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湖北省宜昌市虎亭区2023年考研英语一考前冲刺试卷Section I Use of EnglishDirections:Read the following text. Choose the best word(s) for each numbered blank and mark A, B, C or D on the ANSWER SHEET. (10 points)The story of how I got my job was a funny one.One day, I was 1 along a street to an interview when a yellow car suddenly 2 in. 3 another car coming in the other 4 , I had to brake hard and 5 another cyclist. We both fell, but 6 neither of us was hurt. I became 7 and cycled as fast as possible to the driver of the yellow car to tell him how I considered him. I told him what a bad 8 I thought he was and that he was a(n) 9 to other people on the road. His face turned 10 . I warned him not to drive 11 in the future so that everyone else could enjoy a long life.I was in time for the 12 . Having walked into the room, to my 13 , I found one of the three interviewers 14 to be the driver of the yellow car. We looked at each other for a while, 15 silent. Then I decided to look 16 the whole matter as a great joke! I 17 and told him that I talked much the last time we met and that this time it was turn for him to talk a great deal. Lost in thought for a while, he 18 that I was not going to say anything about his bad driving. The interview went 19 . Two days later, I received a letter offering me the job. I was pleased that the manager the driver of the yellow car, didnt 20 my rudeness to him. Through the experience, I find something that seems impossible at first turns out to be good.1、Acycling Bwalking Crunning Ddriving2、Astopped Bcut Cpassed Dwaited3、AAs BFor CWith DBy4、Acondition Bposition Clocation Ddirection5、Aknocked Bbumped Cbeat Drushed6、Ahappily Bunfortunately Cluckily Ddisappointedly7、Asorry Bexcited Cnervous Dangry8、Adriver Bworker Ccyclist Dboss9、Apity Bidiot Crisk Dfool10、Ablack Bwhite Cpale Dred11、Acarelessly Bcarefully Cslowly Dpatiently12、Ajob Binterview Cmeeting Dappointment13、Aexcitement Bjoy Canger Dastonishment14、Ahappened Bwanted Cseemed Dplanned15、Amaking Bkeeping Cbreaking Dstopping16、Aup Bat Con Dinto17、Alaughed Bexcused Cnodded Dcalmed18、Ahoped Bfound Cheard Dwished19、Afast Bterribly Cwell Dslowly20、Arealize Bwant Cknow DmindSection II Reading ComprehensionPart ADirections:Read the following four texts. Answer the questions below each text by choosing A, B, C or D. Mark your answers on the ANSWER SHEET. (40 points)Text 1Whether you went in for a hug only lo be met with a handshake, or simply had a fall in front of a crowded room, youre probably wondering what to do next. Avoid the awkwardness or confront it? According to research, youll want to do a bit of both.In one study, Joshua W. Clegg, an associate professor of psychology at John Jay College of Criminal Justice, found that the first thing you should do is acknowledge the situation. He wrote, “Direct responses were associated with a re-established sense of social harmony. He noted this is often best done through humorsaying something as simple as “Awkward” can put you at ease. Reminding others of your mistakes will only draw the moment out, and can make things more un-comfortable.Facing the situation head-on also helps you realize how much of a non-event most awkward moments are. Withdrawing, on the other hand, “can actually make that anxiety and that sense of awkwardness worse because youre not getting to find out that you can recover,” Bethany Teachman, a professor in the University of Virginians Department of Psychology, said.Now that youve faced the situationmaybe even laughed it offlet it go. Still feeling uneasy? Remember that embarrassment is normal. u It is the price we pay for being messy, imperfect ,normal humans, Susan David, PhD, a Harvard Medical School psychologist, said. “A key part of moving on from embarrassment is to practice self-compassion and self-forgiveness. When you recognize that you are only human and imperfect, just like all other humans are imperfect, it gives us permission to let go of the past embarrassment with the knowledge that we did our best.”1、What is Joshua W. Cleggs suggestion about the situation?ATo run away from it. BTo speak out your feeling directly.CTo cover your face to protect yourself. DTo remember the people laughing at you.2、What does the underlined word Withdrawing” in Paragraph 3 mean?AGetting back. BMoving away.CComing from. DStopping from.3、Which of the following is wiser and better when people face “awkwardness”?ATo try to recover soon. BTo pretend to be all right.CTo act skillfully and bravely. DTo avoid wh
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