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山西省太原市清徐县2023年考研英语一统考试题Section I Use of EnglishDirections:Read the following text. Choose the best word(s) for each numbered blank and mark A, B, C or D on the ANSWER SHEET. (10 points)These days my work is mostly on the Internet. However, there is one 1 that I use nearly every day. And I learned it from my dad almost 40 years ago in a very different 2 .My father ran a plumbing(水管) shop. I had to 3 him with his work. One day, I was asked to work 4 a concrete floor. It wasnt the kind of work I 5 . The work was physical work which involved 6 a chisel(凿子) and swinging a five- pound hammer at it really 7 . Often, my aim was bad 8 the hammer missed the chisel and 9 my wrist. After ten minutes, my dad came, expecting to find the job completed. Actually, it wasnt. He asked, “Son, have you been doing it all the time?”“Well dad,” I told him 10 , “I figure out a good way to do this more 11 . I just tap the chisel and move it. Im generating a circle of shock wave down into the concrete. That way, itll break along the lines and I wont hurt my wrist again.” Dad gave me a 12 look. He said, “Son, just hit the thing.” Then Dad 13 me his hand. I saw many scars on it .He told me, “If you stick to the work, youll 14 it sooner. “ Well, I did hit it then. And the job only took five more minutes to finish. 15 enough, even though I hammered my 16 two or three times, I was proud that Id just done it.Today, nearly 40 years later, when I 17 any difficulty in work I still hear my fathers voice, “Son just hit the thing.”I feel 18 because I know hes still urging me to take action, go ahead, get the job done, and never 19 the scars. And thats not a bad 20 to carry through life.1、Areason Bprinciple Cmeasure Dplan2、Alife Bmoment Cjob Doccasion3、Ahelp Bleave Cbother Dprovide4、Asweeping Bbuilding Cdesigning Dbreaking5、Aenjoyed Bheard Cfound Davoided6、Afinding Bmaking Cholding Dchoosing7、Afrequently Bfast Cexactly Dhard8、Aso Bbut Cor Dwhen9、Amissed Bdestroyed Chit Dpressed10、Asadly Bproudly Crapidly Dloudly11、Asafely Bquickly Cnormally Dfunnily12、Asatisfied Btired Cfunny Dserious13、Agave Blent Cposted Dshowed14、Arepeat Bimprove Cfinish Dknow15、ALucky BStrange CPeaceful DHappy16、Aface Bfoot Cleg Dhand17、Aget on Bmake up Cmeet with Dfind out18、Ahesitant Bworried Ccomfortable Dencouraged19、Acheck Bmind Cdevelop Dput20、Alesson Barrangement Cattitude DsituationSection II Reading ComprehensionPart ADirections:Read the following four texts. Answer the questions below each text by choosing A, B, C or D. Mark your answers on the ANSWER SHEET. (40 points)Text 1For many foreigners who have visited or worked in China, one of their strong impressions is that the country is very safe. Here , you can go out alone late at night to eat at a food stand without feeling nervous. You can also let your younger children ride public transport all by themselves without worrying about their safety.This year, 2018 , marks 8 special anniversary of the launching of the reform and opening up policy, which took place two score years ago in China. Over the past few decades, the country has achieved fast economic growth, while social peace and stability have been maintained(维护) to the fullest extent at the lowest cost. Of course, there are still unsolved problems. However, from the overall aspect, Chinese society remains harmonious and safe. In my eyes , this should be attributed(归于) largely to the cultural ;economic and political environment of the country.A society can be stable and orderly only when its people can lead a prosperous(繁荣的) life. After the introduction of the reform and opening up policy, China achieved fast economic growth and significant scientific and technological progress. In the meantime, the Chinese government has taken various measures such 2s those to fight corruption, reduce poverty and promote the rule of law, in order to uphold social equity. Thanks to these efforts, the potential factors that might cause social problems have been greatly reduced.Apart from government departments including the police and judicial(司法的) departments , the general public also contributes much to social governance. The development of information technology has created new ways of linking the police and the public. By jointly fighting crimes in such ways, the public and the police have developed an ever-increasing level of mutual trust and positive interaction.The safety and stability in China did not come easily. Rather; it should be attributed to the efforts made by 1.3 billion people. For both Chinese and foreig
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