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考研英语一2023年吉林省白城市最后冲刺试题Section I Use of EnglishDirections:Read the following text. Choose the best word(s) for each numbered blank and mark A, B, C or D on the ANSWER SHEET. (10 points)When I first heard about couchsurfing(沙发漫游),I was skeptical.Put up travelers free of 1 and help them on their way?Give me a break.However,my 2 went into overdrive as I read articles of couchsurfers,so I 3 a trip to Finland,a country Id always wanted to 4 .If ever any anxiety existed,it 5 when my first host Ari met me at the train station in Helsinki.He gave me a(n) 6 welcome and hiked with me to his 7 ,where he handed me a key to his home and 8 me tea.If this was what couchsurfing was all about 9 and welcomethen I had a wonderful 10 .I began to 11 the idea.What drove people to open their homes to 12 ?I suppose there was a bit of curiosity,but also a 13 to reach out and lend a hand to like-minded folks who might 14 their own lives.I became more 15 when my next host drove 30 kilometers to pick me up at the train station and took me to her home.The family 16 me like a long-lost relative.Seven cities in 14 days.Seven 17 .Seven new friends.One of the hosts asked,“Arent you afraid?”I wasnt sure of a(n) 18 response then,but I am now:Of what?If couchsurfing 19 me anything,its this:Most people are good and generous.And there is a basic human desire to 20 .Where will couchsurfing take me next?I cant wait to find out.1、Adoubt Bcharge Cresponsibility Dtrouble2、Aambition Bobservation Ccuriosity Denergy3、Acanceled Babandoned Cpostponed Dplanned4、Aexplore Bunite Crun Dleave5、Aincreased Bchanged Cdisappeared Dsurfaced6、Acool Bofficial Cwarm Dcautious7、Aapartment Bhotel Coffice Dgarage8、Abought Bserved Clent Dsold9、Aconcern Bdependence Chope Dtrust10、Ademand Bstart Creward Dinvitation11、Acarry out Btry out Creflect on Dhit on12、Abeginners Bstrangers Csettlers Dpassengers13、Asuggestion Bcompetence Cpromise Ddesire14、Asave Bruin Cenrich Dshape15、Acertain Bskeptical Cserious Drigid16、Aguided Bpraised Cintroduced Dreceived17、Adrivers Bhosts Coptions Dattractions18、Aappropriate Bpositive Cstrong Dcorrect19、Areturned Bawarded Ctaught Dcost20、Aescape Bconnect Cchallenge DtravelSection II Reading ComprehensionPart ADirections:Read the following four texts. Answer the questions below each text by choosing A, B, C or D. Mark your answers on the ANSWER SHEET. (40 points)Text 1If youre looking for new and creative ways to get fit and stay healthy, the following clever apps can do everything for you- except the exercise itself.Hot5 Fitness Platform: iOS Cost: FreeFrom abs(腰腹训练) and core(核心力量), to yoga and flexibility and everything in between, this app contains workout pages and videos that are easy to follow. You can find workout videos of all varieties and difficulty levels that will give you a thorough workout in only five moves.While most fitness app videos look like they were filmed in the 1980s, Hot5s are modern. The interface(界面) is also beautifully designed and user-friendly. It is to the point and clear-cut, saving your time by skipping the personal questionnaires and signing-up wait.Zombies, Run! Platforms: iOS, Android Cost: 25 yuanYes, the zombie craze has already reached the fitness field. This action-packed app adds an element that is often missing from other workout apps-fun.Zombie, Run!, which has simplified version called Zombies, Run! 5k Training, mixes games and stories into your run as you complete mission in a world full of zombies. Whether youre gathering supplies, saving a fellow human, or avoiding a crowd of the undead, this app adds excitement to your normal jog with imagination and competition.Sleep Cycle Platforms: iOS Cost: 6yuanThis app tracks your sleeping patterns by following your movements in bed, without having to spend a fortune on fitness trackers such as Jawbone Up. Based on your movements at night, the app wakes you up with smoothing music when youre in the lightest stage of sleep, allowing a natural and easy transition into your day. Youll also get detailed statistics telling when you were awake during the night, or in a deep or light sleep.You can also add notes about your day - whether you had coffee, worked out, or were stressed - to better understand how your sleep is affected by different daily activities.RunKeeper Platforms: iOS, Android Cost: FreeThis app allows you to track not only runs, but pretty much any kind of training you can think of - from walking to cycling to
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