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玉溪市通海县2023年考研英语一预测密卷Section I Use of EnglishDirections:Read the following text. Choose the best word(s) for each numbered blank and mark A, B, C or D on the ANSWER SHEET. (10 points)The sun shines brightly as I leave school, get into my car, and head for Bradley Hospital. This year, as a senior at Seekonk High School, I have been given the opportunity to leave the usual classroom setting once a week to volunteer.I 1 to spend this valuable time working with mentally disabled children at Bradley Childrens Hospital. I work 2 a teacher in the outpatient/pre-school section, in a classroom with two children a classroom very different from 3 I have ever known. The difference of this classroom is 4 the children have been diagnosed with a mental disease. One child isautistic and non-verbal(自闭和不说话的), using supportive 5 The other has a condition called PDD (one step above autism), and is 6 non-verbal. Both children require strong 7 and a lot of attention. This combination creates an atmosphere which is both demanding and sympathetic.My 8 in the classroom is not only to help the teacher, but to become part of the childrens 9 experience. I work one-on-one completing academics with a student. 10 , we work as a group on such activities as cooking, artwork, abstract reasoning. Everyday activities, which may be taken for granted by others, 11 a lot of strength from the children. This has opened my eyes vastly.One of the 12 reasons why I volunteer to take the work is that I desire to help those who are less 13 However, it has also helped me to realize my competence. I now know that I have the 14 to work with the disabled. I have lost my fear, and I 15 myself a lot more.It is true that my work is very 16 ; there are many days that I 17 Bradley exhausted emotionally and physically. There have been times when I have left on the edge of tears 18 But pity doesnt heal, love does. And I have grown to love these children in my own way, 19 I see them only once a week. This experience has been both rewarding and satisfying. Ive learned also that I do have the ability to make a difference in their lives, no matter how small it may be. One smile makes it all 20 1、ApromiseBclaimCbotherDchoose2、AforBonCalongsideDbesides3、AitBoneCthe otherDwhich4、AthatBwhatCwhetherDhow5、AtransportationBcommunicationCapplicationDdirection6、AsimplyBcompletelyCfrequentlyDnaturally7、AtreatmentBcommitmentCmotivationDsympathy8、AchoiceBwishCdecisionDrole9、AagriculturalBprofessionalCtechnologicalDeducational10、AAdditionallyBFinallyCEventuallyDGradually11、Aget backBbuild upCcall forDpick out12、AchiefBlegalCawkwardDvital13、AunforgettableBfortunateChopelessDactive14、AhonorBopportunityCcourageDability15、Abelieve inBlaugh atCworry aboutDcare for16、AdepressingBchallengingCinspiringDrelaxing17、AapproachBvisitCleaveDdesert18、Aas wellBso farCin timeDat all19、Aif onlyBeven thoughCnow thatDin case20、AamusingBenjoyableCcostlyDworthwhileSection II Reading ComprehensionPart ADirections:Read the following four texts. Answer the questions below each text by choosing A, B, C or D. Mark your answers on the ANSWER SHEET. (40 points)Text 1The following are advertisements for books from A. If you are interested in one of them, you can contact us. Surely, youll find every penny of yours is worth it, because they are all best sellers.The Silent Wife: An emotional page turner with a twist that will take your breath awayFeb 24, 2017 by Kerry FisherPaperback$6. 64 save you $4.35FREE Shipping on qualified ordersIn stockMake Your Bed: Little Things That Can Change Your life. And Maybe the World Apr 4, 2017 by William H. McRavenHardcover$10.40 save you $7.6FREE Shipping on qualified ordersMore Buying Choices $6.16.Furiously Happy: A Funny Book About Horrible ThingsFeb 7, 2017 by Jenny LawsonPaperback$5.95 save you$10.04FREE Shipping on qualified ordersMore Buying Choices $5.52Hardcover$15.19 save you $11.80FREE Shipping on qualified ordersMagpie Murders: A Novel: this brilliant, attractive thriller weaves a classic mystery story worthy of Agatha Christie into an original modern-day mystery.Mar 27, 2018 by Anthony HorowitzPaperback$11.59 save you $5.4FREE Shipping on qualified ordersAvailable for pre-order. This item will be released on March 27, 2018.1、Which of the following books save you the most?AFuriously HappyBMake Your BedCThe Silent WifeDMagpie Murders2、Which of the following books can be ordered in advance?AThe Silent WifeBMake Your BedCFuriously HappyDMagpie Murders3、What do all the books have in common?AThey are all best sellers of the same year.BThey all have hardcover and paperback.CT
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