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考研英语一2023年秦皇岛市卢龙县高分冲刺试题Section I Use of EnglishDirections:Read the following text. Choose the best word(s) for each numbered blank and mark A, B, C or D on the ANSWER SHEET. (10 points) My wife and I parked at a trailhead (小道起点) the same time as a young man. He was covered in tattoos (纹身) and cars. I 1 he was a bad person,so we 2 to distance ourselves from him. But he 3 hard to catch up and wanted to talk some. We slowed down. He said he was 4 a bad time in his life. We 5 left him in the dust, heading up the river. A(n) 6 later we had to turn back 7 a flash flood had taken out the trail bridge.There he was again, laboring up the trail. He also turned to 8 us back. He shared a little more of his 9 . In a car accident he 10 his mother and sister ans was 11 and permanently injured too. We walked slowly for the whole way back to the trailhead.He pulled up his shirt to 12 his tattoo. It was two angels in a(n) 13 light signaling to him. He pointed. “This is my sister and this is my mom. They told me to stop 14 everything and drinking heavily. They loved me and wanted me to live in love too! ”He 15 explained that the brilliantly colored tattoo was the exact vision (幻象) he had that day. He stopped drinking and started to 16 people more and live a good life. My 17 melted away. It had painted a wrong picture of this wonderful 18 with a beautiful message. We had dinner together around a 19 campfire that wasnt even lit. He stayed the night in our camper and we parted the next day.I learned more than he 20 to tell. May it also warm your heart.1、AassumedBpromisedCfoundDadmitted2、AfailedBtriedCrefusedDpretended3、AthoughtBpractisedCcriedDstruggled4、Arecovering fromBgoing throughCputting up withDlooking back on5、AgladlyBunwillinglyCpolitelyDcruelly6、AmonthBweekCdayDhour7、AafterBbecauseCbeforeDthough8、AfollowBguideCholdDpull9、AgloryBburdenCstoryDwine10、AexaminedBhurtCsavedDlost11、AmentallyBslightlyCterriblyDbravely12、AscratchBshowCgetDremove13、AbrilliantBpaleCartificialDdark14、ArememberingBforgivingChatingDexperiencing15、AexcitedlyBimpatientlyCserioulyDcalmly16、ArespectBloveCblameDpity17、AsympathyBangerCprideDprejudice18、AnightBbirdgeCpersonDworld19、AburningBwarmCcoldDdying20、AhesitatedBagreedCforgotDhopedSection II Reading ComprehensionPart ADirections:Read the following four texts. Answer the questions below each text by choosing A, B, C or D. Mark your answers on the ANSWER SHEET. (40 points)Text 1Intelligent people are more likely to trust others,while those who score lower on measures of intelligence are less likely to do so.Oxford University researchers based their finding on an analysis of the General Social Survey.The authors say one explanation could be that more intelligent individuals are better at judging characters and may spend more time building relationships with people they can trust.Another reason could be that smarter people are better at weighing up situations and assessing whether or not the other person will hold up his or her end of a bargain.“Intelligence is shown to be linked with trusting others.”said the studys lead author,Noah Carl of Oxford University,“This finding supports what other researchers have argued,namely that being a good judge of character is a distinct part of human intelligence.”In addition,the study shows that individuals who are more trusting are also happier with their lives and had higher levels of physical health.The Oxford researchers found,however,that the links between trust and health,and between trust and happiness,are not explained by intelligence.The findings confirmed that trust is a valuable resource for an individual,and is not simply a measure of intelligence.The authors say the research is significant because the study of social trust could have far-reaching implications in public welfare,as social trust contributes to the success of important social institutions,such as welfare systems and financial markets.According to Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development,trust is in increasingly short supply in current generation.This decline threatens world leaders ability to handle some of todays key challenges like global warming,and the political system.There are good reasons to think that governments should try to develop more trust in society.Distrust usually causes friction in personal relationships,careers and politics among others,says Stephen Covey. Although majority of people say that trust can never be restored once its broken,Stephen feels it can be brought back. Its not easy,it takes time,but you do it through your behavior,not just things you say.1、It can be concluded from the analysis of the General
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