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考研英语一2023年韶关市乳源瑶族自治县深度自测卷Section I Use of EnglishDirections:Read the following text. Choose the best word(s) for each numbered blank and mark A, B, C or D on the ANSWER SHEET. (10 points) When I was a freshman in college I received a letter that forever opened a window in my soul I had just started writing and the 1 of my local county newspaper had been kind enough to 2 some of my work About a month later the 3 arrivedHere is what it said You may not 4 me We last saw each other in kindergarten and my 5 moved the next year We 6 get the county paper in the mail, though, and when I saw your name I had to write you You see that first year in school was very 7 for me I was a tiny, 8 , and ordinary-looking girl that the other children 9 me every day The thing I remember about you is that you 10 did When we 11 to go out, the teacher always put me beside you and you would hold my hand as we 12 the street You talked to me and played with me You 13 me as a person, not someone different and I will be forever 14 for that My whole life was 15 because of how you treated me all those years agoI carefully wrote back to my kindergarten friend and we 16 for several years 17 the illness that she had 18 with since childhood finally took her life I will never forget, however, just how much that simple kindness I had shared 19 to herEvery act of kindness we do 20 anothers heart Every bit of goodness we share makes the world a better place Lets use that power and make both Earth and Heaven smile1、AteacherBdirectorCeditorDleader2、AprintBpublishCreportDcheck3、AnewspaperBmessageCworkDletter4、ArememberBrecognizeChearDforget5、AparentsBfamilyCschoolDclassmates6、AstillBalsoCjustDeven7、AbusyBhappyCdifficultDeasy8、AhonestBnaughtyCsunnyDsick9、AkiddedBhelpedChatedDbeat10、AoccasionallyBneverCseldomDalways11、Agot upBlined upCended upDcheered up12、AadventuredBvisitedCcleanedDcrossed13、AjudgedBheardCknewDsaw14、AgratefulBhopefulCregretfulDskillful15、AharderBbetterCeasierDhealthier16、AcooperatedBcorrespondedClivedDworked17、AafterBwhenCbeforeDwhile18、AexperiencedBstudiedCtreatedDstruggled19、AmeantBdoneCappearedDgot20、AdiscoversBobtainsCenrichesDtouchesSection II Reading ComprehensionPart ADirections:Read the following four texts. Answer the questions below each text by choosing A, B, C or D. Mark your answers on the ANSWER SHEET. (40 points)Text 1Hello,The International Student Center has heard of several frauds(诈骗) that are targeting international students. Someone may call and say that they are from:Immigration Canadahome countrys EmbassyCanada Revenue AgencyPolice DepartmentIn most situations, the caller will request that you make a payment or you will face serious consequences when returning to your home country. They may talk or threaten until you make a payment. While there is no way that these fraudsters can know you are an international student (they call Canadians too), here are some things that you should know in order to better protect yourself:UTSC provides you with FREE Immigration advising and application help (for Study &Work Permits, Visas, Permanent Residence, and Citizenship).Canada Revenue Agency (CRA), Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada (IRCC),and Canadian Border Services Agency ( CBSA) will not call you, and will not ask for money or personal information by phone. If you call them, you will have to identify yourself.Embassies will not threaten you to make a payment or request an investigation fee due to a fake (伪造的) passport.Never feel like you need to pay anyone money right away. Ask for an employee number and hang up. You can call back the company (find their number online) and ask about your situation to confirm.Be skeptical of anyone asking you to make a payment.Think twice before clicking the we blinks provided and make sure they will actually go where they say.If you feel that you have been the victim of a fraud, you should report this to the police in the region where you live (e.g. Toronto Police Services). You can also inform Campus Police.If youre not sure about something, WAIT. Come to the ISC (IC-350) and meet with a Transition Advisor. We can help you understand whats happening.Kendel ChitolieInternational Student Advisor, RISIA S700907International Student Centre1、It may be a fraud if the caller asking for money says he/she is from .AInternational Student Centre BInternational AirlineCCanada Travel Agency DImmigration Canada2、What can be learned from the passage?AEmbassies will not ask you to pay for an investigation fee for a fake passport.BUTSC will ask for money if you need help for Study & Work Permits.
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