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考研英语一河南省商丘市柘城县2023年巅峰冲刺试卷Section I Use of EnglishDirections:Read the following text. Choose the best word(s) for each numbered blank and mark A, B, C or D on the ANSWER SHEET. (10 points)I still remember the moment I looked at my saving book when I had only two clients all month. I started my speech pathology (言语病理学) practice in 1998 and gradually 1 the business to 13 employees. But last year, people were not able to 2 speech therapy (言语治疗) because of the economic crisis. I cut my own 3 because I didnt want to let any of my staff go. 4 my husband, Brian, lost his job.We had 11 5 in all and our oldest four were already 6 and away from home. Weve always been interested in food sources and 7 the kids where their 8 came from. We love fresh vegetables, eggs or meat directly from small farms, which are safe and 9 So we wondered what if we started farming.When a local farmer 10 we get some laying hens because there was a market for fresh 11 , our plan came together. It was scary and 12 . What if no one bought anything? 13 people did buy the eggs. The local farmer took eggs to 14 to his customers, and today he purchases about 20 dozen a week from us.The children 15 out, which is important 16 we already have 270 laying hens and 200 chickens.The speech therapy business is still 17 , but I put in less than ten hours a week. I know that on the 18 , there is life, there is physically satisfying work, and our family members 19 more to each other. Our quality of life is so much better. I spend most of the day with my children, which I was grateful 20 And at night, I have the good feelings that come from working with my hands and doing something positive.1、AdevelopedBdividedCpresentedDpassed2、Acall forBcare forCpay forDapply for3、AfundBsalaryCprofitDcost4、AUnlikelyBExcitedlyCUnfortunatelyDSpecially5、ApartnersBemployeesCchildrenDmaids6、AanxiousBindependentCcomplicatedDprepared7、AcheckingBsatisfyingCquestioningDteaching8、AfoodBwealthCpropertyDmoney9、AprocessedBpollutedChealthyDexpensive10、AsuggestedBrequiredClearnedDdemanded11、AwaterBfruitCeggsDchicken12、AstressfulBsafeChelplessDregretful13、AButBThusCOtherwiseDSo14、AdonateBdevoteCsendDsell15、AgiveBrunChelpDneed16、AbecauseBuntilCbeforeDthough17、AaliveBbusyCeasyDpainful18、AbusinessBfarmCcampusDhand19、AcontrastBcareCrelateDcompete20、AonBatCinDForSection II Reading ComprehensionPart ADirections:Read the following four texts. Answer the questions below each text by choosing A, B, C or D. Mark your answers on the ANSWER SHEET. (40 points)Text 1New research in monkeys may provide a clue about how the brain manages vast amounts of information and remembers what it needs.The researchers found that when monkeys were taught to remember computer clip art pictures, their brains reduced the level of detail by sorting the pictures into categories for recall, such as images that contained people, buildings, flowers, and animals. The categorizing cells were found in the hippocampus, an area of the brain that processes sensory information into memory. In the experiment each monkey was shown one clip art picture, and after a delay of one to 30 seconds, picked the original out of two to six different images to get a juice reward.By recording cell activity during hundreds of these trials in which the pictures were all different, the researchers noticed that certain cells were more active when the pictures contained similar features, such as images of people but not other objects. They found that different cells coded images that fit different categories. The category cells grouped images based on common features a strategy to improve memory. For example, the same cell responded to both tulips and daisies because they are both flowers.“While such categorization is a highly efficient memory process, it may also have a downside,” said Deadwyler Ph.D, “ when the trials included more than one picture with people in it, instead of different images, the monkeys often confused the image with a picture of other people. So learning more about how the brain remembers could have far-reaching benefits. If we can understand in advance how the brain works when decisions are made, we can predict when the brain will make a mistake, and correct it, said Tim Pons, Ph.D, This finding about how large amounts of information are processed by the brain will help us to ultimately achieve that goal.1、The purpose of the experiments on monkeys is to find out _.Ahow the brain processes amounts of information into memoryBthe area of the brain that processes sensory information into memoryChow the monkeys respond to different thingsDwhat is the monkeys most likely to remember2、The researc
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