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考研英语一贵州省贵阳市2023年深度自测卷Section I Use of EnglishDirections:Read the following text. Choose the best word(s) for each numbered blank and mark A, B, C or D on the ANSWER SHEET. (10 points)I was about to open the door of my car when I saw a man approaching. The man pointed a(n) 1 at me. “Give me your purse!”“I dont have a purse,” I said.He kept coming. “Give me your purse!” He 2 the gun in my stomach. He reached over, seized my 3 and opened the trunk(汽车尾箱). He 4 me to the back of my car. I hesitated.“Get in,” he shouted, “now !”I did it, only 5 I knew exactly where the trunk release was.“Dont move; dont make a noise,” he 6 . He slammed the trunk shut. Everything went 7 . Right there in the trunk, my eyes were adjusting to the darkness. My fear started to 8 and my mind cleared. I knew whatever direction he turned, he would have to slow down. I waited for my 9 .He drove the car forward and then stopped. I heard another car honk behind. He then 10 and the car quickly reached 80 miles an hour. I couldnt tell where we were going. As soon as he slowed down, pulled the 11 release, pushed it open and jumped out. I 12 through peoples yards and tried to put distance and objects between the kidnapper and me.I ran back to my apartment complex and 13 doors. One finally opened and an older lady let me in. I 14 closed the door and locked it. While I was on with the 911 15 , there was a knock at the door. Standing there was a hulking figure, Daytona Beach police officer. He was in the neighborhood and 16 immediately.Officers 17 the kidnapper the next day. “You have no idea how 18 you are,” one of the officers told me. “Carjackings that developed into kidnappings 19 turn out well.”I knew it wasnt luck that had saved me. It was the 20 , both of mind and of soul. Remember chances only favor those who are prepared!1、Afinger Bcamera Carrow Dgun2、Astuck Bthrew Cfired Dhid3、Ahands Bphone Ckeys Dwallet4、Aassisted Bguided Cpersuaded Dforced5、Athough Bbecause Cunless Duntil6、Awarned Bquestioned Cexplained Drepeated7、Asmooth Bdark Csilent Dnatural8、Aspread Bincrease Cappear Dlift9、Aresult Bchance Cchoice Didea10、Acontinued Bslowed Caccelerated Dremained11、Atrunk Blight Calarm Dmotor12、Awalked Braced Cwandered Dpassed13、Apulled Bshut Canswered Dbeat14、Askillfully Bcarefully Crapidly Dsilently15、Aoperator Bvictim Ccriminal Dorganizer16、Areturned Bleft Cwithdrew Dresponded17、Aeducated Barrested Csuspected Ddismissed18、Acalm Bdangerous Clucky Dbrave19、Ararely Busually Cprobably Dgenerally20、Afortune Bpatience Cpreparation DcourageSection II Reading ComprehensionPart ADirections:Read the following four texts. Answer the questions below each text by choosing A, B, C or D. Mark your answers on the ANSWER SHEET. (40 points)Text 1 Centuries ago, these caves were places of worship (祭祀) for Buddhist monks. Today theyre homes for 200 poor Afghan families and one classroom.Fereshta Ahmadi was able to stay in school after her family moved to the caves about a decade ago. Shes now a senior at an all-girls high school in Bamyan but she felt the need to educate the children of cave settlers. So 6 years ago, she transformed her living space into a classroom.For 2 hours every day she teaches 30 primary school-age kids different subjects including English. She says she wants to give an opportunity to the children who dont have access to mainstream schools.“Cave settlers are no different from people who live in modern communities or people who live in fancy apartments and buildings. They, too can study, can go to public schools and take private courses so they build their abilities and development.”Using her own money, the young teacher opened a small library with 200 books to improve the reading skills of her students. She hopes to expand her cave class in the future. “My plan is to change my small course to a big school and there must be some assistance from government and /or other organizations so that I can take my services to the next level.”The children in this classroom are happy to get an education and they have big dreams for the future. “We study different subjects here, for example, Dari, math, English, drawing and reading, I want to become a doctor in the future and serve my people,” said one of the students.Years of conflict and poverty forced these families to seek refuge (避难所) in these ancient caves with no basic facilities and, previous to Ahmadis initiative (自发性), no chance of getting an education for the children. After an Afghan service broadcast report about Ahmadis sc
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