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交城县2023年考研英语一高分通关卷Section I Use of EnglishDirections:Read the following text. Choose the best word(s) for each numbered blank and mark A, B, C or D on the ANSWER SHEET. (10 points)When I was six, my mother placed me in a 36._ school. For the next nine years, I 37._ slept in a room that 38._ less than 30 other kids in it. So, when I was promoted to senior at the high school for my39._ year there, I had the greatest 40._ of rooming with just one other classmate, and the added feature of a semi-private bathroom. We seniors also had the feature of walking around the 41._ in special hats, we called senior bonnets, so all the other kids would know we were the 42._ in the high school. As seniors, we frequently went on field 43._ outside the campus, including city museums, city hall , colleges and theatres. The highlight was a senior class trip to Washington, DC, 44._ we sat in on a session of Congress, 45._ the monument and many other government sites around the city. Another 46._ of being seniors was that many of us on athletic and other extra-curricular teams were elected to high ranking for the year. I had the honor and pleasure of47._ captain of our state championship swim team, while my roommate was voted48._ of the drama club. 49._ services were on a sunny day in June. Each of us had looked forward to this moment for ten years. Now we were going out on our own to complete freedom, and we should have been flooded with joy.50._, to my surprise, I found myself 51._, something I hadnt done for years. I noticed many of my 52._, usually proud of their macho attitudes, were also wiping away tears. We knew we would never be together again as we were on that graduation day. Our senior year 53._deep feelings of sadness for our54._, as well as joy for our emerging into a new world 55._the school campus.1、Ateaching Bboarding Cplaying Dmixing2、Anever Bnot Coccasionally Dfrequent3、Alived Bincluded Ccontained Dput4、Anext Bfirst Cfinal Dsecond5、Apleasure Bsorrow Chappy Dmerry6、Acountry Bcity Cclassroom Dcampus7、Ayoungest Blowest Coldest Dhighest8、Aroads Btrips Cvoyages Dtravel9、Awhich Bthat Cwhere Dwhen10、Aapproached Bvisited Cmanaged Dspent11、Abenefit Bdisadvantage Cprofit Dstrength12、Abeing brought Bbeing chosenCbeing taken Dbeing realized13、Amember Bmonitor Csecretary Dpresident14、AGraduation BEducation CVolunteering DPopulation15、ATherefore BFortunately CHowever DWhile16、Asmiling Blaughing Ccrying Dscreaming17、Astudents Bclassmates Cteachers Dfriends18、Abegan with Bended withCbargained with Dassociated with19、Aloss Bresult Clove Dhatred20、Aover Bout Cbeyond DfromSection II Reading ComprehensionPart ADirections:Read the following four texts. Answer the questions below each text by choosing A, B, C or D. Mark your answers on the ANSWER SHEET. (40 points)Text 1Forcing waiters and waitresses to survive on tips from customers rather than normal wages is a pointless, crude, and unique American custom that, in the past several years, a handful of progressive restaurant owners have attempted to do away with. Danny Meyer, CEO of Union Square Hospitality Group, is about to join their ranks and has announced that he plans to gradually stop tipping at the companys 13 restaurants.What, exactly, is wrong with tipping? As Brian Palmer has explained, more or less its everything. To start, leaving a waiters pay in the hands of customers has a feeling of classism (阶级歧视)And in theory, handing restaurant customers the power to tip is at least supposed to motivate better service. This fails in practice because humans turn out to be pretty arbitrary (随意的) about their tipping behavior. Research has shown that the amount diners tip has very little to do with their level of satisfaction. All of this doesnt encourage waiters and waitresses to do anything but turn over as many tables as possible.Tipping is also very unfair to kitchen staff. The law allows restaurants to divide tips between front-of-the-house workers like waiters, hosts, hostesses, and bartenders (调酒师), but not cooks. This creates a system in which the people serving the food in a restaurant can earn more than the people preparing itOne of the most fascinating parts of Meyers move is that, unlike some restaurant owners who have taken an anti-tipping stand, he wont simply add a standard extra charge to diners bills. Rather, Union Square Hospitality Group means to raise menu prices enough to fully cover the cost of a meal. If Meyer manages to move away from tipping at all without hurting his profits, it would almost certainly set the stage for others
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