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考研英语一2023年巨鹿县押题密卷Section I Use of EnglishDirections:Read the following text. Choose the best word(s) for each numbered blank and mark A, B, C or D on the ANSWER SHEET. (10 points)One Monday morning, news got 1 in the schoolyard about a fire over the weekend. Soon Mr. Smith, my teacher, came to explain that the Art class would be 2 due to the fire. He also warned us not to approach the Art Room because it could be dangerious.During the morning break, Kirn and I decided to take a 3 A first hand observation would make us heroes at lunch. At the appointed time, Kirn and I 4 the Art Room, ignoring the consequence I would face 5 I got caught. We stood on tiptoes looking hard 6 the door window, trying in vain to see 7 was forbidden. Suddenly a firm 8 on our shoulders stopped us.Turing around, I found a teacher staring angrily at us. In those seconds millions of 9 flashed through my mind. My father would beat me hard. 10 than that, my mom might be so mad that she might not stop him. My spirits 11 even lower while realizing how 12 Mr. Smith would be.When Kirn and I were led back to our classroom, I could found 13 to hide and wanted to melt into the 14 However, Mr Smith had a different 15 to teach.Slowly, he bent down to look me in the eyes, and I was met with a look of concern 16 anger. He spoke softly as he explained why he was 17 in my decision to go where I may have got hurt. He cared more about my 18 than the fact that Id broken a rule. My heart was 19 with regret, and I discovered that he still loved me even after I disappointed him. The rest of the day, he didnt even mention it in class publicly, nor did he tell my parents. For the first time I felt the 20 of being given an unexpected second chance.1、AoverBoutCaroundDacross2、AcancelledBexaminedCconfirmedDsuggested3、AtestBriskCcheckDchance4、AsearchedBappearedCenteredDreached5、AifBunlessCasDuntil6、AoverBwithinCthroughDacross7、AwhatBhowCwhyDwhich8、AwordBholdCcryDorder9、AexcusesBfeelingsCsolutionsDthoughts10、AEasierBLessCMoreDWorse11、AchangedBliftedCsankDlost12、AstrangeBangryCkindDsad13、AsomewhereBanywhereCnowhereDeverywhere14、AfireBlaughCtableDfloor15、AcourseBlessonCknowledgeDability16、Arather thanBmore thanCother thanDless than17、AembarrassedBexcitedCdisappointedDmoved18、AgradeBhonestyCinterestDsafety19、AfullBheavyCrelaxedDempty20、ApowerBstrengthCpurposeDsecretSection II Reading ComprehensionPart ADirections:Read the following four texts. Answer the questions below each text by choosing A, B, C or D. Mark your answers on the ANSWER SHEET. (40 points)Text 1Hear the Wind Blow by Mary Downing HahnOn a cold, snowy night, 13-year-old Haswell Magruder makes an important decision. A wounded Confederate soldier appears at the familys farm, and Haswell convinces his mother to take the man in. Unfortunately, this sets off a horrific chain of events that leaves their house burned to the ground and their farm in ruins. With no home left, Haswell sets out in search of his older brother, a Confederate soldier.Ghosts of Greenglass House by Kate MilfordThirteen-year-old Milo is, once again, spending the winter holidays stuck in a house full of guests who are not what they seem. There are fresh clues to uncover as friends old and new join in his search for a mysterious map. The exciting ending to the beloved book is sure to thrill both fans and newcomers.Marge in Charge by Isla FisherJemima and Jake Button dont know what to make of their new babysitter, Marge. When she first arrives, shes dressed like a grandma and looks very serious. But as soon as Mommy and Dad are gone, Marge lets down her hair and the adventures begin. Jemima and Jake arent supposed to shoot apple juice out of water guns, or throw impromptu (即兴的) concerts during music classbut with Marge here, everythings gone messy!Max Tilt: Fire the Depths by Peter LerangisWhen 13 year old Max Tilt finds his great-great-grandfather Jules Vernes unfinished, unpublished manuscript (手稿), The Lost Treasures, he doesnt realize that hes found the answers to all his problems. He realizes that the book holds the key to something incredibly valuable. A treasure that can save his house and maybe his entire family.1、Why did a Confederate soldier enter the familys farm?AHe was injured.BHe wanted to search for a mysterious map.CHe desired to destroy the farm.DHe was familiar with Haswells brother.2、What might happen after Mom and Dad leave?AMarge becomes more cruel.BMarge dresses herself like a grandma.CJemima and Jake will make apple juice.DJemima and Jake start doing something crazy.3、What can be learned from the last paragraph?AMax Tilt is fond of reading fictions.BMax Tilts family
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