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2023年山西省运城市平陆县考研英语一最后冲刺试题Section I Use of EnglishDirections:Read the following text. Choose the best word(s) for each numbered blank and mark A, B, C or D on the ANSWER SHEET. (10 points)At 7 a, m. on October 2, 2016, I got up, feeling excited and nervous. The first thought on my mind was, “Todays game is my first 1 football game.” Ive played before but not like this, Not in pads (护具), not with a helmet on my head, my heart started beating faster. I 2 finished breakfast and left for the field.The whole time on the bus, I felt sick and nervous. Finally, I reached the field. 3 that white number 7 jersey (运动衫) for the first time made me feel great. I felt like 4 was my fortune.We stood there. By the look on our faces, you could see who had 5 before and who hadnt. To me, it felt like a war. I was a(n) 6 soldier going into battle. Now I know that feeling was fear, We had 7 , but not the real game. In training, we took a form and knew each other. In the 8 you dont know your opponents strength. Everything just happened 9 you know it was happening.We did warm-ups, Some of us couldnt 10 to play, jumping around and yelling. Others stood still waiting for direction, The referees came out. We knew the game 11 came. As a captain, I went out for the coin toss to see which team would get the ball first. Campus Magnet won the coin toss. They 12 to receive.Soon the game 13 I tracked down the ball carrier and ran at a full speed. I lowered my shoulders and ran into his side with all my 14 , knocking him down and at the same time knocking my 15 out. I stood to my feet and 16 what I had done. Id made my first tackle (阻截). I was 17 my dream, feeling renewed, That tackle 18 me, giving me strength, confidence and the desire to go on.We 19 that game48 to 6. That year we went undefeated, 20 every team on our schedule, I was rated the best receiver in our division.1、Ausual Bsignificant Cexcel lent Dinformal2、Acalmly Bpatiently Celegantly Dquickly3、ATaking off BGiving up CPutting on DShowing off4、Acareer Breality Cstudy Dfootball5、Aplayed Btravelled Cchanged Dapplied6、Aactive Bfresh Cstrong Dbrave7、Atried Bexpected Cimproved Dpracticed8、Agame Btest Cproduction Dend9、Aonce Buntil Cbefore Dthough10、Atry Bwait Cwant Dcontinue11、Aresult Bshow Ctime Dchance12、Astruggled Bchose Cstopped Dfailed13、Abegan Bpaused Cfinished Dcontinued14、Amind Bstrength Cwealth Dtrouble15、Aaward Bhope Cfear Dcourage16、Aadmitted Bregretted Ccovered Drealized17、Aliving Bimagining Cforming Drewarding18、Asaved Bfound Cencouraged Dsurrounded19、Awon Battended Crecorded Dforgot20、AComparing BJudging CJoining DBeatingSection II Reading ComprehensionPart ADirections:Read the following four texts. Answer the questions below each text by choosing A, B, C or D. Mark your answers on the ANSWER SHEET. (40 points)Text 1Readers in Grenoble can now nibble (啃) fiction after Publisher Short Edition introduced eight short-story dispensers (自动售货机) around the French city.The free stories are available at the touch of a button, printing out on rolls of paper like a receipt. Readers are able to choose one minute, three minutes, or five minutes of fiction.“The feedback we got has been extremely positive. Just two weeks since its launch, more than 10,000 stories have already been printed. We are thrilled to see it working so well,” said the co-founder Quentin Pleple. “There are only eight dispensers in the city of Grenoble for now but we are planning to introduce more. We are getting requests from all over the world-Australia, the US, Canada, Russia, Grace, Italy, Spain and Chile.”Pleple said he and his team initially came up with the idea a couple of years ago when taking a break at a drink dispenser. “We thought it would be cool to have it for short stories,” said the publisher. Then, we decided to make a difference: the short-story dispenser was born.”The French publisher hopes the story will be used to fill the “dead time” of a passenger. “In the bus or the subway, everyone can make the most of these moments to read short stories, poems, or short picture books,” said a statement from Short Edition. “And they can be sure to enjoy the quality.”The dispensers arc now in locations including Grenobles town hall, its tourist office and its library. The stories are drawn from more than 60,000 stories on Short Editions website. But there is a problem that users are not able to choose what type of story they would like to read. “Right now they can only choose the length. But that is exactly what really counts, isnt it?” said Pleple.1、Where
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