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2023年安泽县考研英语一考前冲刺试卷Section I Use of EnglishDirections:Read the following text. Choose the best word(s) for each numbered blank and mark A, B, C or D on the ANSWER SHEET. (10 points) I grew up in a small town. There was a man named Joe, who was uneducated and couldnt talk 1 . He was good natured but not very smart, 2 every one teased him.One day when was sitting on the porch, he came walking by, I was about 12 and thought it would make me 3 grown up to play jokes on him as some 4 did.He asked what I was doing, I told him that my father had . 5 his job and that we were short of money. I could see my friends nearby 6 so I went on with the 7 . From his 8 expression, Im convinced that I had fooled him 9 .I knew he lived a 10 life with low income, SO it was funny when he asked 11 we needed anything. I told him that we didnt know if we would have enough to 12 . he replied you poor thing. That night I heard the door 13 softly. I thought it was the wind whipping against the door, so I 14 it. The next morning I found a small box of food outside my house, I knew it was from Bob. I looked into the box of canned food with 15 in my eyes. I felt ashamed for taking advantage of his 16 towards me, I 17 the whole story to my father and said I wanted to return the box. My father scolded me and 18 that I keep the box; otherwise it would hurt Joes feelings.Although the good was not 19 , I knew Joe gave the best he had. I did not 20 the gift.1、AsmoothlyBloudlyCpubliclyDhonestly2、AifBwhenCsoDbut3、AfeelBappearCsoundDsmell4、ApeersBteenagersCadultsDidiots5、AfoundBlostCquittedDchanged6、AplayingBcheeringCsmilingDlaughing7、AreportBstoryCtaleDlegend8、AdoubtfulBimpatientCpuzzledDconcerned9、AabsolutelyBeasilyCcompletelyDfinally10、AhappyBexpensiveCsimpleDtough11、AhowBwhetherCwhyDthat12、AdrinkBspendCwearDeat13、Aknocked atBbroken intoCtom downDclosed up14、AopenedBshutCignoredDlocked15、AthanksBfearCtearsDpride16、AstupidityBkindnessCloveDsympathy17、AconfessedBtranslatedCrepeatedDrecommended18、AsuggestedBinsistedCorderedDdecided19、AfreshBcheapCvaluableDtasty20、AappreciateBgiveCcherishDdeserveSection II Reading ComprehensionPart ADirections:Read the following four texts. Answer the questions below each text by choosing A, B, C or D. Mark your answers on the ANSWER SHEET. (40 points)Text 1 Good news for coffee and tea drinkers: No more wasting time and energy waiting for the perfect cup. Using patented Heatworks Ohmic Array Technology, the DUO Smart Untethered Carafe (玻璃水瓶) has the power to heat or cool water to the exact degree while you pour. With its functionality, convenience and stylish appearance, the DUO looks like quite the game changer.So how does it work? The precise temperature control lets you pick the water temperature to the plus/minus one degree. Simply set your temperature, pour water into the tank(fits four cups) at the top and pour into your cup. The carafe features one blue spout(出水口) for filtered (过滤的) cold water and another red spout for hot water, which appears to heat up instantly.The entire device is battery operated, making it perfect for taking it to the office or really anywhere else. Youwill also be able to plug it in, so the carafe can stay comfortably on your kitchen table or desk to charge for on -the -go use.The DUO advocate 99 percent energy efficiently and an advanced water filtration system created by heat works CEO Jerry Callahan,who wanted to create a heating system without using metal heating elements. Unsustainable and imperfect metal heating parts have been used for heating for the past 100 years and carry the risk of rusting(生锈). Callahan felt It was time for an upgrade heating systems, and the Ohmic Array Technology was born. Using electrical currents passed through the water itself rather than separate heated elements to transfer heat into the water. Ohmic Array cuts out a whole step in the process.The DUO is not yet available for purchase, but you can learn more Information and sign up for the release updates on the Heatworks website.1、What do we know about the DUO carafe from the first paragraph?AIt makes perfect coffee.BIt heats or cools water.CIt produces electricity to heat waterDIt provides fun game to play2、Which step is a must to get water of 80 C with the DUO Carafe?ASet the required temperatureBCool the boiling waterCPour water from the blue spoutDAdd filtered water into the tank3、The Ohmic Array Technology makes the DUO Carafe _Afast to chargeBconvenient to takeCtough and stylishDrust-free and time efficient4、Whats the main purpose of the text?ATo apply for a patentBTo introduce a productCTo report a product launch
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