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考研英语一2023年广饶县全真模拟试题Section I Use of EnglishDirections:Read the following text. Choose the best word(s) for each numbered blank and mark A, B, C or D on the ANSWER SHEET. (10 points) There came a time in my life when my learning curve ( 曲线) became very steep. I learned so much in such a 1 time that I was reading two grades ahead of my 2 class. At school I was continuously 3 with lectures, because I had already done 4 .And 5 my knowledge increased, so did my arrogance(傲慢). I started getting into 6 debates with my teachers. I knew more than them, and I was eager to show it at every 7 I got. That was until Mrs T 8 . She was new to our school, and a perfect 9 for me. I tried one of my tricks on her in front of the whole class. She didnt scold me. She just 10 At the end of the class, she 11 me aside and said the following words:“I know that there is an unspoken 12 that a teacher is supposed to be more 13 than the student. We both know that is 14 . I know for a fact that you know much more than me. And I wont insult you by pretending otherwise. But remember this. Knowledge is supposed to give you 15 , not pride. Today you are the smartest person in the room; tomorrow you wont be. There will always be someone much 16 , much more diligent than you. And when that happens, all the pride in the world wouldnt be enough to 17 you from downfall. Everything that you have learnt will be for nothing if you dont learn the 18 of humility.Today, I 19 remember her words. I 20 myself of them daily.1、AfreeBshortCgoodDlong2、AregularBtraditionalCfavouriteDmodern3、AexcitedBcontentCangryDbored4、AnothingBeverythingCeitherDnone5、AbeforeBunlessCasDalthough6、ApoliticalBamusingCheatedDfriendly7、AopportunityBpermissionCrightDproblem8、Acame backBcame acrossCcame aboutDcame along9、AaudienceBtargetCguideDmarket10、AcriedBshoutedCsmiledDworried11、AsetBpushedCputDcalled12、AassumptionBattentionCattractionDappreciation13、AconsiderateBimportantCsensitiveDknowledgeable14、AcorrectBwrongCbasicDreasonable15、ApowerBenergyCpotentialDcontrol16、AwarmerBstrongerCsmarterDnicer17、AguardBsaveCdiscourageDban18、AfailureBexperienceClessonDbehavior19、AstillBevenCalsoDyet20、AwarnBconvinceCapproveDremindSection II Reading ComprehensionPart ADirections:Read the following four texts. Answer the questions below each text by choosing A, B, C or D. Mark your answers on the ANSWER SHEET. (40 points)Text 1 As the weather gets colder, we start wearing jackets, and most of us stop thinking about the sun. But the suns rays can be just as harmful when its cold and cloudy outside. “Any exposed area of your body can still get sunburned,” Dr. Apple Bodemer, an associate professor at the University of Wisconsin-Madison, told Live Science.Whether you spend a day on the slopes, skating on a pond or clearing snow out of your driveway, your face is still getting exposed to the suns radiation in the form of ultraviolet (紫外线) (UV) light, which can go deep into your skin cells causing DNA damage, according to Bodemer.The suns long ultraviolet A (UVA) waves can cause earlier aging, sunspots and wrinkles, while its short ultraviolet B (UVB) rays are known for causing skin reddening and burns.Skin damage caused by UV exposure increases over time. More exposure to radiation contributes to more severe damage, even skin cancer. In addition, snow and ice can also make sun damage worse. They reflect up to 80 percent of UV rays reaching the ground. That means you get hit from both the sky and the ground. And skiers and snowboarders increase their risk of getting sunburned even more because UV exposure increases at higher altitudes.“Generally, the biggest factor for sun-sensitivity is how pale your skin is,” he said. “But, the reality is that even the darkest individual can get sun damage.”Luckily, the solution for protecting your skin is simple: Wear sunscreen every day. Rigel recommended using sunscreen with a sun protection factor (SPF) of at least 30, and going higher at high altitudes. As a rule of thumb, SPF 30 will block 97 percent of UVB rays, SPF 50 blocking 98 percent, and SPF 100 blocking 99 percent. Whatever kind of sunscreen you use, its important to apply SPF about once every 2 hours.Rigel also suggested sunscreens with “broad spectrum (光谱)”to protect against both UVB and UVA raysas well as sunscreens that are water resistant for up to 80 minutes. That way, you can go about your day without it wearing off too quickly.1、Which of the statements best describes UV lights?AUVB lights cause much less damage to skin than UVA lights.BSkin damage from UV lights can he totally prevented by sunscreen.CSnow and ice make people suffer much more from
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