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考研英语一河南省洛阳市西工区2023年高分通关卷Section I Use of EnglishDirections:Read the following text. Choose the best word(s) for each numbered blank and mark A, B, C or D on the ANSWER SHEET. (10 points)阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从 120各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上涂黑。I.I thought you could use it for something. Susans 1 did nothing to help us understand why a dark blue carpet remnant(零头布料) was being 2 as a birthday gift.The murmured thanks could be barely heard as Holly tried not to allow her disappointment to show.Hollys disappointment didnt become 3 until the following evening when she came downstairs to say good night. Well, I guess we know how much my best friend 4 me, huh, Mom? She said 5 , with her head down.The next morning, I carried a garbage bag outside. My heart sank as I 6 the lid of the garbage can and saw Susans carpet lying there. 7 only a moment, I picked it up and brought it into the house .“Susan 8 you and me to go over to her house after school tomorrow .”Weeks later Holly announced as she arrived home from school 9 her voice carried a so-what attitude , I sensed she was pleased by the invitation.The next day we 10 to the destination along the winding country road . A tall woman stood in the doorway to 11 us as we approached the small farmhouse. The house was 12 but neatly decorated with used furniture .From the 13 with the woman we knew Susan had long been separated from her parents and she was Susans foster mother(养母).A warm light shone in her eyes as she 14 to me her fondness for Susan . I came to respect this 15 woman who had opened her home to a young girl and attempted to make a difference in her life.As daylight began to 16 we offered our thanks and said goodbye . Holly sat quietly in the car leaning her body forward as if willing the car to move faster. No sooner had we come to a stop than she 17 opened the car door and walked purposefully toward the garbage can.“Is this what you were looking for?” I held out the piece of 18 . “Thanks, Mom.” a tear or two 19 from her eyes and fell onto the remnant ,as if 20 , that has become the most precious birthday present in the world.1、AadaptationBnegotiationCexplanationDassumption2、AvaluedBdesertedCdescribedDpresented3、AevidentBstrangeCslightDabsent4、Agoes againstBthinks ofClearn fromDpays for5、AapparentlyBregularlyCmiserablyDconsistently6、AliftedBthrewCclosedDrepaired7、APausingBHesitatingCThinkingDLasting8、AexpectedBconvincedCinvitedDpermitted9、AAlthoughBSinceCBecauseDOnce10、AmovedBdroveCwalkedDreturned11、AdirectBdefendCarrestDgreet12、AmessyBnoisyCshabbyDsmelly13、AchatBswitchCexchangeDdebate14、AadmittedBclarifiedCrevealedDdeclared15、AlightheartedBgenerousheartedCsoftheartedDcoldhearted16、AendBdarkenCdropDfade17、AquicklyBcarefullyCquietlyDskillfully18、AgiftBgarbageCcarpetDbag19、AfloodedBpouredCstreamedDslipped20、Aby natureBby magicCby luckDby coincidentSection II Reading ComprehensionPart ADirections:Read the following four texts. Answer the questions below each text by choosing A, B, C or D. Mark your answers on the ANSWER SHEET. (40 points)Text 1Every January, more than 3,000 people take part in one of the most difficult races on Earth: the Tough Man competition in the UK. The participants run, swim and climb around the 15 km course. But this is no normal race. These runners have to crawl through tunnels, run across a field of nettles(荨麻) and jump over fire. Whats more, the competition takes place in January when temperatures are freezing. People travel from throughout the world to participate in it.The competition is quite dangerous and every year there are accidents. Injuries like broken bones and cuts are quite common. One-third of the participants do not complete it. Runners have to be very athletic and most people train all the year to prepare for it. There are similar events, but this is the first one in the world. Many people do the competition because it is so famous. Every year the organizers change the events and add new things. This means that the competition stays thrilling and challenging, so people go back year after year.First, the participants run 1 km along a muddy road. Next, they crawl under low nets on the ground. After the nets, the runners jump off a high platform into a lake and swim for 1 km. Then, they reach the field of fire. Here, the runners run across a field and jump over small bonfires(篝火). Next, the participants must crawl through a long tunnel which is partly under water. Finally, the runners run 2 km through nettles before they reach the finishing line.1、637According to the text, the participants in the competition _.Aare required to run 15km Bmay take the risk of being injuredChave to take a med
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