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2023年玛曲县考研英语一全真模拟试题Section I Use of EnglishDirections:Read the following text. Choose the best word(s) for each numbered blank and mark A, B, C or D on the ANSWER SHEET. (10 points)阅读下面两篇短文,从短文后所给各题的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。I remember the exact moment I learned the principle of preparing for luck.I was on the wrestling team. Now, if theres one thing I can tell you about any sport, it is that wrestling is probably the sport that has the least 1 .There are only two people out on the mat, so you cannot 2 it on your teammates or your coach. And guess what? There is no 3 because we do the whole thing indoors, so you cant say, “It was raining” or “It was snowing.” It makes 4 to say wrestling is the sport with the least luck.On our team were two world champions; one of them had been a world champion five times. We 5 had five people who were national champions. One of them was a guy 6 the name of John.John had never been 7 he was a national champion. There was nobody locally who could touch him.One day, we39 a match with our biggest opponent(对手). John went out on the mat, and about a minute and 30 seconds into the match he tried to make a particular 8 He rolled over, and his opponent 9 him halfway through his roll. He waspinned(压住) 10 !The match was over.I remember on the way home, one of our teammates tried to 11 John by saying, “Oh, he just got lucky.” John said, “Thats so stupid. The 12 presented itself, and he just took advantage of it.”We used to have this big 13 ”Johns opponent was prepared to make use of this opportunity. The possibility of beating John was not 14 and he knew it. But he waited for the 15 opportunity to present itself, and he defeated and pinned a five-time national champion.In other words, the real 16 is “Be prepared!” Its not just finding the opportunity; you have to be prepared to 17 it.1、.AluckBriskCdifficultyDopportunity2、.AaccuseBblameCdoubtDkeep3、.AstressBinjuryCchangeDweather4、.AreasonBsureCsafeDsense5、. .AalsoBevenCtooDonce6、.AunderBforCinDby7、.AhurtBmetCtrainedDdefeated8、.AalthoughBasCyetDuntil9、.Awent forBwaited forCfought forDplayed for10、.AactBstepCtaskDmove11、.AfixedBthrewCcaughtDcarried12、.AaccidentallyBfortunatelyCunfairlyDimmediately13、.AcontrolBcomfortCconvinceDforgive14、.AsuccessBmomentCopportunityDsituation15、.AwarningBsignCsentenceDnote16、.AoccasionBchallengeCtimeDpreparation17、.AobviousBstrongClittleDslight18、.AequalBexactCrestDright19、.AmessageBthemeCkeyDsuggestion20、. .AreceiveBfollowCseizeDsaveSection II Reading ComprehensionPart ADirections:Read the following four texts. Answer the questions below each text by choosing A, B, C or D. Mark your answers on the ANSWER SHEET. (40 points)Text 1 A dozen international coffee experts shuffle(把脚挪来挪去)around a long wooden table, pausing at each steaming cup, heads dipping and sniffing deeply. Then theslurping(吃喝或吸吮的声音)begins. In the wings, coffee farmer Yang Fan watches intently as the judges circle, awaiting a verdict(裁定)on her latest crop of beans.China may be the spiritual home of tea, but it is fast developing a reputation as a top coffee producer. This tasting was a side event to the first ever Puer International Specialty Coffee Expo in Chinas southwestern Yunnan province, which ran this winter and drew more than a thousand attendees, including industry aficionados(酷爱者) from across the globe.Coffee has huge potential in China, says Liu Ying, who swapped her life working in private-equity(私人股权) investment in Beijing to grow coffee in Puer five years ago. The younger generation prefers to drink coffee in their offices much more than tea. Still, Puer remains synonymous with tea.This bustling (喧闹的)town near the Laos border is surrounded by the green hills scored with tea plantations; it produces a variety of tea which is also called Puer, considered one of Chinas most refined. But the regions mild climate is also perfect for growing Arabica coffee. And as Chinas fast-living millennials move away from traditional tea in favor of the invigorating coffee, Puers farmers are catering to the demand.Yunnan accounts for 98% of Chinas coffee harvest, with half coming from the misty landscape around Puer. Today, China is the 13th biggest coffee producer in the worldrising from zero output three decades ago to 136,000 tons annually today.In April, Seattles annual Specialty Coffee Expo decided to showcase China as its portrait country of origin. It follows on the heels of Starbucks launching its first single-origin Yunnan coffee last year after eight years of partnership with Yunnan farmers.With global coffee prices at record lows, Yunnan farmers are proces
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