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考研英语一冕宁县2023年考前冲刺试卷Section I Use of EnglishDirections:Read the following text. Choose the best word(s) for each numbered blank and mark A, B, C or D on the ANSWER SHEET. (10 points)One day, a woman sat down next to a man on a bench near a playground. The woman 1 a little boy in a red coat and said: “That is my son 2 is moving smoothly down the slide (滑板)”. “What a lovely boy!” the man replied. Then he went 3 saying, “That is my daughter on the bike. She is 4 a white dress”.After a while, the man looked at his 5 and called to the girl in white, “Shall we go home, Mary?” “Only five 6 minutes, Dad, please?” little Mary cried. The man 7 and Mary went on riding her bike happily. Five minutes passed soon. The father 8 and called again to his daughter: “Its time 9 now, Mary?” Again, Mary pleaded (恳求), “Give me more minutes, Dad. 10 five more minutes, OK?” The man smiled and said: “OK.”The 11 responded, “You are surely a patient father.” 12 in thought, the man said nothing. However, after a 13 , he smiled and then said: “Her elder brother Tom was killed by a 14 driver last year while he was riding his bike near here. I never 15 much time with Tom and now I would give anything for just five more minutes with him. I wouldnt make the same 16 with Mary. She thinks she has five more minutes to ride her bike. The 17 is that I get five more minutes to watch her play. Life sometimes 18 too suddenly. ”Yes, life is all about making priorities (优先考虑的事), and what are your priorities? Dont always 19 excuses for your not being able to accompany your family members or your friends. Give someone you are 20 five more minutes of your time today!1、Apointed toBlooked upCshouted atDargued with2、AwhichBwhoC/Dwhose3、AinBupConDout4、AwearingBputtingCfoldingDglaring5、AfeetBwatchChoneyDgift6、AlessBillegalClatterDmore7、AnoddedBshookCrefusedDshocked8、Aput downBstood upCcut downDpicked up9、AgoingBgoneCwentDto go10、ATooBImmediatelyCClearlyDJust11、AwomanBmanCgirlDboy12、AReactedBFrightenedCLostDRebuilt13、ArankBwhileCrealityDshelter14、AsocialBdrunkCsuitableDunfair15、AspentBwastedCexplodedDfed16、ArideBgroundCmistakeDpreparations17、AchanceBtruthCinjuryDglory18、AharvestsBignoresCchangesDorders19、AoperateBquestionCmakeDpurchase20、Aproud ofBbeneficial toCworried aboutDdevoted toSection II Reading ComprehensionPart ADirections:Read the following four texts. Answer the questions below each text by choosing A, B, C or D. Mark your answers on the ANSWER SHEET. (40 points)Text 1Winter sports tend to be more dangerous than summer sports they take place mostly outside at the mercy of ice or snow, involving (牵涉) metal edges, extreme speeds and crashes. Skeleton (俯视冰梭), however, stands apart as one of the most difficult and least accessible of all the winter sports. Adam Edelman, Israels first Olympic skeleton athlete, would like to change that.Edelman was the 10th athlete named to the 2018 Israeli Olympic Team. Qualifying for the Olympics in any sport is impressive. But its more impressive if you qualify for the Olympics after only four years in the sport and without a coach.Edelman was first introduced to skeleton watching the game on television in late 2013. Sports have always been a part of his life. He grew up playing football and was a goalkeeper on the Massachusetts Institute of Technology football team. Ready for a new challenge, he set his sights on the Olympics.Without a coach, Edelman learned to drive by watching endless hours of YouTube videos and taking more runs than anybody else on the track. “When everybody else would take three runs per day, I would take six to eight.” he recalled.Succeeding in skeleton takes a large amount of athletic ability and technical skill, but theres one more element (因素) required, one that cant be taught. “These tracks but built in the middle of nowhere, and its gray and cold. You havent seen your family in seven months and you really just want to give up. To continue, it takes tenacity.” Edelman said.Edelman is already looking beyond Pyeongchang. The 2022 Olympics could be in his future, but whether he continues to compete or not, he promises to stay in Israeli sports as long as possible-as instructor or as a coach.1、What might impress people most?AEdelmans gift in winter sports.BThe challenges Edelman has met.CEdelman entering for the Olympics.DEdelmans successful story as a skeleton athlete.2、Which word can be used to describe Edelman?AModest. BGenerous.CAmbitious. DReliable.3、What does the underlined word “tenacity” in Paragraph 5 probably mean?AWill power. BExtra strength.CGood luck. DFinancial support.4、What might be Edelmans plan for the future?ASetting
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