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2023年佳木斯市郊区考研英语一预测试卷Section I Use of EnglishDirections:Read the following text. Choose the best word(s) for each numbered blank and mark A, B, C or D on the ANSWER SHEET. (10 points)Goran Kropp was a Swedish adventurer and mountaineer. In 1972, at the age of six, with his fathers help, he 1 Galdhopiggen, the highest mountain in Northern Europe. twenty-three years later, he stood on the highest peak in the world, Qomolangma. His journey to the 2 shows just how independent, persistent (坚持的), and determined this 3 man is. 4 most people arrive at the foothills of Qomolangma by some sort of modern 5 , Kropp bicycled 7,000 miles from his home in Sweden. Traveling by bike was not 6 . He stopped many times to 7 his bike because rough roads caused mechanical problems for him. In addition, he was run after by dogs, stung by hornets(马蜂) and was caught in the rain several times before he 8 the base of the mountain.Kropp 9 to climb Qomolangma the same way he traveled to the mountain: without the 10 of others and without modern conveniences. Unlike other 11 Kropp climbed the mountain without a guide or helper. He did not 12 bottled oxygen to help him 13 at high altitudes, and he carried all of his 14 himself in a pack that weighed about 140 pounds.It took Kropp 15 tries to reach the top of Qomolangma. The first time, he had to 16 only 350 feet from the top because the weather was too dangerous. Just a few days earlier, at that same level eight climbers had 17 because of a sudden snowstorm in the mountain. He felt deep sorrow for them, but became more 18 . The mountaineer waited out the storm, 19 , and tried again a few days later. This time, he was 20 . After he walked down the mountain, he got back on his bike and rode the 7,000 miles back to Sweden.1、Aheard of Bdreamed of Csaw Dclimbed2、Atop Bcountry Carea Dvalley3、Aoutstanding Bgenerous Cmodest Dhonest4、AUnless BOnce CWhile DBecause5、Adesign Bvehicle Ctheory Dmaterial6、Aboring Beasy Ctiring Dbusy7、Alock Bride Crepair Dfind8、Aleft Breached Cdiscovered Dtoured9、Achose Brefused Cagreed Dhated10、Apresence Bapproval Cassistance Dknowledge11、Aobservers Btravelers Cmountaineers Dhikers12、Agather Border Cshare Dbring13、Abreathe Bwalk Clive Dstay14、Amedicines Bfood Cclothes Dequipment15、Atwo Bthree Cmany Dseveral16、Ago on Bget up Cset out Dturn back17、Aslipped Bwandered Cdied Dinjured18、Aastonished Bdetermined Csatisfied Ddiscouraged19、Ahid Bstopped Csurvived Drested20、Athoughtful Bsuccessful Cdoubtful DmeaningfulSection II Reading ComprehensionPart ADirections:Read the following four texts. Answer the questions below each text by choosing A, B, C or D. Mark your answers on the ANSWER SHEET. (40 points)Text 1 We can take online joyful learning experiences to a new level by combining the best practices in education with inspiring hands-on lessons that parents and children can enjoy together.Starting a Writers NotebookJune 13thJune 17thThis workshop is to inspire children to see themselves as true authors. The writing activities in this workshop are meant to help young authors develop their sense of voice and enthusiasm for writing. Participants will learn a variety of strategies and techniques for generating ideas and producing meaningful writing.PRICE: $27.00($22.00 cash payment)AGE: 610Backyard ScienceJune 20thJune 24thBy sharing what we discover in our own backyards, our children will be able to experience firsthand how wildlife, climate, and geographic landscapes differ across the globe. Through this workshop we have the ability to create eye-opening explorations for our children.PRICE: $27.00 AGE:410Poetry MakersJune 11thJuly 15thWhen sharing poems with our children, we not only teach them how to appreciate the beauty of language but also that our words have the ability to affect others in deep and meaningful ways. In this four-week online workshop, we will strengthen our childrens understanding of themselves, each other, and the world around them through the power of writing poetry.PRICE: $27.00AGE:6101、What can we learn about Starting a Writers Notebook?AIt offers a discount.BIt lasts four weeks.CIt is suitable for all ages.DIt encourages children to write poetry.2、What can we learn about Backyard Science?AIt encourages the kids to get close to nature.BIt offers the kids various outdoor explorations.CIt fills the kids with confidence in their future.DIt enriches the kids life experience and knowledge.3、What can kids learn at Poetry Makers?ATake more interest in thei
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