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考研英语一陕西省延安市洛川县2023年深度预测试卷Section I Use of EnglishDirections:Read the following text. Choose the best word(s) for each numbered blank and mark A, B, C or D on the ANSWER SHEET. (10 points)It was no wonder I was not looking forward to entering the ninth grade. High school is well known for being a battleground, where everyone seems to be 1 through physical changes and emotional mood swings (情绪波动). For me, 2 was my punishment.I had always 3 insecure and out of place as one of the 4 members of my class, standing a head above the other girls and standing at the 5 of the line to avoid sticking 6 .I especially hate being around large groups of 7 , like during the social hour after services at my church. 8 the prayers were finished, I would 9 as quickly as possible so I could 10 some well - meaning congratulations, “Ruthie! Look how tall youre getting!”My grandfather would watch me 11 increasingly uncomfortable, but he did not 12 at my self-consciousness (自我意识) or try to comfort me, 13 , he would remind me. “Stand 14 and tail,” he would say, as I 15 tried to shrink (缩) myself. Even at age 15, I understood that his advice was about 16 than just feet and inches.My grandfather 17 in war-torn Europe. When German soldiers 18 his hometown, he joined the army to 19 his countrys freedom. “Stand straight, stand tall,” 20 something else back then.1、Agetting Bputting Clooking Dgoing2、Aage Bweight Cheight Dface3、Abecome Bgone Cplaced Dfelt4、Afattest Btallest Cthinnest Dshortest5、Ahead Bend Cfront Dside6、Ato Boff Cup Dout7、Apeople Bgirls Cteachers Dstudents8、AUntil BUnless COnce DWhile9、Aleave Bcome Cstop Dwalk10、Aaccept Breceive Cavoid Drefuse11、Amake Bmove Cturn Dbecome12、Alook Bstare Csmile Dlaugh13、AInstead BBesides CHowever DTherefore14、Aback Bstraight Cup Dby15、Asatisfactorily Bhappily Cunsuccessfully Dunwillingly16、Aother Bmore Cless Drather17、Agrew up Bworked Cdied Dtravelled18、Ahelped Bdeveloped Coccupied Dvisited19、Alook after Bfight for Cwork with Dstay with20、Ameant Badvised Ccarried DincludedSection II Reading ComprehensionPart ADirections:Read the following four texts. Answer the questions below each text by choosing A, B, C or D. Mark your answers on the ANSWER SHEET. (40 points)Text 1Summer heat can be dangerous, and heat leads to tragedy far too often. According to kidsandcars, org, an average of 37 young children per year die of car heat in the US, when they are accidentally left in a hot vehicle.For Bishop Curry, a fifth grader from Mckinney, Texas, one such incident hit close to home. A six-month-old baby from his neighborhood died after hours in a hot car. After hearing about her death, Curry decided that something needed to be done. Young Curry, who turned 11 this year, has always had a knack for inventing things, and he drew up a sketch(草图) of a device he called “Oasis.”The device would attach to carseats and watch the temperature inside the car. If it reached a certain temperature in the car, and the device sensed a child in the carseat, it would begin to circulate cool air. Curry also designs the device using GPS and Wi-Fi technology, which would alarm the childs parents and, if there was no response from them, the police.Currys father believes that the invention has potential. “The cool thing about Bishops thinking is none of this technology is new,” he said. “We feel like the way hes thinking and combining all these technologies will get to production faster.” His father even introduced the device to Toyota, where he works as an engineer. The company was so impressed that they sent Curry and his father to a car safety conference in Michigan.In January, Currys father launched a campaign for the invention. They hope to raise money to finalize the patent, build models, and find a manufacturer. Their goal was $20,000, but so many people believed in Oasis potential that they have raised more than twice that-over $46,000.Currys father remembers the first time he saw his sons sketch. “I was so proud of him for thinking of a solution,” he said. “We always just complain about things and rarely offer solutions.”1、What inspired Curry to invent Oasis?AHis narrow escape from death after being locked in a carBHis knowledge of many childrens death because of car heatCThe death of his neighbors baby after being left in a hot carDThe injury of 37 children in his school in a car accident2、What would Oasis do if it was hot in a car with a child?AIt would inform the parents or even the policeBIt would pump out the hot air in the carCIt
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