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考研英语一榆树市2023年高分通关卷Section I Use of EnglishDirections:Read the following text. Choose the best word(s) for each numbered blank and mark A, B, C or D on the ANSWER SHEET. (10 points)As a child, Bill was untidy. It has been said that in order to 1 this, his Mum drew up 2 clothing plans for him. On Mondays he might go to school in blueon Thursdays in black, and so on. Weekend meal 3 might also be planned in detail.People around Bill 4 that he was exceptional. One of his friends recalled, “he was 5 the kind of kid you didnt want 6 our team. We all knew Bill was 7 than us. Even back then, when he was nine or ten years old, he talked like a(an) 8 and could express himself in ways that none of us understood.”Bill was also well 9 his classmates in mathematics and science. He needed to go to a school that 10 him, Lakeside, an all-boys school for 11 students.Lakeside allowed students to go after their own 12 , to whatever extent they wished. The school 13 itself on helping all its students to reach their 14 potential. It was the ideal environment for someone like Bill Gates.During his time at Lakeside, Bill scored a 15 eight hundred on a mathematics test. It was extremely important to him to get this gradehe had to take the 16 more than once in order to do it.Computer time was expensive and, because he was anxious to get more 17 and because Bill already had an understanding 18 what he could achieve 19 , he decided to 20 a company: The Lakeside Programmers Group. “Lets call the real world and try to sell something to it!” Bill announced.1、Abalance Bkeep Cwatch Dcontrol2、Acertain Bstrict Cweekly Dtimely3、Adishes Bconferences Cplaces Dschedules4、Asaw Bdiscussed Cconfused Drecognized5、Aever Bnever Cseldom Dalways6、Afor Bon Camong Dagainst7、Asmarter Bolder Cstronger Dbraver8、Achild Bteacher Cadult Dman9、Aback off Bfar from Cahead of Dmore than10、Adefeated Bchallenged Centertained Dmonitored11、Aexceptional Brich Cordinary Dspecial12、Afriends Bvalues Ccareers Dinterests13、Alooked Bopened Cprided Dtricked14、Adeep Bsacred Cfull Drich15、Alogical Btough Cimaginary Dperfect16、Atest Blesson Ctask Dmeasure17、Atime Bfund Chelp Dgrade18、Ato Bof Cfrom Dbehind19、Apsychologically Bfinancially Cwisely Duniversally20、Apick up Btake up Csend up Dset upSection II Reading ComprehensionPart ADirections:Read the following four texts. Answer the questions below each text by choosing A, B, C or D. Mark your answers on the ANSWER SHEET. (40 points)Text 1 While learning the science lessons, I used to get a doubt-why ears,nose,tongue and eyes should be called as special senses?The basic reason is that these are the channels through which we maintain contact with the surroundings. Though apparently it may feel like these are individual sensory organs,they do show some connectivity. Interestingly,our hearing is less sharp after we eat a heavy food. Isnt it good for a sound nap after a stomach-full meal?That does not mean we go deaf after a meal,but the hearing pitch(强度)does change after a heavy meal.We usually give credit of the taste to our tongue,but do you know that unless saliva(唾液)dissolves something,our tongue cannot recognize the taste of the food eaten. Taste is nothing but the food chemicals dissolved in the saliva being sensed by the taste buds present on the tongue. Try to dry off your tongue and mouth with a tissue paper and then taste something.Women are much better smellers than men. They are born with this characteristic ability and can correctly pinpoint the exact fragrance of the sample. We all can store almost 50,000 different scents(气味),which are strongly tied to the memories.Pupils(瞳孔)do not respond to light alone,but to the slightest bit of noise around too. Thus surgeons,watchmakers and those professionals who have to perform a much delicate job do prefer to have a sound-free environment. Even a small noise can dilate(扩大)their pupils change the focus and blur(使模糊)their vision. If you do not wear glasses or contact lens due to having a 6/6 vision,you are just among the one third of the human population. It is now statistically proved that only one third of the population has perfect vision,rest all are either wearing glasses or are trying to read with a compromised vision.Each and every one of us has a particular or individualistic or characteristic smell,which is unique to us,except for the identical twins. This smell is very subtle(微妙的)yet can be sensed even by a newborn. It may be due to this scent that the newborn recognizes the presence of his parents around. Many of us can pinpoint
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