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考研英语一2023年厦门市湖里区高分冲刺试题Section I Use of EnglishDirections:Read the following text. Choose the best word(s) for each numbered blank and mark A, B, C or D on the ANSWER SHEET. (10 points)May was born with a cleft palate(腭裂). When she was a little girl, she had to 36 the jikes from naughty chidren who teased her about her misshaped lip. With all the teasing, Mary grew up 37 the fact that she was“diffrernt”. She was 38 that no one, outside her family,could ever love her until she 39 Mrs. Leonards class.In Mrs. Leonards school at that time, it was 40 for teachers to give their children an annual 41 test. However, in Marys case, 42 her cleft palate, she was hardly able to hear out of one ear. 43 not to let the other children have another“ 44 to point out, she would 45 when her bad ear was tested each year. The “hearing test”was 46 by having a child walk to the classroom door,turn sideways, 47 one ear with a fingre, and then 48 what the teacher whispered. When Mary had to turn her bad ear towards her teacher she would 49 to cover her good ear. She knew that teachers 50 often say things like,“The sky is blue,”or“What color are your shoes?”But not on that day. Surely, God 51 seven words in Mrs. Leonards mouth that 52 Marys life forever. When the test came, Mary heard:“ I wish you were my little girl.”You can imagine how deeply these words 53 Mary.Yes, affirming (肯定)words are 54 to say to the people around you. While words from a godly teacher can soften a heart, words form you can powerfully set the 55 of anotherOnes life.1、 Aplay Bmake Cbear Dtell 2、 Ahating Bchanging Cforgeting Daccepting3、 Aexpected Brequested Cconvinced Dinformed4、 Aleft Bentered Cadmitted Dtaught 5、 Aunusual Bcommon Cadmittde Dstrange6、Aspeaking Breading Cterrible Dhearing7、Ainstead of Bin addition to Cwriting Din spite of8、Adetermined BSupposed CDelighted DSatisfied9、Abelidf Bmistake Cproof Ddifference10、Acheat Bescape Csuffer Dnegotiate11、Agiven Bcancelled Ctaken Dpassed12、Apull Bclose Ctouch Dpoint13、Arealize Brecite Crepeat Dcreate14、Apretend Brefuse Cmanage Ddecide15、Amust Bwill Cwould Dshall16、Awasted Bput Ctake Dwrite17、Awasted Bcost Cchanged Dharmed18、.Ahurt Bmoved Cupset Dscared19、Aseldom Breasonable Ceasy Dnever20、Apurpose Broutine Cresult DcourseSection II Reading ComprehensionPart ADirections:Read the following four texts. Answer the questions below each text by choosing A, B, C or D. Mark your answers on the ANSWER SHEET. (40 points)Text 1The World Monuments Fund (WMF) is a group that identifies (确认) and helps to save important structures and land areas around the world. Recently, the WMF listed 93 endangered places in 47 countries. Here are a few of the places on the list.The Rice Paddies (稻田) in the Philippines These paddies were started in the 1600s and have been used for about 400 years. They were dug from a steep, rocky mountainside by people who lived in the area before modem machines were invented. The WMF wants to preserve the paddies because they are examples of advanced engineering and building by farmers who had the simplest tools. The paddies also show the clever ways that some people used when they were farming hundreds of years ago.The Desert Castles of Uzbekistan Desert castles and forts rise from the sandy plains of Uzbekistan, a nation in central Asia. Some of the mud structures are 2-600 years old. Over the years, hundreds of forts were built to help protect farmers from invaders. Now the structures arc crumbling (坍塌) due to centuries of exposure to the wind.Italys Ghost TownIn the 1950s, parts of the town of Craco were damaged by earthquake. Then, in 1963, a huge landslide forced 1,800 residents to leave the town for a nearby valley. It was the first time in 1,200 years that no one had lived there. The earthquakes stopped in the 1970s, but its residents never returned. The empty but beautiful town has become a favorite of Hollywood movie-makers, with whom it is becoming more and more popular.A Market in BahrainThis 200-year-old covered building is an important pan of life for people in Bahrain, a city in the Middle East. Several smaller markers are placed unde
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