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鸡西市恒山区2023年考研英语一模拟试题Section I Use of EnglishDirections:Read the following text. Choose the best word(s) for each numbered blank and mark A, B, C or D on the ANSWER SHEET. (10 points)完形填空阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。It was very late when I got out of the cinema. By the time the 1 ended, it was 1 a. m. I walked to my car which was 2 across the street. When I arrived, I noticed something 3 the doors were unlocked. I took a quick 4 round the car and to my great 5 , everything was undamaged, except that my 6 was gone. After a further search, I had to 7 the fact that it was gone, but I considered myself incredibly 8 that nothing valuable was taken.The next day I got a 9 voice mail from a man. He said he had walked his dog in the morning and came across my 10 briefcase with my name on it. I called him back 11 He promised to 12 it. At first I asked him to send it, but then I 13 Though we were in the same city, I didnt want to trouble him. I finally decided to go to collect it though it probably wouldnt be 14 enough to go to a 15 house to pick something up.I met the man and was greatly 16 to him. Words could not express my 17 of this strangers kindness. I think that theres so much 18 in the world and there are so many people who 19 their inner goodness through acts of kindness. It feels good to give kindness and it also feels nice to 20 others want to give.1、ApartyBmovieCmeetingDinterview2、AdrivenBrepairedCboughtDparked3、AstrangeBinterestingCexcitingDtiring4、AchargeBattemptClookDchance5、AsurpriseBsorrowCpuzzleDrelief6、AmoneyBbriefcaseCwatchDcellphone7、AreceiveBdeclareCacceptDoppose8、AanxiousBconfidentCfortunateDsatisfactory9、AfamiliarBsurprisingCworriedDloud10、AmodernBoldCnewDlost11、AimmediatelyBusuallyCwronglyDhurriedly12、AborrowBcleanCoccupyDmail13、AreconsideredBdiscussedCcriticizedDremembered14、AhonestBproudCwiseDactive15、AneighborsBstrangersCfriendsDteachers16、AgratefulBhelpfulCregretfulDwonderful17、AsatisfactionBapprovalCsympathyDappreciation18、AhatredBcontributionCgoodnessDdoubt19、AsearchBshowCfindDremove20、AforceBchallengeChelpDrealizeSection II Reading ComprehensionPart ADirections:Read the following four texts. Answer the questions below each text by choosing A, B, C or D. Mark your answers on the ANSWER SHEET. (40 points)Text 1 With its snow-covered mountains and a variety of wildlife, Yellow Stone National Park is one of the scenic treasures of the United States. Located primarily in Wyoming, the park hosts millions of visitors every year. If you plan to travel within the park, keep in mind advice from the National Park Service.Seasonal TravelTravel varies vastly from season to season. Roads are generally open in the summer except for cases of rock or mud slides, wild fires, accidents or road construction. Early snows in the fall can cause some roads to close temporarily. In the winter almost all roads are closed to motor vehicles, but snowmobiles and other snow vehicles with tracks are allowed. Roads begin to open for the spring by the latter part of April but can close if snowfall continues.Driving TimeGrand Loop is the main road through Yellowstone National Park; it passes by most of the major attractions. These include Old Faithful, Yellowstone Lake and the Grand Canyon of Yellowstone. The maximum speed limit on the Grand Loop is 45 miles per hour, but the speed limit drops during some of the winding and twisting sections of this narrow road. Allow yourself at least two days to fully travel the loop due to the size of the park and being sometimes stuck in heavy traffic.Safety AwarenessBuffalo(水牛)often block the roads in the park as they move through the fields. If a group is traveling across the road you are on, you can either wait for them to pass or find an alternative route. If you get out of your vehicle, the National Park Service says to stay at least 25 yards from any buffalo (and 100 yards or more away from bears and wolves). Buffalo are particularly unpredictable and charge people at speeds up to 30 mph.You can take your bicycle on any public roads and routes designed for bikes, but bicycles are not allowed on the park roads which are narrow with few shoulders. Altitudes range from 5, 300 to 8, 860 feet. The National Park Service recommends cyclists wear helmets and noticeable clothing.1、What do we know about travelling in the Yellowstone Park?ARoads will stay open in case of emergency.BTraffic jam happens from time to time.CThe driving speed on the road can be 50 mph.DMotor vehicles are allowed in the winter.2、What does the National Park Service suggest people do about safety?AStay inside the car throughout the travel.BGet out o
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