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考研英语一扎囊县2023年最后冲刺试题Section I Use of EnglishDirections:Read the following text. Choose the best word(s) for each numbered blank and mark A, B, C or D on the ANSWER SHEET. (10 points)When I left my job in my late twenties to write a novel, I thought Id hit the jackpot (中头彩). No more forcing myself 1 at the early hours of the morning and worrying what to 2 . I could stay in my pajamas (睡衣)until late afternoon and enjoy my coffee as I worked.But 20 novels later, I began to feel 3 . It was just me, my work, and the 4 . I spent hours looking 5 social media, wasting time instead of writing. I thought I was still 6 to everyone around me, but in fact I was more isolated (孤独的) than ever. As a result, I became 7 of going out in the world.To change this situation, I wanted to 8 from the life I had created for myself and have a 9 again. I briefly considered 10 an office, but I realized I would still be lonely. What I had in 11 was something Id had all those years agobig tables 12 with people I really liked.I phoned a friend who worked 13 too and asked if she would be 14 in renting an office together. Shed been 15 just the same as I had, so she 16 at the chance. Others soon 17 our office and asked if they could 18 .Now, there are nine of us here. Each of us has found that we are 19 than before and were needed by other people too. The loneliness has goneI finally feel like I 20 again.1、Aalive Bawake Cafraid Dapart2、Aeat Btake Cwear Dwrite3、Aguilty Bworried Cexcited Dlonely4、Anewspaper BInternet Ctelevision Dmagazine5、Athrough Bfor Cup Dinto6、Aconnected Breached Caddicted Dcontacted7、Atired Bproud Cfearful Dfond8、Aput away Bstep away Cgive away Dtake away9、Aschedule Brule Croutine Dcompany10、Arunning Bordering Copening Drenting11、Ahand Bmind Ctrouble Dcommon12、Alaid Bcleared Cbooked Dshared13、Adevotedly Bregularly Cat home Din group14、Aabsorbed Bstuck Coccupied Dinterested15、Afeeling Bworking Cenjoying Dlearning16、Ajumped Bwondered Cstarted Dlaughed17、Adreamed of Bpassed by Cheard about Dcalled for18、Aattend Bjoin Cadd Dadmit19、Ahappier Bkinder Chealthier Dnicer20、Asuit Bsmile Crelax DbelongSection II Reading ComprehensionPart ADirections:Read the following four texts. Answer the questions below each text by choosing A, B, C or D. Mark your answers on the ANSWER SHEET. (40 points)Text 1The best tool needed for survival in the event you get lost when you travel is your skill of advanced planning. You must expect the unexpected and plan accordingly. Even if you are going out for just a few hours, pack enough essentials that you can stay hydrated (体内水分), fueled and prepared for any type of weather. Your essentials should include at least: More than enough food and water for the activity you plan. A compass that you know how to use. You may want a GPS device, but those sometimes do not receive a signal or the battery fails. Cell phones also likely will not work because of a lack of signal. Appropriate maps. Study the terrain (地形) and your planned route. Know where you are going and how you will return. Comfortable hiking boots, clothes that you can wear depending on the weather conditions and additional socks in case the ones you arc wearing get wet. A blanket, flashlight, matches kept in a water-resistant container, and other items that will help you survive overnight if necessary. Cheek with the local forest office for special warnings, such as fires in the area, bear sightings, flooding, trail or road closures, etc.Its also important that once you have planned your outing, tell someone. Give them exact details of where you are going, the trail you plan to follow, when you will return, the vehicle you are driving (and where you plan to park) and how many people will go with youdo not go alone.If you do become lost, your most important tool is keeping a positive mental attitude.1、What docs Paragraph 1 mainly tell us?AGetting lost outdoors is common in life.BSurviving in the wild is really a tough thing.CHope for the best, but prepare for the worst.DAdvanced planning can prevent future troubles.2、What probably is continued with the text?AThe means as to traveling around.BThe story of the author having a tour.CThe ups on how to be positive when in trouble.DThe details of how to reach for rescue.3、Where docs the text probably originate from?AA sports magazine. BA tourist guide.CA grocery list. DA science instruction.Text 2Waiting For YouHarvard Art Museums, 32 Quincy Street Cambridge MA Art Study Center Open HoursThrough
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