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2023年青岛市胶州市考研英语一巅峰冲刺试卷Section I Use of EnglishDirections:Read the following text. Choose the best word(s) for each numbered blank and mark A, B, C or D on the ANSWER SHEET. (10 points) It started four years ago. My wife would see a 1 man near where she worked. It was the week before Christmas and she said she wanted to purchase a new coat for him because his coat was 2 . We dont have a lot of 3 . We are really a step away from being homeless in rags most months but we try to 4 when we can.We talked and found a way to get some money together to 5 him a coat. I 6 that since we were giving a coat to him, we should look at what else he might 7 . We decided to fill a 8 with some useful 9 thingsa toothbrush, soap, clothes, a hat, gloves and some food. A small gift and Christmas card was put in it as well.We havent had money to exchange 10 for birthdays or Christmas for many years, too. It feels wonderful to have someone 11 you at Christmas but Ive always been a little 12 when friends ask “What did you get for Christmas?” It always makes my wife feel bad that she cant 13 to give me anything and I feel the same. So I would 14 and say she bought me this thing or that. But that year we could say we 15 something to others instead and thats 16 what happened.People asked and we said what we did. They also wanted to help the following 17 and we made ten more backpacks the following Christmas, and this year we really 18 the gifts.I still cant afford to buy my wife some gifts to 19 on Christmas day, but the 20 we feel makes up for it ten times!1、AsickBgenerousChomelessDenergetic2、AlooseBshabbyClargeDtight3、AmoneyBpowerCtimeDtrouble4、ArecoverBbargainCescapeDhelp5、AbuyBmakeCshowDlend6、AcommandedBinsistedCregrettedDwarned7、AignoreBstoreCdislikeDneed8、AbackpackBroomCsuitcaseDcar9、AleftBexternalCdailyDcheap10、AprinciplesBgiftsCopinionsDcongratulations11、Athink ofBturn toCrely onDstand for12、ApleasedBcontradictoryCembarrassedDcontent13、AexpectBrejectCwaitDafford14、AadmitBlieCdebateDdisagree15、AcomparedBexposedCpresentedDsold16、AbrieflyBhardlyCfinallyDexactly17、AyearBmonthCdayDseason18、AremovedBreplacedCaddedDdecorated19、AwearBopenCeatDjudge20、ApeaceBsorrowCattitudeDjoySection II Reading ComprehensionPart ADirections:Read the following four texts. Answer the questions below each text by choosing A, B, C or D. Mark your answers on the ANSWER SHEET. (40 points)Text 1Apple announced its new iPhones last week, but competitors mobile phones can do many of the same things for less money.The new iPhone 8 and X have wireless charging, edge-to-edge glass screen and double cameras. But all of these features are already available in smart phones from Chinas Huawei and Oppo, and Koreas Samsung. While Apple asks buyers to pay $1,000 for its high-end model, some Asian phone makers can offer similar features for less.At one time, Chinese manufacturers copied features and designs from others to produce low-cost phones. But they have now added high-end features to their phones and they control nearly half the global mobile phone market.Media MarktSaturn is Europes biggest electronics seller. A spokesperson for the store told Reuters that,“Huawei is seen as a relevant competitor to Apple and Samsung by covering all major price points and placing big investments in marketing and sales. She also said that the Chinese companies Huawei, ZTE, Lenovo and TCL were among the top-10 best-selling smart phones in its stores.Chinese manufacturers fast growth has been fueled by strong sales in China. But they now export 40 percent of their smart phones. That is almost double the number from just three years ago, according to the Hong Kong investment company CLSAHuawei is currently the worlds third largest phone maker behind Samsung and Apple. According to research company Canalys, the Chinese company is getting closer to second-place Apple and might overtake it later this year. Huawei plans to show its top-of-the-line Mate 10 phone on Oct. 16. The phone will have artificial intelligence features such as instant translation and image recognition and will cost less than $1,000.Other Chinese companies are looking to enter the high-end smart phone market.1、What is the text mainly about?ASmart phones manufacturers. BApple smart phones features.CAsian phone makers fast growth. DCompetition among Asian phone makers.2、Which is NOT among the top 3 phone makers in the world?ATCL. BSamsung.CApple. DHuawei.3、What do we know from the text?AHuewei will have overtaken Apple by later 2017.BChinese makers phones with high-end features cost less.CThe top-10 smart phones are to e
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