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考研英语一云南省怒江傈僳族自治州福贡县2023年统考试题Section I Use of EnglishDirections:Read the following text. Choose the best word(s) for each numbered blank and mark A, B, C or D on the ANSWER SHEET. (10 points) On Thanksgiving day, Mrs. Klein told her first graders to draw a picture of something for which they were thankful. She thought that, living in a 1 neighborhood, most of these children would draw pictures of 2 or of fully laden Thanksgiving tables. That was what they believed was 3 of them.What took Mrs. Klein by 4 was Douglas s picture. Douglas was so alone and likely to be found 5 in her shadow as they went outside for play. Douglass drawing was simply a(n) 6 , obviously, but whose?The class was 7 by his image. “I think it must be the hand of God that 8 us food,” said one student.“A 9 ,” said another, “because they grow the turkeys.”“It looks more like a policeman, and they 10 us.”“I think,” said Lavinia, who was always so 11 , “that it is supposed to be all the hands that 12 us, but Douglas could only draw one of them.”Mrs. Klein had almost 13 Douglas in her pleasure at finding the class so active. When she 14 the others at work on another project, she 15 and asked Douglas whose hand it was.Douglas 16 , “Its yours, teacher.”Then Mrs. Klein 17 that she had taken Douglas by the hand from time to time; she 18 did that with the children. But it should have 19 so much to Douglas!Perhaps, she reflected, this was her Thanksgiving, and everybodys Thanksgivingnot the material things 20 to us, but the small ways that we give something to others.1、AwealthyBfriendlyCpoorDcrowded2、AfriendsBturkeysCclothesDflowers3、AaskedBgivenCinformedDexpected4、AsurpriseBexcitementCaccidentDrelief5、AleftBsadCcloseDshut6、AhandBimageCfaceDfinger7、AamusedBpuzzledCshockedDmoved8、AlendsBdonatesCcooksDbrings9、AservantBmotherCwaiterDfarmer10、AguideBteachCprotectDarrest11、AnaughtyBseriousCcuriousDstupid12、AhelpBloveCshelterDlead13、ApraisedBkissedCthankedDforgotten14、AhadBtookCchangedDstopped15、Astood upBwent overCturned overDlooked up16、AliedBburst inCwhisperedDcried out17、ArecognizedBwonderedCimaginedDrecalled18、AoftenBneverCseldomDsometimes19、AremainedBmeantCcostDcame20、AshownBopenedCgivenDsaidSection II Reading ComprehensionPart ADirections:Read the following four texts. Answer the questions below each text by choosing A, B, C or D. Mark your answers on the ANSWER SHEET. (40 points)Text 1 When Katie Stagliano was 9 years old, she was given a class project to grow her first cabbage from just one seed. She took it home and planted it in her home garden. It didnt even take her long to come up and begin to grow. But as friends came over, they pointed out that it was bigger than any of theirs. And it grew so much that the cabbage ended up weighing 40 pounds! Katie then decided that she could use this cabbage to do something nice for the community. So she took the huge cabbage to a local soup kitchen, where they used it, and cooked it with ham and rice. And because of her cabbage, 275 people were fed.She began to realize that gardening and helping people is what she likes to do most. So, she decided to start her first garden on a plot of land donated by her school.“I think if more kids get to experience gardening they would find out how cool it is and how many people can be fed if you donate your produce,” said Katie. Now, just 9 years later, Katie is 18 years old, and has set up her own business called “Katies Krops” with the help of her family friends.But this doesnt even come close to the other amazing part. She has raised over 200,000 dollars! And there are over 100 Katies Krops within 33 states in the United States. She loves gardening and loves inspiring other children to experience the joy of gardening as well. As of today, her first garden is still doing amazing and is even responsible for supplying over 3,000 pounds of produce donated to local charities. Her goal now? To get 500 gardens across all 50 states.1、How did Katie deal with her first cabbage?Asharing it with her community.BPresenting it to the school kitchen.CEating it with her family.DGiving it to her friends.2、What inspired Katie to help others by gardening?AThe support from her school.BThe gardening and sharing experience.CThe encouragement of community.DThe admiration of her friends.3、Why does Katie suggest more children learn to garden?AShe thinks gardening is cool.BShe needs more people to help her.CShe hopes to earn more money.DShe wants them to experience the joy.4、What is the last paragraph mainly about?AThe brief introduction of Katies Krops.BThe amazing benefits of gardening.CKaties achievement a
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