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2023年三明市尤溪县考研英语一统考试题Section I Use of EnglishDirections:Read the following text. Choose the best word(s) for each numbered blank and mark A, B, C or D on the ANSWER SHEET. (10 points)My most memorable occasion with an old song in a new place was in late April, 1974. While I was then teaching mathematics in an American university, a small grant(拨款)allowed me to teach at the University of New South Wales in Australia. I had just 1 . One evening I went to a 2 that had a young piano player. Almost all the songs he played were ones Id never heard before. He asked for 3 , and people asked for other songs completely 4 to me. Then someone pointed to me, We have an American 5 - hes new here. Lets hear a request from him. In my great ignorance of 6 music, either American or Australian, I was on the spot. But I had begun to learn Australian 7 . The University of New South Wales is on a hillside above a major avenue named Anzac Parade, 8 the Australia New Zealand Army Corps (ANZAC), which 9 for England in World War . Anzac Day is an important Australian holiday honoring the sacrifices (牺牲) made by 10 .The important holiday 11 on April 25, the day the ANZAC forces landed at Gallipoli, in northern Turkey, in 1915.And I did know a song that seemed 12 for the holiday. I asked the 13 if he could play The White Cliffs of Dover. He said, I dont 14 that one. A visible shock went around the restaurant Then a(n) 15 man said, Well, lers sing it for him. Actually the entire room, 16 everyone over the age of 40, joined in singing the song, which became popular in England in 1942 and 17 throughout the English-speaking world. Its an old song. 18 it expresses a hope for peace as timely today as it was during the Battle of Britain. And people made it very 19 afterward that they appreciated my knowledge and respect for 20 tradition. The newcomer, in the new place, had made himself one of the gang.1、Afinished Barrived Cappeared Dpassed2、Amall Brestaurant Cschool Dhotel3、Aadvice Bhelp Crequests Ddonations4、Acomforting Bpleasant Cordinary Dunfamiliar5、Ahero Bcolleague Cstudent Dvisitor6、Aoriginal Bsoft Cmodem Dwestern7、Aculture Bmusic Cliterature Dlifestyle8、An memory of Bin place of Cin support of Din terms of9、Aprepared Bsearched Cfought Dcheered10、Afriend Bsoldiers Cthe Americans Dthe British11、Asurfaces Bbreaks Cends Dfalls12、Aready Bappropriate Creasonable Dresponsible13、Acustomer Bmanager Cpianist Dwaiter14、Ahave Bsing Cplay Dknow15、Aolder Byounger Cstronger Dhigher16、Aregretfully Bcertainly Canxiously Dnormally17、Aexisted Bdeveloped Cspread Dfaded18、Abut Bso Cif Dthough19、Aamazing Breligious Cfamily Dclear20、Alocal Breligious Cfamily DweakSection II Reading ComprehensionPart ADirections:Read the following four texts. Answer the questions below each text by choosing A, B, C or D. Mark your answers on the ANSWER SHEET. (40 points)Text 1The World Health Organization says that the disease polio is no longer widespread in India. In 2009,half of the worlds cases of polio were there. But In 2011, there was only one new case of polio in the country.Polio is caused by a virus. It spreads very quickly from one person to another. Victims often lose the use of their arms and legs. In the most serious cases, polio can kill a person.Twenty-five years ago, polio affected about 200, 000 children in India each year. The United Nations childrens organization, UNICEF, sent teams. of health workers into local villages. Team members told families in their neighborhood about the importance of giving liquid medicine to children to protect them against polio.But it was not easy at first. A member said, “They used to think that our children will not be able to have children when they grow up if they get the drop. They used to think like this. But now they dont. Now they allow their kids to get the drops.” Now things have changed. Asma Khatun is a mother in the town of Ghaziabad in the northern state of Utter Pradesh. She said, “Whenever anyone comes, we get the children vaccinated(接种疫苗). Even if nobody came to our house, we would send our children to a clinic to get vaccinated.A local Muslim leader says the vaccination campaign has been successful because it is supported by religious leaders. He said, “The polio vaccination campaign has been successful here because our Muslim scholars are with us.With their support, we are able to make people understand that giving children the vaccine is beneficial and crucial.”The Indian government has now launched a new campaign to vaccinate 170 millio
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