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考研英语一2023年荆门市钟祥市预测试题Section I Use of EnglishDirections:Read the following text. Choose the best word(s) for each numbered blank and mark A, B, C or D on the ANSWER SHEET. (10 points)Last night my husband and I were taking a walk. Then we saw a man 1 over on the ground, crushing(砸碎) something with rock. He was completely 2 his task and didnt look up at anyone 3 . We kept noticing him. I thought he was crushing stones to make 4 , but why would he do that?Finally we decided to go up and 5 to him. He was crushing pieces of left-over bread to make feed for the birds that 6 there early morning. The large pieces of hard bread would be 7 for the birds to eat so he crushes them into a fine powder.Hes been doing this every night, by himself, for the last 3 to4 years. What 8 us more was that he was surprised we were even taking an 9 in this, since for him it wasnt a big deal. Every night, after 10 so his accommodation from his job as a tailor, he goes around 11 left-over bread from all his housemates. He 12 eats a quick meal and comes here, and spends the next 1 to 2 hours. 13 crushing each piece and makes a neat pile for the birds, which he says will be 14 by next evening. He also leaves grains on top of the pile, which he 15 every month from his wages.When we asked him what 16 him to do this simple, small but devoted act of 17 , he shrugged his shoulders and said. Its just something 18 I do: so that the left-over bread doesnt go into the rubbish and the birds get 19 .” We shared his story and perhaps it might inspire someone to start something 20 in their own area,1、Alooking Bbending Cgoing Dwatching2、Atired of Binterested in Cfocused on Daddicted to3、Apassing by Bsending off Crunning away Ddropping in4、Asoil Bfun Cmud Dsand5、Areply Bturn Cspeak Dpoint6、Aleave Bcome Cremain Dlive7、Aconvenient Bdangerous Ceasy Ddifficult8、Amoved Bbenefited Cfrightened Ddisappointed9、Aeffect Binterest Caction Dattempt10、Achanging Bimproving Creaching Dcleaning11、Acollecting Bchoosing Cbegging Deating12、Astill Bfinally Cever Dthen13、Asincerely Bcarefully Ceventually Dexactly14、Agone Bdeserted Cdelicious Dbad15、Agrows Bborrows Cbuys Darranges16、Areminds Bforces Cwarns Dinspires17、Aservice Bcuriosity Cpatience Dhappiness18、Agreat Bimportant Csmall Dpleasant19、Arest Bfood Ccomfort Dprotection20、Astrange Bequal Csimple DSimilarSection II Reading ComprehensionPart ADirections:Read the following four texts. Answer the questions below each text by choosing A, B, C or D. Mark your answers on the ANSWER SHEET. (40 points)Text 1 Student photographer Madeline Morales has had experiences most 15 year-olds have not. At the age of 15, she developed cancer and had to go through chemotherapy(化疗). But today will be a unique kind of experiencesomething most people will never have. “It makes me feel excited, a little bit nervous,” said Morales, whose photos were on display at a gallery show in Los Angeles. These images reflect her journey while battling cancer.She tried to look at things with a lot of light, a lot of what draws her to positivity and something that means love or happiness. “I think photography has really helped me a lot to stay positive and be motivated to keep fighting this disease.”Morales is one of 23 students sharing their experiences with cancer through photos at this gallery. They are graduates of the PABLOVE foundations SHUTTERBUGS advanced photography class. The foundation aims to improve the lives of children living with the disease through its photography program. It also provides money for underfunded cancer research. Incomes from sales of these prints will go toward cancer research programs.The PABLOVE program offers classes in eight cities across the United States. “Being in these classes with other people who understand their experience has been really beneficial, and it has really made them feel a lot more comfortable in what theyve been through,” said Ashley Blakeney, program manager of PABLOVE SHUTTERBUBS. She said the photography classes give students living with cancer a sense of community at a time when they often feel isolated in their experience.With photography many young students gain an identity that is not controlled by cancer. “Theres more to us than just having cancer. We want people to see what we see even if its through the lens(镜头).” says Luckman who was diagnosed with cancer when he was 10 years old. “Photography has given me a small chance to actually assist in the world a bit. Id love to express my story and allow it to hopefully reach other kids
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