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淮安市金湖县2023年考研英语一高分通关卷Section I Use of EnglishDirections:Read the following text. Choose the best word(s) for each numbered blank and mark A, B, C or D on the ANSWER SHEET. (10 points)When your child is supposed to be doing homework, are they chatting with their friends on Facebook or playing games? Many studies have shown that multitasking doesnt 1 , 2 your child is probably proudly claiming they can do ten things 3 ! Many people believe that they can 4 two or more tasks at the same time, but Dr. Edward Hallowell says this is 5 . The reality is that multitasking 6 poor job performance.New hand-held 7 such as smartphones, iPads, games and social networking sites make it very easy to multitask and “attention 8 ” leading to difficulty focusing on the task 9 , such as listening in the classroom or doing homework. “ 10 , the brain actually 11 kids for multitasking even though when your child is supposed to doing homework performance on every task gets worse and worse. Kids dont know that they are doing 12 because they feel better when they multitask,” says Dr Edward Hallowell. 13 the appearance of hand-held devices and social networking sites, teachers have noticed a difference in 14 performance, critical thinking skills and how information is 15 . “Multitasking prevents people from gaining a deep understanding of the information they are trying to learn,” says Dr Edward Hallowell. Kids have a difficult time sticking with a” difficult to understand topic and 16 to allow themselves to be distracted(分散的), to tune out and switch 17 to Facebook or using their cell phones 18 working harder at understanding a difficult subject or problem. In the long 19 , multitasking affects grades. One study showed that kids that use the Internet while in class did 20 on tests resulting in lower grades.1、Aplay Bunderstand Cuse Dwork2、Aonly if Beven though Cso that Dno wonder3、Aat once Bright away Cin no time Dat random4、Aadvocate Bdeal Cperform Dprefer5、Aimpossible Bimportant Cimpatient Dimpolite6、Aresults in Bresults from Cexists in Dexists from7、Adesigns Bdiscoveries Cequipment Devidence8、Aattract Bdraw Cpay Dshare9、Aat hand Bon time Con schedule Dat times10、AUncertainly BUnfortunately CUniversally DUndoubtedly11、Aremains Brewards Cregards Dreflects12、Abetter Bwell Cbad Dworse13、ASince BBefore CWhen DWhile14、Aaccidental Baccurate Caccessible Dacademic15、Aproduced Bprocessed Cpossessed Dpromoted16、Atend Battend Cintend Dpretend17、Aout Bon Coff Dover18、Aexcept for Brather than Cmore than Dapart from19、Arun Bwalk Cjourney Ddistance20、Ahardly Bsuccessfully Cpoorly DmildlySection II Reading ComprehensionPart ADirections:Read the following four texts. Answer the questions below each text by choosing A, B, C or D. Mark your answers on the ANSWER SHEET. (40 points)Text 1A woman lost the sight in one eye after going swimming in a pool at a hotel wearing contact lenses(隐形眼镜). Jennie Hurst, from Southampton, suffered from a rare and painful infection caused by amoeba(变形虫)in water. The infection causes people to be sensitive to light and the 24-year-old said she had to stay in a dark room for three months. She is now warning of the dangers of swimming or showering wearing contacts.Ms Hurst experienced four operations and a treatment in which she had eye drops every half hour. During that time I stayed in my bedroom with black curtains at the window. The only thing I could do was to listen to the radio. One evening, I was so eager to look out of window to get a look of the outside world that I opened my curtains in the middle of the night. As soon as I did this the moon shone in my eyes and it really hurt. I didnt do that again. I have been left with no sight in my left eye and the damage to my right eye could be lasting, she said.Ms Hurst had been wearing contact lenses for five years. I dont even like swimming,she said. My friends were quite surprised that I had gone swimming and probably thought that I had been a bit lazy. I wasnt aware of the problem at all it didnt even enter my brain to take them out. I felt responsible that I had let it happen when actually I could have just taken my contacts out.1、Whats the text mainly about?AThe woman losing sight while swimming.BA rare infection caused by contact lenses.CAn accident happening in a hospital.DThe trouble of staying in a dark room.2、Amer the operations, Jennie Hurst feltAfrightened BcalmCregretful Danxious3、What does Jennie Hurst mean in the last paragraph?AShe used to go swimming very often.BShe has also been hurt in her brain
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