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考研英语一2023年湖北省黄冈市英山县全真模拟试卷Section I Use of EnglishDirections:Read the following text. Choose the best word(s) for each numbered blank and mark A, B, C or D on the ANSWER SHEET. (10 points)This economy has really got a lot of people moving and not always by a choice they wanted to make. My wife and I now find ourselves among those unfortunates feeling that 1 At the end of last year, our customers just 2 We had to make the painful decision to 3 our office and put our house up for 4 We havent lived in it for two years yet and expected it would be the 5 one for a long time. How 6 this world economic mess is changing our lives!As I get older, I find moving less adventurous and more 7 . This time, were in the process of moving without knowing where well 8 next. Job searching has been thrown into the quagmire(困境) of an unsettled life. Both my wife and I had been feeling pretty 9 from all this. Ive been challenged to find the positive in all this down thats 10 us.But then it happened while I watched my wife 11 things up. Shes an absolute whiz(能手) when it comes to packing. I took delight in watching her 12 just the right boxes for 13 in front of her and filling in the 14 with pillows and towels. I began feeling something like a wind lift me up and sail me through my own 15 of the packing and loading.Some friends will be helping us with the 16 Ive told them that theyre not 17 friends but gaining some new vacation spots.I have 18 that well get through this transition finally. We all will always have work to do, by choice or 19 , and we can also consciously make the effort to create a sense of 20 in a new place.1、ApressureBpleasureCheatDchance2、Astayed upBturned upCdried upDcame up3、AopenBcloseCvisitDpaint4、AhelpBcomparisonCdecorationDsale5、AlastBnextConlyDspecial6、AlittleBquicklyCfrequentlyDwell7、AdangerousBcommonCstressfulDinteresting8、AreturnBarriveCstudyDprepare9、ArelaxedBexcitedCashamedDdepressed10、AimprovingBencouragingCbeatingDkilling11、ApackingBwashingCpullingDdividing12、Abring upBkeep upCsize upDset up13、AothersBnothingCanotherDeverything14、AcarsBgapsCtanksDholes15、AboatBshareCwishDpromise16、AsettlingBcookingCcleaningDmoving17、AvaluingBlosingCinvitingDmaking18、AideaBfaithCfeelingDopinion19、AotherwiseBindeedCworseDrather20、ApanicBconnectionChumorDhomeSection II Reading ComprehensionPart ADirections:Read the following four texts. Answer the questions below each text by choosing A, B, C or D. Mark your answers on the ANSWER SHEET. (40 points)Text 1We all know what it is like to be unable to turn your head because of a cold in the muscles (肌肉) of your neck, or because an unexpected twist (扭曲) has made your neck ache. The slightest move makes you jump with pain. Nothing could be worse than a pain in the neck.That is why we use the phrase to describe some people who give you the same feeling. We have all met such people.One is the man who always seems to be clapping his handsoften at the wrong timeduring a performance in the theater. He keeps you from hearing the actors.Even worse are those who can never arrive before the curtain goes up and the play begins. They come hurrying down to your row of seats. You are comfortably settled down, with your hat and heavy coat in your lap. You must stand up to let them pass. You are proud of yourself-control after they have settled into their seats.Well, what now . God, one of them is up again. He forgot to go to the men s room, and once more you have to stand up, hanging on to your hat and coat to let him pass. Now, that is a pain in the neck.Another, well-known to us all, is the person sitting behind you in the movies. His mouth is full of popcorn (爆米花); he is chewing (嚼) loudly, or talking between bites to friends next to him. None of them remain still. Up and down, back and forth, they go for another bag of popcorn, or something to drink.Then, there is the man sitting next to you at lunch, smoking. He wants you to enjoy it too, and blows smoke across your food into your mouth.We must not forget the man who comes into a bus or subway and sits down next to you, just as close as you will let him. You are reading the newspaper and he gets closer so that he can read the paper with you. He may even turn the paper to the next page before you are ready for it.We also call such a person a rubber neck, always getting close to where it does not belong, like neighbors who watch all your visitors. They enjoy learning about your personal business. People have a strong dislike for rubber necks. They hate being watched secretly.1、According to the passage, how do you feel when late comers walk back and forth in front of you in a cinema?ADisturbed. BBored.C
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