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原平市2023年考研英语一模拟试题Section I Use of EnglishDirections:Read the following text. Choose the best word(s) for each numbered blank and mark A, B, C or D on the ANSWER SHEET. (10 points) Can you change the world?Yes you can!One of my friends wrote me a letter a few weeks ago. His life was full of problems and 1 .He was low on hope. He ended his letter to me with this 2 :“We cant really change this crazy world we live in,can we?”I answered him immediately with these 3 :Yes,we 4 can!”I can still remember how someone changed my world. She was the music teacher at my elementary school, the 5 at our church, and a family friend. I was crazy about her and wanted to 6 her more than anything. However,I had no 7 for any instrument and my singing was quite 8 though I was enthusiastic. One day she let me try playing her guitar. I did my best but could only play a note or two. When I was done,I 9 my head. I guess I am not very good, I told her. She looked at me with her kind eyes, 10 , and said:We are all good at something. You just need to 11 what you are good at. Then you can 12 it with the world. Those simple words changed me. They planted a seed in my soul that 13 to grow to this day. They made me 14 that I had something to give to others. I had something good inside and that could change this world for the 15 . I just had to find it, 16 it out and share it. And that is what I have tried to do all of the years since that 17 day.You can change the world and make it better every single day of your life. You can change it, one choice, one person, and one kind 18 at a time. All you have to do is share your goodness. 19 you have to do is make your love great! Live well! Do good! 20 the world!1、AworriesBexcitementsCsurprisesDinterests2、AproblemBmatterCanswerDquestion3、AidiomsBwordsCdecisionsDassessments4、AcertainlyBsuddenlyCmerelyDever5、AworkerBdoctorCguitaristDcleaner6、AhelpBimpressCinstructDchallenge7、AmannerBrespectCluckDtalent8、ApopularBawesomeCawfulDsweet9、AraisedBloweredCusedDkept10、AsmiledBsighedCsangDcried11、Aset upBtake upCput forwardDfind out12、AplayBmixCshareDprovide13、AfailsBrefusesCcontinuesDagrees14、AregretBrealizeCdenyDdeclare15、AricherBworseCwiderDbetter16、AsetBgiveCbringDput17、AimportantBinsignificantCextraDstressful18、AteacherBfriendCinvitationDact19、AAllBMuchCMostDNothing20、AProtectBChangeCCreateDSaveSection II Reading ComprehensionPart ADirections:Read the following four texts. Answer the questions below each text by choosing A, B, C or D. Mark your answers on the ANSWER SHEET. (40 points)Text 1To help make up for sleep lost during marathon night flights, migrating( 迁徙 ) birds take hundreds of power nap(小睡) during the day, each lasting a few seconds.Every autumn, Swainsons thrushes(画眉) fly up to 3,000 miles from their breeding grounds in northern Canada and Alaska to winter in Central and South America. Come spring, the birds make the long trip back.The birds fly mostly at night and often for long hours at a time, leaving little time for sleep. So to get through these tiresome periods, thrushes, during autumn and spring when the birds are normally migrating, change their sleep patterns, staying awake at night and resting during day. But instead of sleeping for a long period at a time, the birds took several naps a day, each one lasting only 9 seconds on average.The thrushes also mixed up their shut-eye sessions with two other forms of sleep. In one, called unilateral eye closure, or UEC, the birds rested one eye and one half of their brains while their other eye and half brain remained open and active, protecting them from danger.The birds also occasionally slipped into another state, one that any college student who has ever been stuck in a boring lecture can relate to. Called drownsiness( 睡 意 ), this state is characterized by a partial shutting of both eyes that still allows for some visual processing.“In terms of quality, drowsiness may be less useful than normal sleep, but it may also be safer.” said Fuchs.Whats interesting is that even animals should make up for sleep loss. That a need for sleep cannot be lost even in these birds means the importance of sleep for many, if not all, animals, not to mention human.1、What would be the best title for the text?AMigrating Birds Travel for Long HoursBMigrating Need HelpCHow Birds Migrate during AutumnDMigrating Birds Take Many Daily Power Naps2、According to the text, when having drowsiness, the thrushes_.Awill rest one eye and the other activeBwill often sleep during dayCwill still be careful with the possible dangersDwill not see anything in front of them3、What can we learn from the text?ASleep is im
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