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2023年周口市太康县考研英语一深度自测卷Section I Use of EnglishDirections:Read the following text. Choose the best word(s) for each numbered blank and mark A, B, C or D on the ANSWER SHEET. (10 points) It wasnt that I was embarrassed my husband was out of work. Its just that we were 1 people and didnt share our 2 much with others. So when he lost his job, we just acted like nothing had changed and no one seemed to 3 .It didnt take long before my friends found out that my husband 4 a lot more. When asked about it, I told my good friend and neighbour Tammy the 5 and I said we were still looking. She then told me that her husband had also been hunting for 6 all over town because his company was closing down. I was 7 . We constantly did things together, yet I hadnt found any sign of their 8 .After knowing what they were 9 , I wanted to help them even though we didnt have much ourselves. So, I became a 10 shopper. I looked for discount offers everywhere, and when I finished my 11 , I would offer to buy things for Tammy at the 12 price. It seems like our money goes even further because we are willing to 13 .It goes the other way too. Tammy and her husband have given us enough wood to 14 our house this winter. It has been a huge 15 , reducing our gas bill to almost nothing. There are other 16 of helping each other. I teach Tammy how to make bread; she 17 my kids when I go to job interviews. and the 18 goes on.I dont have much to give, but I can give of myself. I can have 19 , love and hope, and the more I give these away, the more I 20 .1、AstrangeBselfishCmatureDprivate2、AdutiesBproblemsCopinionsDplans3、AmindBcareCnoticeDsympathize4、Awent huntingBvisited neighborsCstayed homeDdined out5、AdifferenceBtruthCresultDmessage6、AjobsBfriendsCpromotionDcomfort7、ArelievedBdisappointedCconfusedDshocked8、AstarvingBhesitatingCstrugglingDquarrelling9、Agoing throughBpreparing forClooking forDlooking forward to10、AprofessionalBpersonalCmodemDsecret11、AhouseworkBprojectCsearchDconversation12、AearlierBlowerCaverageDsuggested13、AshopBbargainCcompromiseDshare14、AdecorateBsupportCbuildDheat15、AhelpBvictoryCburdenDprofit16、AdifficultiesBexamplesCexpensesDtraditions17、AwatchesBpraisesCadoptsDraises18、AinterviewBnegotiationClistDparty19、AcuriosityBambitionCfreedomDkindness20、Ahunt forBget backCbelieve inDcome acrossSection II Reading ComprehensionPart ADirections:Read the following four texts. Answer the questions below each text by choosing A, B, C or D. Mark your answers on the ANSWER SHEET. (40 points)Text 1 It is obvious that all of our childhood memories are not accidental. When you are a child, every scent, every sound, every move, every toy, the first day of school, the first kiss, the first step. . . Everything together makes what is the personality of a man. All these are pieces of one whole entity.I was about 6 years old. My moms best friend left to another town and asked my mom to stay at her place with me for two days in order to look after her two sons. One was a little older than I was. and the second boy appeared to be super grown-up, for he was already fourteen. I always enjoyed staying at their place.I remember the second day we were supposed to have the come-back party for my moms friend at her place. I woke up. Mom went to work and reminded me to be nice and clean by the time she came back. I stayed with Tony, the older of the boys and suddenly somebody called him and though he was not permitted to leave me alone-he left. He said it would not be long. But it took him forever. I realized that I was alone. I could not come out of the house, so I opened the window. I was so desperate. So lonely. So betrayed. At that moment I pulled the curtain so strongly that I fell on the floor. And there I was standing-one little criminal-desperate to escape and knowing that I would be punished for destroying the curtain that was not even ours.But then something changed. I stopped weeping. I looked around and realized that I was in a safe place, and that mom would come back and kiss me no matter what I had done.This was a moment of pure happiness, not the happiness of getting a new toy or a dog, or going to the party of your best friend. It was the moment of clarity for me-the first time in my life when I realized that I was happy to have my mom and that I was safe. My eyes saw the world in different shades that moment. And by the way-I was not punished for the curtain. I fell asleep on my moms knees.1、What is the best title for this passage?AAn Unforgettable PartyBA Childhood MemoryCA Happy Day in My Moms Best Friends HomeDThe Rules You Should Follow2、What best describes the authors feelings
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