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考研英语一2023年湘阴县预测试题Section I Use of EnglishDirections:Read the following text. Choose the best word(s) for each numbered blank and mark A, B, C or D on the ANSWER SHEET. (10 points)阅读下面短文,掌握其大意。然后从各题所给的选项中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。The three youths leaned over the metal rails along the sea-wall and watched a few fishermen pull in their nets. About thirty metres away, a boat pulled alongside the slippery steps leading 1 to the seaHey, look!exclaimed (惊叫) Rahim. Those two men are 2 heavy rocks. I thought we no longer do muscle labour in this technological 3 .You do not 4 a crane (起重机) to unload less than a dozen rocks, do you?smiled JoshuaBut those men do not 5 to have muscles at all,said Michael, rather surprised Joshua smiledThey are 6 labourers who know how to spread the weight of the rocks they 7 . See how the man positions the rock just at the slope of his 8 . Some of the rocks weight is set 9 his head, some on the right hand and some on the left hand His body isnt bent. His legs are well 10 .Youre right, Josh. He may have a small build, 11 he certainly well knows his job Dear me! And to think we have been studying 12 ! Rahim thought about all that was happening Suddenly, he said, Technology wont 13 the human being completely, it appears.I dont think it will. 14 Joshua You can harvest a crop of potatoes or wheat with one of those large, multi-purpose tractors, but you 15 use that equipment to harvest tea leaves and tomatoes, will you?You can get a computer to 16 multiple-choice assessments, but you cannot get the computer to produce or assess essays, can you?asked Michael.Well, the washing machine leaves my shirt collar quite as 17 as ever thats domestic technology for you!said Rahim.One day, perhaps, there wont be anybody 18 who can carry a large rock the way those men do. Its not going to be a very 19 world, Im afraidsighed Michael.Youre too much of a pessimist (悲观主义者), Mikesaid Joshua 20 will always be other things that will make the world exciting1、AthroughBacrossCdownDup2、AloadingBunloadingCcoveringDuncovering3、AwayBrevolutionCprocessDera4、AaskBexpectCattemptDhope5、AhappenBfailChaveDseem6、AambitiousBexperiencedCpotentialDenergetic7、AtakeBfetchCcarryDbring8、AshoulderBbackCchestDarms9、AonBagainstCtowardDunder10、AsupportedBgraspedCplacedDstrengthened11、AbutBhoweverCsoDtherefore12、AchemistryBphysicsCbiologyDpsychology13、AcontrolBaffectCremoveDreplace14、AagreedBproposedCrefusedDdenied15、AcantBmustntCwontDneednt16、Apoint outBtake outChand outDprint out17、AdirtyBcleanColdDnew18、AcaughtBarrangedCleftDconvinced19、AexcitingBmysteriousCtechnologicalDmodern20、AThatBThisCTheyDThereSection II Reading ComprehensionPart ADirections:Read the following four texts. Answer the questions below each text by choosing A, B, C or D. Mark your answers on the ANSWER SHEET. (40 points)Text 1Emma Watson entered our lives as the perfect Hermione Granger in 2001, and 16 years later, were just as much in love with this charming, intelligent British girl, as ever. You may or may not be a Potter head, but a lot of people are charmed by Emma Watsons perfection.Despite being a star performer at the young age of 11, shes never gone the Hollywood spoiled child route. In fact, she made all attempts to stay as normal as possible. She said, “Ignoring fame was my rebellion, in a funny way. I was insistent on being normal and doing normal things. It probably wasnt advisable to go to college in America and room with a complete stranger. And it probably wasnt wise to share a bathroom with eight oilier people in a dormitory. Looking back, I think that was crazy.”She added, “I was very well-educated. My dad paid for me to go to a very good school, so I worked hard every single day at that school to make him proud of me. And I did, and I still do.”If we had to imagine what Hermione Granger would have grown up to be like, we would say shed be the Emma Watson of the Potter universe because there really is no way to separate the two. In the last few years, Emma has added more feathers to her cap than we imagined being humanly possible, which include actor, scholar, model arid UN Women Goodwill Ambassador. In her role as a UN Women Goodwill Ambassador, shed supported powerful causes to the best of her ability and brought them all the attention they deserve.Emma Watson gave us the most accurate description of our favorite girl from the Potter universe. “Young girls are told you have to be a delicate princess. Hermione taught them that you can be a warrior.”1、After Emma Watson became an actress, she .Afollowed most of the Hollywood child routeBhad a preference for a nor
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