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考研英语一株洲市2023年深度预测试卷Section I Use of EnglishDirections:Read the following text. Choose the best word(s) for each numbered blank and mark A, B, C or D on the ANSWER SHEET. (10 points)Sometimes a certain day has a special meaning. Fridays meant a trip to a senior nursing home downtown for me. It seemed as if this nursing home needed help, but 1 did I know it would help me, too.During my first visit I was asked to 2 some of the female residents nails. I carefully 3 the old color on their nails. As I applied new color, one woman 4 to tell me about her hidden pains, from her husbands death to the one 5 she wanted most: a camera. I listened carefully. She smiled 6 , with some of her past pains taken off her mind. I left the nursing home that day, 7 by the fact that I had actually helped somebody.I realized that my 8 actions, just listening, for example, could make a(n) 9 to others lives. One woman, who happily commented that we 10 the same first name, confided (吐露) her opinions to me. Another 11 showed me a birthday card her children had sent her. Of course, not all of the conversations were 12 . When one elderly woman talked to me about 13 her 13-year-old daughter would be graduating from middle school this year, I didnt know what to do but nod and listen, 14 that her daughter must have graduated decades ago.Although I could not 15 more years to the lives of these elderly residents, I could give them something simple thats often 16 in our society. Through our conversations, I gave them the 17 that in this fast-paced world, they were not forgottenthat members of younger generations still cared about them.Every moment I spend 18 is an opportunity to reduce their pain. 19 , that moment also shapes me. I not only learn about life and experiences outside of school but also receive the gift of being part of this 20 the connection between humans. Those moments of sharing and listening are magical for both the giver and the receiver.1、Astill Blittle Calready Dindeed2、Apolish Bwash Ccut Dcheck3、Atook away Brubbed off Cshowed off Dgave up4、Acontinued Bexpected Cagreed Dstarted5、Acollection Bproduct Caward Ditem6、Aat least Bmore or less Cin relief Din vain7、Ainspired Breminded Cmoved Dpuzzled8、Aunique Bpolite Ccasual Dsimple9、Achance Bimpression Cdifference Ddecision10、Aremembered Bshared Ccontained Dcarried11、Acautiously Baccidentally Cproudly Dfinally12、Apleasant Bserious Cformal Dinteresting13、Awhen Bwhy Cwhat Dthat14、Aconvincing Bknowing Cindicating Dpersuading15、Aadd Bconnect Csupply Dcompare16、Avalued Bloved Cblamed Doverlooked17、Amemory Bpossibility Cassurance Dassumption18、Achatting Bwaiting Cacting Dwatching19、AAbove all BIn other words CIn turn DIn a word20、Atradition Bprocess Chabit DtripSection II Reading ComprehensionPart ADirections:Read the following four texts. Answer the questions below each text by choosing A, B, C or D. Mark your answers on the ANSWER SHEET. (40 points)Text 1While global warming and ocean acidification driven by pollution cause a real threat to sea creatures, climate change is not the primary driver threatening to cause the extinction (灭绝) of large ocean animals. It is humans that are threatening large sea creatures primarily by hunting and fishing them.Researchers findings reflect a phenomenon experienced by ancient land ecosystems (生态系统). These losses in the ocean are paralleling what humans did to land animals some 50,000 to 10,000 years ago, when we wiped out around half of the big-bodied mammals on Earth, like mammoths, mastodons. saber-tooth cats and the like.The increasing threat to large groups of sea animals is a recent phenomenon. The researchers made this discovery by comparing characteristics of nearly 2,500 extinct sea vertebrates and mollusks alongside others currently in danger of extinction. They found that smaller sea animals were a little more likely than large ones to be killed off during five previous mass extinction eventsthe most recent of which was associated with a small planets strike some 65 million years ago.What was surprising to the researchers was that they did not see a similar kind of pattern in any of the previous mass extinction events that they studied.The study shows that a sixth mass extinction, which may already be underway, could kill off larger-bodied animals while leaving smaller ones behind. That could have a terrible long-term impact.Such removal of the largest animals from the modern oceans, which never happened in the history of animal life, may disturb the order of ecosystems for millions of years even at levels
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