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2023年贵州省毕节地区黔西县考研英语一点睛提分卷Section I Use of EnglishDirections:Read the following text. Choose the best word(s) for each numbered blank and mark A, B, C or D on the ANSWER SHEET. (10 points)It was the day before my daughters birthday. Id just collected her from preschool when she cautioned me to 1 the elderly person walking across the car park. l was struck by her 2 and had no idea how much she really 3 it.The following day-her birthday-we decided to buy cupcakes for her. After we 4 the cupcakes, Norah was busy standing up in the trolley(手推车), 5 waving and happily declaring, Hi, old person! Its my birthday today! 6 I could stop her calling him an old person, the stone-faced man 7 to hen His expression softened as he replied, Well, hello, little lady! And how old are you today? They 8 for a few minutes, he wished her a happy birthday, and we went our 9 ways. A few minutes later, Norah asked me if she could take a 10 with the old man. I agreed. We found the man a couple of shelves over, and I approached him. When I told him Norahs 11 , his expression changed from 12 to shocked finally to delighted. He took a step back, steadied himself on his shopping trolley, and 13 his free hand on his chest. A photo? With me? he asked. Yes, Sir, for my birthday! Norah begged. And so he did. I 14 my iPhone, and they posed together. Norah placed her soft hand on top of his hand. He wordlessly stared at her with 15 eyes as she kept his hand in hers. I asked his name, and he told us to call him Dan. We were 16 other shoppers, but they didnt care. There was 17 happening in the supermarket that day, and we could all sense it.That afternoon I 18 the story and a photo of the two of them on the Facebook. Later that night, I received a private 19 from a local reader who recognized Mr. Dan. He told me Dans wife had passed away six months earlier and he wanted to let me know that he was certain Dans heart was touched by my little girl and Dan would never forget that 20 with my daughter.1、Aspot Bdelay Cmind Dstop2、Aselflessness Bcarefulness Cloneliness Dthoughtfulness3、Ameant Bended Cproved Dshowed4、Akept up Bpicked up Cturned up Dput up5、Aexcitedly Bdisappointedly Ccalmly Danxiously6、AAfter BBefore CSince DUntil7、Aturned Breferred Cappealed Dwalked8、Ahesitated Bchatted Crested Dwaited9、Aregular Bsingle Cseparate Dnatural10、Apicture Bwalk Crest Dbreak11、Adream Bcommand Crequest Dsuggestion12、Anervous Bupset Cconfused Dimpatient13、Areached Bplaced Ctouched Dpatted14、Apulled out Bput down Cturned off Dglanced at15、Aglaring Btwinkling Csharp Dbig16、Ablocking Bdelaying Cpreventing Dinterrupting17、Adiscount Bmagic Cincident Dembarrassment18、Aposted Bwrote Cread Dprinted19、Anote Bgift Cmessage Dreport20、Aconnection Bcombination Cconstruction DcontributionSection II Reading ComprehensionPart ADirections:Read the following four texts. Answer the questions below each text by choosing A, B, C or D. Mark your answers on the ANSWER SHEET. (40 points)Text 1 When you eat out in a restaurant, it is not unusual to hear people yelling, “Let me get this one!” and sometimes see them pushing or arm wrestling to fight for the privilege of paying the bill.These fights are often very loud and active. Each person involved shows an honest desire to pick up the bill, and in the end, all the people at the table give the winner praise and gratitude.In fact, figuring out who will get the bill is always a headache for Chinese people at formal meals. Although the people hosting the meal are very likely to pay the check, it is a common practice to make a token (象征性的) effort to pay the bill, but you will embarrass them if you do end up actually chipping in (凑) some cash.In recent years, going Dutch has been accepted by many young people. But older generations who fear “losing face” still find it embarrassing and mean to calculate each persons share of the bill. As travel guide brand Lonely Planet noted, it is considered. “the height of unsophistication (不懂人情世故)”。But these days, thanks to digital payment apps, splitting the bill electronically is becoming a widely-accepted idea. Even people from older generations would like to do so.By scanning a QR code and paying their share via social networking tool WeChat and e-commerce app Alipay on their smart phones in one easy click, urban Chinese are finding it easier to save them the embarrassment of figuring out each persons payment when they order a meal.“This function has made going Dutch less trouble and more fun in China”, CNN noted.“Because of their convenience, many of us are never with
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