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2023年忻州市宁武县考研英语一押题密卷Section I Use of EnglishDirections:Read the following text. Choose the best word(s) for each numbered blank and mark A, B, C or D on the ANSWER SHEET. (10 points)完形填空 (共20小题;每小题l分,满分20分)请认真阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。My husband and I went into a shop that sold handcrafted items in hopes of finding a few last-minute Christmas gifts. There was a lot 36 . Every shelf and 37 was loaded with different crafters handiwork. As I walked through the store, I noticed a wooden plaque(瓷花金属板) hanging on a wall. I turned to take 38 look and remember shaking my head yes at 39 printed on the plaque. Life isnt about waiting for the 40 to pass, the plaque proclaimed(宣布). Its about learning to dance in the rain.As I pulled my husband over and directed his attention to the plaque, I could see that he too 41 the simple lesson the plaque shared. How often in our daily lives had we put conditions on our 42 ? When we get the house paid off, then we can be happy. When things settle down with the kids, then well be able to do more together. There is so little joy for the here and now in the uncertainties of the 43 and thens.Looking at the plaque, I found myself 44 to a hot and muggy day the summer before, when I unknowingly 45 the plaques message. Light rain continued to fall as I walked out to get my mail. Water was still running 46 through the gutters(屋顶檐槽). I dont know what came over me, 47 I suddenly felt forced to do something a little crazy 48 my fifty-plus years.I 49 my shoes and stockings and began walking barefoot through the water. It was deliciously 50 , heated by the pavement that had been 51 by the summer heat.Im sure my neighbors thought that I had 52 my last vestige of sanity(神智健全), but I didnt care. For in that moment, I was alive. I wasnt worried about bills, the future or any other day-to-day cares. I was 53 a gift a pure and simple moment of joy!The plaque now hangs in my living room, a Christmas gift from my husband. I walk past it multiple times each day and 54 pause to ask myself, So, am I 55 in the rain?I think I am. I know I try to. One step at a time, I am learning to dance in the rain!1、Ato purchase Bto see Cto choose Dto order2、Awall BcounterCdrawer Dpanel3、 Aa first Ba second Ca better Da worse4、Athe word Bthe designCthe note Dthe message5、Atrouble Bhappiness Cstorm Dfortune6、Aconsidered Brecalled Cappreciated Dacknowledged7、 Ahappiness BresponsibilityCdesire Dvirtue 8、 Awheres Bifs Cbuts Dwhens9、Akeeping back Bthinking back Cgoing back Ddating back 10、Ainterpret Bunderstood Cconveyed Dlived11、Ahigh Bfiercely Cdeep Dlow12、 Aortherwise Band Cbut Dthus13、 Ain Bfor Cabove Dat14、Acome off Bput on Cthrow away Dslipped off15、Acold Bwarm Csmooth Dswift16、Abaked Bswollen Cremoved Dburned17、Adismissed Bsuffered Clost Dgained18、 AexperiencingBdistributingCreceiving Dpresenting19、 Ahardly Bincidentally Cseldom Dfrequently20、Astuck Brunning Cdancing DcaughtSection II Reading ComprehensionPart ADirections:Read the following four texts. Answer the questions below each text by choosing A, B, C or D. Mark your answers on the ANSWER SHEET. (40 points)Text 1On Friday, Germany s telecom regulator(电信业管理者), the Federal Network Agency, announced that a number of children s smartwatches, designed for ages 5 to 12, can allow someone to remotely tap into the watch s microphone and secretly spy from remote places. The regulator isnt just worried about the potential of people spying on children-its worried the devices(设备) can be used to spy on anyone.And in Germany, its illegal to record private conversations without permission. According to our investigations, parents were using the watches, for example, to listen in on their children during class, said Federal Network Agency President Jochen Homann in a statement.Smartwatches that make phone calls, like the Apple Watch, are legal in Germany. The problem with many of the childrens smartwatches, however, is that the devices have a classic spying function, similar to a baby monitor, which can be easily activated (激活) just by using an app.The German regulator is so serious about destroying these devices. its asking citizens to document the watches destruction and file evidence online. Once the watches are destroyed, the regulator will provide a certificate of destruction, confirming the deed was done.This isnt the first time the Federal Network Agency told German cit
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