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承德市围场满族蒙古族自治县2023年考研英语一高分冲刺试题Section I Use of EnglishDirections:Read the following text. Choose the best word(s) for each numbered blank and mark A, B, C or D on the ANSWER SHEET. (10 points)At the age of sixteen, I went on my first volunteer project with Dad in West Virginia. The family 1 was living in a trailer (拖车) that was in 2 condition. A crew had been working on it for two weeks, but one problem after another 3 .We decided the only 4 was to build a new 5 . The family was 6 . Tuesday that week, we began to 7 the bedrooms for the familys three boys. Josh, Eric and Ryan. 8 toys and other gadgets (小玩意) that children usually 9 , we were astonished when Josh responded, “ I just warn a 10 .”The boys had 11 slept in a bed! They were accustomed to plastic mats. That night we decided that beds would be the perfect 12 . As we 13 the frames of the beds together, Erie ran into the house to watch us. Too dirty to enter his room, he observed with wide-eyed 14 from the doorway.As my Dad 15 one of the pillows into a pillowcase (枕套), Erie asked, “What is that?” Dad told him it was a pillow. “What do you do with it?” Eric continued to ask. “ 16 you sleep, you put your head on it” I answered softly. Tears came to my eyes as I 17 Eric the pillow. “Ohthats 18 ,” he said, hugging it tightly .Now, when my sister or I start to ask for something that seems very 19 . Dad gently asks,” Do you have a 20 ?” We know exactly what he means.1、Ain danger Bin need Con guard Don duty2、Apoor Bdusty Cperfect Dfierce3、Aacted Bdisappeared Cdied Dsurfaced4、Arequest Battempt Csolution Dpurpose5、Ahouse Broom Ctruck Dgarage6、Aoverjoyed Binterested Cprivileged Ddetermined7、Aguarantee Bprocess Cbrush Dfurnish8、ARequiring BExpecting COffering DListing9、Aask for Bdonate Cput away Dpraise10、Aroom Bpillow Cbed Dmat11、Aeven Bstill Cever Dnever12、Aservice Bmemory Cgift Dhappiness13、Afitted Bapplied Ctore Dunfolded14、Aspirit Banxiety Centhusiasm Dconfidence15、Aescaped Bslipped Cbroke Dcut16、AOnce BAs soon as CUntil DWhen17、Alent Bhanded Ccollected Dsent18、Aflat Bhandy Cvacant Dsoft19、Aurgent Bcomplex Cdifficult Ddisturbing20、Abed Bpillow Ctoy DfamilySection II Reading ComprehensionPart ADirections:Read the following four texts. Answer the questions below each text by choosing A, B, C or D. Mark your answers on the ANSWER SHEET. (40 points)Text 1Earlier this month, two rock climbers achieved what many thought impossible: They climbed up the 3,000-foot-high Dawn Wall in Yosemite National Park without specialized equipment. Climbing without this equipment is called “free-climbing.” Until now, no one had free-climbed to the top of the rock face, which is a part of the mountain EI Capitan.EI Capitan, which means “the captain” or “the chief” in Spanish, has always presented a challenge to climbers. But the Dawn Wall, on the mountains southeast face, is a particularly difficult route to the summit (顶峰). It is a rock formation that is both steep and relatively smooth. This makes free-climbing the rock face seem almost impossible.About seven years ago, professional climber Tommy Caldwell spotted a possible route up the wall. It took years of planning and preparation, but this month, Caldwell, 36, and his friend Kevin Jorgeson, 30, finally make the climb.Free climbers do use ropes and other basic safety equipment to catch them if they fall and Caldwell and Jorgeson fell often. Before starting their climb, they broke down their route into 32 sections. Each section was based on a rope length called a “pitch.” The rope was secured into the rock face to catch the climbers if they fell.Caldwell and Jorgesons goal was to climb the Dawn Wall without returning to the ground. If they fell, they had to start that pitch all over again. The two men started climbing on December 27. They slept in hanging tents, and a team of friends brought them food each day.The men had spent years rehearsing (排练) the movements it would take to get through each pitch. They made it through the fist half of the climb relatively easily. But halfway up, Jorgeson ran into trouble. In one difficult spot, he fell each time he attempted to climb. After 10 days of trying, Jorgeson finally made it to the next pitch.Getting through that troublesome pitch gave both climbers renewed energy. They finished the rest of the climb five days later, on January 14.1、What does Paragraph 2 mainly explain?AWhy the Dawn Wall is a hard challenge.BWhy people prefer climbing El Capitan.CHow to free-climb the Dawn Wall.DHow El Capitan got its name.2、To
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