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福建省泉州市石狮市2023年考研英语一高分冲刺试卷Section I Use of EnglishDirections:Read the following text. Choose the best word(s) for each numbered blank and mark A, B, C or D on the ANSWER SHEET. (10 points)I am a time traveller.At the moment, I am talking to you from the Dark Ages, where 1 and technology has been forgotten.Well.not 2 .But I do feel so !About two and a half months ago, my computer 3 and I have been living without one at home. The man in the repair shop said it would be more expensive to 4 my computer than to buy a new one!Now, I can admit that I am 5 to the Internet. I spend hours of my 6 time online. When I was told my computer couldnt be fixed, I was 7 ! I dont have enough money to 8 a new one at the moment and I will have to wait 9 December.I have been trying to 10 thing to do without a computer, but it is a lot more 11 than I was expecting! I got my first 12 when I was six old and I have 13 technology ever since.This experience has made me 14 just how useful computers really are. I use the Internet for schoolwork,shopping, and all my banking is done 15 . Without the Internet, it feels like youre 16 out on something. However, its not all 17 .I am sleeping a lot better now and I have been baking a lot , which I love 18 never used to find enough 19 to do.Living without a computer may not be as I thought it was going to be, but I am ready to 20 the Dark Ages and return to the 21st century!1、Ascience Breputation Ccommunication Dinformation2、Acuriously Bexactly Cviolently Dangrily3、Aexploded Blost Cbroke Dsank4、Aarrange Bsolve Ccombine Dfix5、Aaccustomed Bcontributed Caddicted Ddevoted6、Asimple Bfree Climited Dflexible7、Asad Bamazed Cpuzzled Dnervous8、Arent Bbuy Cuse Dbuild9、Asince Bafter Cuntil Din10、Alearn from Bhear from Cspeak of Dthink of11、Acomplex Binteresting Cdifficult Dsurprising12、Apresent Bcomputer Csweater Dwatch13、Aloved Binvented Cdiscovered Dchanged14、Arealize Bpossess Cbelieve Dremember15、Aoutside Bonline Cbehind Dupstairs16、Amissing Btaking Cputting Dholding17、Adusty Bcareless Cpopular Dbad18、Aso Bor Cand Dbut19、Abelief Bcourage Cenergy Dtime20、Acreate Bforget Cleave DpreventSection II Reading ComprehensionPart ADirections:Read the following four texts. Answer the questions below each text by choosing A, B, C or D. Mark your answers on the ANSWER SHEET. (40 points)Text 1 In February, FEDEX launched a robot capable of replacing a pizza delivery driver by bringing food right to your door, which indicates more companies may soon automate (使自动化) not only processes, but full business lines.These types of moves could be disastrous to work. Between 1987 and 2017, manufacturing output grew 80 percent, but the number of workers dropped dramatically. This hit cities hard, leading to shrinking populations and the wide difference between urban places we see now. Numerous studies show that automation isnt equally affecting the workforce across all sectors. While it has negatively impacted a portion of the economy, it has helped to lift up other sectors, such as computer science and health care.The real question is how you counteract inequality.To start with, we should train people with the skills they need. To minimize job losses and embrace positive changes, we need to focus on the great value humans bring to the table. Jobs requiring soft skills like time management, active listening, cooperation, and judgment and decision-making, and jobs that are in high-touch industries are much less likely to be automated.We must make joint efforts to strengthen and fix the holes in the safety net. While the 2020 presidential candidates are starting a conversation about how to accomplish this, cities are already leading by experimenting with basic income, passing higher minimum wage laws, carrying out paid family leave and driving policy solutions that support workers and families.In the end robots wont take all the jobs, but they might take yours. What we do about it, though, is up to us.1、What will possibly happen if companies use robots in full business lines?AThere will be a sharp drop in manufacturing output.BThere will be a shrink in population across China.CThe negative impacts will outweigh the positive ones.DThe workforce in various fields may be affected differently.2、Which of the following is more likely to be automated?ABringing dishes to the table in a restaurant.BHelping to manage ones time efficiently.CCommunicating effectively with co-workers.DHelping make the right judgement and decision.3、
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