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2023年正阳县考研英语一考前冲刺预测试卷Section I Use of EnglishDirections:Read the following text. Choose the best word(s) for each numbered blank and mark A, B, C or D on the ANSWER SHEET. (10 points)It was a beautiful summer day when I saw a lot of little boys playing on the green island in the middle of our neighborhood. There were several 1 on that spot of green and the kids were having fun running around them, climbing them, and 2 them. I watched for a while from the window 3 where their mothers or fathers were. Those trees are living things, I thought, Dont those boys 4 ? I stepped outside to them just to make it known that I was 5 . I had not said a word when one of the boys shouted to me, Were making a pile of leaves to jump in! Oh! I replied 6 , You should jump in the dead leaves, but those leaves are still 7 1 I was sad, surprised and disappointed. I think the 8 is that many little boys today do not know that trees are alive and that they should 9 things that breathe. The extent of their education about nature is usually limited to living things, 10 animals. And often the kids behavior is simply 11 by parents. Ive watched kids chase cats, throw rocks at squirrels, kick small dogs, and 12 flowers and trees. If their parents were there, wouldnt this 13 ? I dont consider myself a tree protector, but I think 14 should teach their children how to protect our environment, because our world 15 more and more tree protectors. Indeed I do believe if there should be 16 protectors of the nature, our 17 would look more beautiful. Respect and 18 go together. A young child, who doesnt learn how to respect and care nature, will 19 be able to truly enjoy it. I will be one of the parents who 20 kids to explore nature, respect it, and learn to love it.1、Achildren Btrees Cpets Dthings2、Aharming Bobserving Cpraising Drepairing3、Awondering Bchoosing Cmoving Dfinding4、Aknow Bstudy Cplay Dimprove5、Ahurting Bmanaging Cinsisting Dwatching6、Apositively Bdoubtfully Ccasually Ddepressingly7、Asick Bdead Calive Dwet8、Atruth Bplan Cidea Dtopic9、Ainform Brespect Craise Dimpress10、Aespecially Brarely Cunwillingly Dpossibly11、Asupported Bignored Cvalued Dmissed12、Ashow Bexhibit Cdestroy Duse13、Agrow Brise Creturn Dhappen14、Ateachers Bpartners Cparents Dworkers15、Adevelops Bneeds Cwins Dearns16、Aless Bmore Cfew Dmuch17、Amaterial Bappearance Cschool Dworld18、Abelief Bresponsibility Cenjoyment Dpoliteness19、Asometimes Boften Calways Dnever20、Awarn Bencourage Cbeg DforbidSection II Reading ComprehensionPart ADirections:Read the following four texts. Answer the questions below each text by choosing A, B, C or D. Mark your answers on the ANSWER SHEET. (40 points)Text 1 College visits are important. Before you commit years of your life and money to a school,be sure youre choosing a place that is a good match for your personality and interests. You cant get the “feel” of a school from any guidebook,so be sure to visit the campus. Below are a few tips for getting the most out of your college visit.Explore on Your OwnOf course you should take the official campus tour,but be sure to allow time to hang around on your own. The trained tour guides will show you a schools selling points. But the oldest and prettiest buildings dont give you the entire picture of a college. Try to walk the extra mile and get the complete picture of the campus.Read the Bulletin BoardsWhen you visit the student center,academic buildings and residence halls,take a few minutes to read the bulletin boards. They provide an easy way to see whats happening on campus. The ads for lectures,clubs and plays can tell you whats going on outside the classrooms.Eat in the Dining HallYou can get a good feel for student life by eating in the dining hall. Try to sit with students if you can. Do the students seem happy or stressed?Also,is the food good?Are there adequate healthy options?Many admission offices will give prospective students coupons(优惠券)for free meals in the dining halls.Visit a Class in Your MajorIf you know what you want to study,a class visit makes a lot of sense. Youll get to observe other students in your field and see how involved they are in classroom discussion. Try to stay after class for a few minutes and chat with the students to get their impressions of their professors and major. Be sure to call in advance to schedule a classroom visit-most colleges dont allow visitors to drop in at class unannounced.Talk t
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