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曲沃县2023年考研英语一点睛提分卷Section I Use of EnglishDirections:Read the following text. Choose the best word(s) for each numbered blank and mark A, B, C or D on the ANSWER SHEET. (10 points)The journey of water as it flows upon the earth can be a mirror of our own paths through life.Water begins its _ on earth as it falls from the sky and streams down a mountain into a stream or river.In the same way, we come into the world and begin our lives on earth.Like a river that flows within the _ of its banks, we are born with certain defining characteristics that _ our identity.We are born in a specific time and place, within a specific family, and with certain gifts and _.With these limitations, we move through life, _many twists, turns, and barriers along the way just as a river _.Water is a great teacher that shows us _ to move through the world with grace, bravery, determination, and _.When a river _ at a waterfall, it gains energy and moves on, as we face our own waterfalls, we may fall hard _we always keep moving on.Water can inspire us not to become rigid (死板的)with fear or stick to whats familiar.Water is _ and does not waste time sticking to its past, but flows onward without _.At the same time, when there is a _ to be filled, water does not run away from it in _ of the dark; instead, water modestly and bravely fills the empty space.In the same way, we can face the _ moments of our life rather than run away from them._, a river will empty into the sea.Water does not hold back from _in a larger body, nor does it fear a loss of _ or control.It gracefully and modestly falls into the vastness by contributing its energy and joining without _.Each time we move beyond our individual characters to become part of something bigger, we can try our best to _ the lead of the river.1、AtravelBworkCpositionDprocess2、AperiodsBareasCboundariesDadmissions3、ArevealBgovernCkeepDcast4、AchallengesBexperiencesCopportunitiesDdemands5、AbringingBrequiringCfacingDpredicting6、AcrossesBflowsCpoursDdrops7、AwhenBwhereCwhyDhow8、AmodestyBhappinessCsmileDreputation9、AspringsBleavesCrunsDbreaks10、AorBsoCbutDand11、AdesperateBbraveCnervousDmerciful12、Alooking throughBlooking afterClooking forDlooking back13、AholeBformCheartDpost14、AfavorBfearChonorDterms15、AboringBchangeableCexcitingDdark16、AGraduallyBAbsolutelyCEventuallyDActually17、AdippingBbringingCplottingDjoining18、AlifeBlibertyCidentityDroot19、AresistanceBpermissionCknowledgeDreward20、AtakeBfollowCloseDholdSection II Reading ComprehensionPart ADirections:Read the following four texts. Answer the questions below each text by choosing A, B, C or D. Mark your answers on the ANSWER SHEET. (40 points)Text 1London Heathrow AirportLondon Heathrow Airport is a major international airport in west London,England,United Kingdom.Heathrow is the busiest airport in the United Kingdom and the busiest airport in Europe by passenger traffic.Heathrow is also the third busiest airport in the world by total passenger traffic.In 2016,it handled a record 75.7 million passengers,a 1.0 percent increase from 2015.LocationHeathrow is 14 miles west of central London.The airport is surrounded by the built-up areas of Harlington. Harmondsworth,Longford and Cranford to the north and by Hounslow and Hatton to the east.To the south lie Bedfont and Stanwell while to the west Heathrow is separated from Colnbrook in Berkshire by the M25 motorway.HistoryHeathrow Airport started in 1929 as a small airfield on land south-east of the hamlet of Heathrow from which the airport takes its name.At that time there were farms and market gardens and orchards there.Development of the whole Heathrow area as a very big airfield started in 1944: it was stated to be for long-distance military aircraft bound for the Far East.But by the time the airfield was nearing completion,World War had ended.The government continued to develop the airfield as a civil airport;opened as London Airport in 1946 and renamed Heathrow Airport in 1966.FacilitiesHeathrow Airport is used by over 90 airlines flying to 170 destinations worldwide.The airport is the primary hub of British Airways,and is a base for Virgin Atlantic.Of Heathrows 75.7 million passengers in 2016,93% were international travellers;the remaining 70% were bound for UK destinations.The busiest single destination in passenger numbers is New York,with over 3 million passengers flying between Heathrow and JFK Airport in 2016.1、We can know from the text that Heathrow Airport is named after a(n)_.Aperson BanimalCplace Dplant2、What can we learn about London Heathrow Airport from the text?AIt has a history or over 90 years.BIt handled fewer than 70 million passengers in 2016.CMost of its passenger
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