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考研英语一2023年泗洪县预测试卷Section I Use of EnglishDirections:Read the following text. Choose the best word(s) for each numbered blank and mark A, B, C or D on the ANSWER SHEET. (10 points)完型填空(共20小题;每小题1分,满分20分)阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项。Hey, Tahlia! Hows the model? I had just taken a bite of my hot dog _21_ I heard a familiar voice yelling at me from across the crowded school yard. I saw a group of popular girls who were all _22_. What kind of _23_ are you going to do? An ad for a Frankenstein movie? More laughter. My stomach twisted into a tight knot. How could they humiliate (羞辱) me like this, _24_ the entire school? As I walked into the cafeteria, I _25_ the dark scars on my right hand. At 9 months old, I knocked over a tea pot and dumped boiling water allover my hands and stomach. My parents _26_ me to the hospital, but I had to have skin graft (移植) operation. I was in so much pain! But what _27_ me most were the cruel things people said about how I looked, _28_ that day at lunch. The girls were being supermean to me because theyd heard I was considering doing some modeling. A close friend had suggested that I shouldnt let my scars limit me and that I might _29_ a good model. But after that _30_ at school, I was sure Id made a huge mistake. Upon arriving home, I covered the mirror with a blanket, fell on my bed and sobbed. The next day, I _31_ myself to go to school. At lunch my best friend Jesse tried to encourage me: You cant _32_ forever, Tahlia. So what if you have a few scars? Just go outside and show them that youre just as good as they are. Although I knew he was right, I couldnt _33_ standing up for myself like that. However, that night as I sat on the bed, my friends words replayed in my mind. Im _34_ hiding from myself, I thought. How stupid! Slowly, I stood up, walked over to the _35_, and tossed the blanket aside. There, in the mirror I saw a slim, dark-haired, blue-eyed girl, looking just fine, _36_ with a few scars. The next day I wore a comfortable T-shirt to school. Whats more, I had lunch outside the cafeteria, _37_ beside those mean girls. They were shocked that I should dare to walk into their territory. I felt _38_ toofree and happy. Sometimes people still look at me strangely. They _39_ and stare, but I dont let it get to me. I have applied to several modeling companies, and at least one company is considering me for jobs. Maybe Ill never _40_ posing on the runway, but I do know one thing: Im done. 1、 Aas Bwhen Cwhile Dbefore 2、Aapplauding Bcheering Claughing Dquarreling 3、 Amodeling Bwriting Cdrilling Dacting 4、 Ain spite of Bin view of Cin terms of Din front of 5、Alooked into Bsearched for Cwondered aboutDglanced at 6、Apresented Bsent CrushedDhanded 7、 AhurtBbeat Cdisappointed Dpuzzled 8、 Afor Blike Con Dafter 9、AimpressBmake Cconsult Ddefeat 10、Aeffect Bphenomenon Cchallenge Dscene 11、 Aforced Bexpected Creminded Dpreferred 12、 Aapologize Bbeg Chide Dcomplain 13、Aconsider Bimagine Cappreciate Dresist14、 Ahardly Bever Ceven Dgradually15、 Ablanket Bbed Cchair Dmirror16、 Awhile Bthough Cbut Dbecause17、 Aright Bstill Ctherefore Danyhow18、Asensitive Buncomfortable Cdifferent Dtense19、Acompare Bassociate Cwave Dwhisper20、Agive up Bend up Cput up Dset upSection II Reading ComprehensionPart ADirections:Read the following four texts. Answer the questions below each text by choosing A, B, C or D. Mark your answers on the ANSWER SHEET. (40 points)Text 1 The arm bones of women who lived 7,000 years ago show a surprising level of strength-even higher than todays professional athletes. Thats according to a first-ever study comparing prehistoric(史前的) bones to those of living people. The finding suggests a revision of history- the everyday lives of prehistoric women were filled with hard labor, rather than just sitting at home doing lighter tasks while the men struggled and fought for life.“Before the study, there are no clear records describing how our ancient ancestors lived. It can be easy to forget that bone is a living tissue, one that responds to the difficulties we put our bodies through,” said lead author Alison Macintosh. “Physical force and muscle activity both put pressure on the bone. The bone reacts by changing in shape, thickness and other aspects over time.”Previous studies only compared female bones to contemporary male bones, the researchers said-and thats a problem, because the response of male bones to stress and change is much bigger than that of women. For instance, as humans moved from a hunter-gatherer lifestyle constantly on the move to a more settled agrarian(农耕的) one, changes can be observed i
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