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河南省新乡市2023年考研英语一深度预测试卷Section I Use of EnglishDirections:Read the following text. Choose the best word(s) for each numbered blank and mark A, B, C or D on the ANSWER SHEET. (10 points)Do not push yourself too hardOne Friday earlier this school year, all of a sudden it felt like I had pulled a muscle in my back. I knew I was 1 . After a few days I stopped eating, which meant I lost 2 ; the clothes bought two weeks earlier began hanging 3 . In addition, I started 4 so less that my eyelids were constantly heavy. My parents got 5 . I thought fear wasnt going to 6 my life. Yet, I spent every minute of every day 7 how I was going to get myself out of trouble, and it made me mad.Then I 8 to accept I was ill. I kept my job working 25 hours a week in a shop; I didnt 9 any classes. When I was 10 , I sucked it up and kept on going. 11 it kills you, it makes you stronger, right?But now I find myself thinking whether thats 12 it. Im taking the classes and writing for the newspaper because it looks 13 on college applications. And I am working 25 hours a week so that, 14 I get into my dream school, I can afford it.Here I am, already sick from the amount of work. So, what good is a(n) 15 application if Im dead? What is the 16 of doing this work if I cant enjoy the results? 17 , by writing my story Im not only 18 that I cant take it, but Im telling all the people who are too concerned with the 19 to worry about now. This is my warning: Dont 20 the high dive if you dont like the deep end.1、Atired Bill Csad Dcold2、Aheart Bchance Cconfidence Dweight3、Aloose Bproper Cregular Dtight4、Aprotecting Bsleeping Camusing Dobserving5、Aannoyed Bdisturbed Cscared Dshocked6、Acontrol Blose Ctake Dexplore7、Anoticing Bshowing Canswering Dwondering8、Arefused Bagreed Cdetermined Dmanaged9、Aattend Bchoose Cdrop Dexpect10、Aleaving Btraining Cperforming Dhurting11、ASince BIf CThough DUnless12、Aunfair Bhonest Cworth Dequal13、Afirm Bgood Ccurious Dserious14、Aonce Bthough Cunless Dwhether15、Aexpensive Bimpressive Cinstructive Dsensitive16、Apoint Bduty Cpromise Daction17、AIn case BIn return CIn fact DIn all18、Aregretting Breporting Cdesiring Dadmitting19、Aincome Beducation Cpressure Dfuture20、Across Bescape Cclimb DavoidSection II Reading ComprehensionPart ADirections:Read the following four texts. Answer the questions below each text by choosing A, B, C or D. Mark your answers on the ANSWER SHEET. (40 points)Text 1 Can you trust your very first childhood memories? Maybe not, a new study suggests.Past researches show that peoples earliest memories typically form around 3 to 3. 5 years of age. But in a recent survey of more than 6,600 people, British scientists have found that 39 percent of participants claimed to have memories from age 2 or younger. These first memories are likely false, the researchers said. This was particularly the case for middle -aged and older adults.For the study, researchers asked participants to describe their first memory and the age at which it occurred. Participants were told they had to be sure the memory was the one that had happened. For example, it shouldnt be based on a photograph, a family story or any source other than direct experiences. Then the researchers examined the content, language and descriptive details of these earliest memories and worked out the likely reasons why people would claim to have memories from an age when memories cannot form.As many of these memories dated before the age of 2, this suggests they were not based on actual facts, but facts or knowledge about their babyhood or childhood from photographs or family stories. Often these false memories are fired by a part of an early experience, such as family relationships or feeling sad, the researchers explained.We suggest that what a rememberer has in mind when recalling fictional early memories is a mental representation consisting of remembered pieces of early experiences and some facts or knowledge about their own babyhood or childhood, study author Shania Kantar said in a journal news release, Additionally, further details may be unconsciously inferred or added. Such memory-like mental representations come over time, to be collectively experienced when they come to mind, so for the individual, they quite simply are memories, which particularly point to babyhood. Importantly, the person remembering them doesnt know this is fictional, study co-author Martin Conway said In fact, when people are told that their memories are false they often dont believe it. 1、
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