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考研英语一2023年黄龙县全真模拟试题Section I Use of EnglishDirections:Read the following text. Choose the best word(s) for each numbered blank and mark A, B, C or D on the ANSWER SHEET. (10 points)A couple of years ago, there were billboards about the achievements of Boston Athletic Association. Beside the photos were some 1 words, expressing the reasons for running. Each had different words, but one really 2 . It was simple: “Because I can.”As kids, many tales told us about the spirit of determination, of believing in ourselves. As 3 , we dont always have tales to teach us these valuable lessons. As a result, we start making 4 . “Because I can” removes these excuses. It gives us a lesson to do the things that we think we 5 . And, it enables us to believe in ourselves.Practicing “can” thinking is important to keeping us young, to having a(n) 6 outlook, to staying active and to 7 our goals. Further, it can help us 8 richer and fuller lives. The fact that you have the ability to do something gives you the power to do it, 9 the task might be. How can you use the power of “Because I can”? Here are three ways:Be more active. 10 it is to get to the store or work, or if it is climbing the 11 instead of taking the lift, holding a “Because I can” 12 is an easy way to include more activities in your life. Break the “Im tired” or “It is too hard” or “It is too far” cycle. Increasing your activity level will 13 a lot of benefits.Try something new. It is easy for us to make excuses for why we shouldnt try new things. Maybe you think it is 14 your comfort zone. Maybe it seems too difficult. Telling 15 that “You can” try something new will help you to 16 past these roadblocks and 17 new things about yourself and possible new interests.Increase your willpower. Saying “No” to our favorite things is not easy. 18 , developing a strong willpower is something that is good for you. 19 time you want to do something you think you might 20 , try telling yourself that you can say no. You have the power.1、Adisappointing Bpuzzling Csatisfying Dencouraging2、Astood out Bturned out Cheld out Dpicked out3、Ateachers Brunners Cadults Daudience4、Adifferences Bexcuses Cadjustments Dpreparations5、Acant Bmustnt Cshouldnt Dneednt6、Asensitive Bpositive Cimaginative Dobjective7、Adeveloping Bmaking Csetting Dreaching8、Aarrange Bbuild Clead Dchange9、Awhichever Bwhenever Cwherever Dwhatever10、AWhether BIf CThough DSince11、Awall Bstairs Cladder Dhill12、Amotto Bactivity Cattitude Dposition13、APreserve Bprovide Cpossess Dprotect14、Abeside Bwithout Cbeyond Dwithin15、Ahim Bhimself Cyou Dyourself16、Amove Bjump Covercome Ddefeat17、Aconsult Binform Cdiscover Dexperience18、AMoreover BHowever CTherefore DOtherwise19、AEvery BEach CLast DNext20、Aregret Brequest Crecommend DremindSection II Reading ComprehensionPart ADirections:Read the following four texts. Answer the questions below each text by choosing A, B, C or D. Mark your answers on the ANSWER SHEET. (40 points)Text 1Ticks of theTradeHere are some of the ways companies try to get you to buy their products. See if you can spot any of them the next time you watch an ad,What a Character! Companies often use mascots to sell their products A memorable mascotlike a rabbit that loves cerealmakes you immediately think of the product.Convincing Colors: Many foods come in brightly colored packaging meant to grab your attention. Different colors can create different feelings. For example, research shows that red and yellow can make you hungry.Name ThatTune: Have you ever had a song from a commercial stuck in your head?Companies create catchy jingles and slogans to make sure you dont forget their products.Making Your Mouth Water: Have you noticed that food in commercials often looks better than it does in real life? Thats because advertisers hire people called food stylists to make burgers look extra juicy and chips extra crispy.Star Power: Companies pay actors, athletes, and singers to promote their products. The idea is that people will want to eat and drink the same products as the celebrities they admire.Football star Cam Newton appears in ads for Gatorade.1、250In the first trick, what do companies try to associate their products with?ATrademarks.BMascots.CLogos.DSymbols.2、252Research shows that the color yellow can .Aincrease a persons appetiteBinspire a persons imaginationCsharpen a persons eyesightDmotivate persons creativity3、254Food stylists try to promote the food by taking advantage of a persons sense of .Ahe
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