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2023年大连市西岗区考研英语一高分冲刺试题Section I Use of EnglishDirections:Read the following text. Choose the best word(s) for each numbered blank and mark A, B, C or D on the ANSWER SHEET. (10 points) I was the fool at school, regarded as a special needs student I was termed as such Obviously, because I was not interested in school and did not care for my 1 Over time, I started to believe in my stupidity I 2 the fact that I was in special needs classes and poured it out as anger and depression But one activity 3 this view of myself: chessI started to play chess with my father after school 4 because I wanted to beat him at something My father was a 5 man, fond of physics, writing, religion, almost every field He was called a walking dictionary So, winning in chess against my father would be a 6 that I had intellectual power On the small chessboard, I had a chance to 7 my so-called inabilityGame after game, I wanted to beat my father even more I started to study chess books and play against a chess computer to 8 my skills One weekend, I finally checkmated(将杀) my father on a ferry ride, which made me feel 9 Two years later, I became the second board 10 my school chess team, with our top board being the best high school player in the state But before the tournament season, our top player 11 to come There came my chance to play as top board against the best players in other statesI was determined to show who I had become: a(n) 12 person able to win with calculation, logic and will My most 13 game came in the final round Our team was facing a high school which only excellent students attended It was 14 a match between a special needs student and a smart soul My opponent(对手) was playing well and kept 15 while I kept defending to keep my king safe He spent long trying to break down my defenses, but could not find the final push I 16 with more defensive moves, trying to make it as difficult for him as possible With little 17 left, he started to make rapid moves 18 he could make the final decision, he ran out of time Honestly, as his clock flag fell, I jumped up out of my seat and kissed the floor out of excitement Of course it was not the most sportsmen-like 19 , but I could not control my emotionsWhile holding my winners cup, I knew I was not 20 The inferiority complex(自卑感) had melted away, and I realized that underneath our thoughts, each person is a genius1、Ahabits Bgrades Cplans Dbenefits2、Anoticed Bexplained Caccepted Dignored3、Achanged Bsupported Cquestioned Dshowed4、Aespecially Bobviously Csimply Dhopefully5、Asmart Bstrict Cquiet Dstrong6、Adream Blesson Ctheory Dsign7、Aturn over Bturn down Cget over Dget through8、Ateach Bsharpen Cchoose Dinvent9、Aoverjoyed Bdisappointed Cpuzzled Dinterested10、Afor Bin Cof Don11、Apromised Bmanaged Chappened Dfailed12、Abrave Blucky Cactive Dintelligent13、Aterrible Bmemorable Cdangerous Dpopular14、Anormally Bpossibly Cactually Dpartly15、Aattacking Bsmiling Cpausing Descaping16、Areturned Bquit Cwon Dexchanged17、Apatience Btime Cenergy Dwisdom18、AOnce BUntil CBefore DUnless19、Aspirit Bthought Ccomment Dbehavior20、Aproud Bstupid Cbright DlazySection II Reading ComprehensionPart ADirections:Read the following four texts. Answer the questions below each text by choosing A, B, C or D. Mark your answers on the ANSWER SHEET. (40 points)Text 1 In some islands north of Scotland, if head lice (头虱) left their host, he became sick and feverish. Therefore, sick people had lice put in their hair intentionally. There was a method in their madness: As soon as the lice had settled in again, the patient improved. The story explains the confusion of cause and effect. If the lice leave the sick host, it is because he has a fever and they simply get hot feet,and when the fever breaks,they return. Such false causality (假因果关系)misleads us every day.Consider the headline: “Fact: Women Who Use Shampoo XYZ Every Day Have Stronger Hair.” It says very little - least of all, that the shampoo makes your hair stronger. It might simply be the other way round: women with strong hair tend to use Shampoo XYZ - and perhaps thats because it says “especially for thick hair” on the bottle.Another example: Scientists found that long periods in the hospital did harm to patients. But, clearly, patients who are dismissed immediately are healthier than those who must stay on for treatment.Recently I read that students get better grades at school if their homes contain many books. This study was surely a shot in the arm for booksellers, but it was also false causalit
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