13、AturnBchanceCmessageDdecision14、AteamBcompanyCfamilyDclass15、AannoyingBimportantCinterestingDsurprising16、AunderstoodBacceptedCagreedDremembered17、AchoicesBmistakesCeffortsDpromise18、AunfairBdifficultCfalseDwise19、AroleBruleClessonDexample20、AawkwardBpoliteCpoorDmeaningfulSection II Reading ComprehensionPart ADirections:Read the following four texts. Answer the questions below each text by choosing A, B, C or D. Mark your answers on the ANSWER SHEET. (40 points)Text 1 A new app aims to help parents interpret what their baby wants based on the sound of their cry. The free app ChatterBaby, which was released last month, analyzes the acoustic (声学的) features of a babys cry, to help parents understand whether their child might be hungry, fussy or in pain. While critics say caregivers should not rely too much on their smartphone, others say its a helpful tool for new or tired parents.Ariana Anderson, a mother of four, developed the app. She originally designed the technology to help deaf parents better understand why their baby was upset, but soon realized it could be a helpful tool for all new parents.To build a database, Anderson and her team uploaded 2,000 audio samples of infant(婴儿) cries. She used cries recorded during ear piercings and vaccinations to distinguish pain cries. And to create a baseline for the other two categories, a group of moms had to agree on whether the cry was either hungry or fussy.Andersons team continues to collect data and hopes to make the app more accurate by asking parents to get specific about what certain sounds mean.Pediatrician Eric Ball pointed out that evaluating cries can never be an exact science. “I think that all of the apps and technology that new parents are using now can be helpful but need to be taken seriously,” Ball said ,“ I do worry that some parents will get stuck in big data and turn their parenting into basically a spreadsheet(电子表格) which I think will take away the love and caring that parents are supposed to be providing for the children. ”But Anderson said the aim of the app is to have parents interpret the results, not to provide a yes or no answer. The Bells, a couple using this app, say its a win-win. They believe they are not only helping their baby now but potentially others in the future.1、How does the app judge what babies want?ABy collecting data.BBy recording all the sounds.CBy analyzing the sound of their cries.DBy asking parents about specific messages.2、What was the app designed for in the beginning?AAll new parents.BDeaf parents.CAriana Anderson.DCrying babies.3、What is Balls opinion about the app?AParents should use the app wisely.B
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