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考研英语一江苏省宿迁市泗洪县2023年全真模拟试题Section I Use of EnglishDirections:Read the following text. Choose the best word(s) for each numbered blank and mark A, B, C or D on the ANSWER SHEET. (10 points)阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。DoubleAngelsItwasChristmasEve,andthestoresweregoingtobeclosingprettysoonIwastryingto 1 2 mywaythroughthecrowdswhenaguyinablackcoatcameuptome,toldmethathehadlosthisbrownleather 3 _andshovedhisgraybusinesscardintomyhandPleasecallmeatthenumberonthecardifyouhappentofindit,hesaidIlookedathim,shruggedmyshouldersand 4 _,Yeah,noproblemIlldothatSuddenly,Inoticedaflat,greenbox 5 _undersomewrappingpaperIopenedituptofindanamazing 6 _platewithaNativitysceneonitThereitwasIsmiled_,gathereditupandheaded_ 7 thecashregisterAsthecashierwasringingupmy 8 _,Ireachedintomypockettogetmymoney 9 _mypocketwasempty!IbegantoscramblearoundsearchingeverypocketwhenI 10 _IhadleftmywalletathomeSoIdidtheonlythingIcouldthinkofatthatmoment:Iranoutsidethestoreandstartedtobegpeoplefor_SomelookedatmelikeIwascrazy;othersjust_meFinally,givingup,Islumpeddownonacoldbenchfeelingtotally 11 _IreacheddowntotiemyshoewhenIspotteda 12 13 walletlyingnexttothefrontlegofthebenchIwonderedifit 14 15 bethewalletthatthemanintheblackcoathadlostIopeneditandreadthenameonthedriverslicenseinsideYepItwashisThenmymouthdroppedinawe 16 17 Idiscoveredthreehundreddollarsinside.IneverevenquestionedwhatIshoulddoIfoundanearbypayphoneandmadea/an_calltothenumberonthegraybusinesscardThemanwassoexcitedthathethankedmeoverandoverThenheopenedupthewalletand 18 19 mefourtwenty-dollarbills,thankingmeagainandIhurriedtogetmymomapresentbeforethemallclosedIboughttheglassplateandstartedskatinghome, 20 _thateverythinghadworkedoutIrealizedthatIhadbeensortofaChristmasangelforthemanwhohadlosthiswallet,andthathehadbeenthesameformewhenId_mineDoubleangels!Ithought1、AtakeBmakeCsetDget2、AscarfBpurseCwalletDglove3、AtoldBsaidCrepliedDanswered4、AlainBhiddenCsleepingDstaying5、AglassBsilverCwoodDchina6、AproudlyBheavilyCwidelyDbroadly7、AbackBintoCforDdown8、AcashBpurchaseCchargeDcost9、AButBAndCSoDFor10、AthoughtBsupposedCrealizedDconfirmed11、AadviceBmoneyCcoffeeDbread12、AignoredBrefusedCmissedDhated13、AattractedBconfusedCfrightenedDdefeated14、AblackBblueCbrownDgreen15、AcouldBmustCmayDwould16、AafterBwhenCbeforeDwhile17、AurgentBbriefCcollectDdistant18、ApaidBhandedCsharedDshowed19、AgratefulBhelpfulCamazedDdelighted20、AforgottenBmissedCfoundDrememberedSection II Reading ComprehensionPart ADirections:Read the following four texts. Answer the questions below each text by choosing A, B, C or D. Mark your answers on the ANSWER SHEET. (40 points)Text 1David was about 8 when he learned how to swim. He got so good that he eventually picked up free diving, a sport where divers hold their breath until resurfacing instead of using breathing equipment. He never imagined nearly two decades later he would come to use that skill in such a way.It is an extraordinary act of courage, but to have the moment caught on camera for the world to see is something else entirely. The scene was filmed by someone on the same boat and was put online. The video was shared immediately by national and global media.That August day began with David boating around with his friends. They spotted a woman driving a bright red Mazda heading right into high water. David and his crew tried to warn her to stop, but by then it was too late, and the car had already slid under water.In the moments before David jumped into those muddy flood waters to tear the roof off the car with his bare hands, his thought process was short. In fact, he didnt have one.“The car was sinking fast,” David says. “There was no time to think. It had to be done.”Up until recently, David hadnt reunited with the woman he saved. He was perfectly fine with saving a stranger and remaining unknown to her.Still to this day, even after the attention the video received, after the media from all over the globe landed on his front yard, David doesnt think it a big deal. “I think I was just lucky,” David says, smiling. “I happened to be at the right place at the right time.”1、177What did David do on that August day?AHe picked up free diving. BHe rescued a woman.CHe drove into the water. DHe filmed a video.2、179Why did the media land on his front yard?ATo take photos of his yard. BTo make a deal with him.CTo keep an eye on him. DTo dig for more about him.3、181What kind of person is David?AAmbitious. BConsiderate. CModest. DConservative.Text 2Asia is such a vast and diverse continent for anyone dreaming of an escape. Here are some best destinations to visit over the next 12 months.Xian, China
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